At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun and others looked at the origin of divine blood.

The breath of the origin of divine blood is completely different from the breath of fusion blood they used to feel.

For example, the fusion breath on the thirteen wolf teeth has different emphases.

For example, the wolf tooth on the far right contains the power of terrible fire. Even if there is little blood left, as long as you get close, you will feel hot. If you stick your hand on the wolf tooth, you will even be burned.

The third wolf tooth on the right side is comfortable and quiet.

Although the flavor of these wolf teeth is complex, they have different emphases, and play a certain emphasis to the limit effect.

The origin of the breath of God's blood is completely different.

It's not complicated.

If you feel the breath carefully, it seems more pure and can only be described as perfect!

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed silently in his heart.

I don't know how lucky the four spirits gate was at the beginning, but it was able to obtain such gods

Luo Zheng clearly originated from the power of divine blood.

But no matter how powerful it is, if you don't use it for yourself, it's useless.

Moreover, the origin of God blood has its own preferences, who knows when it makes the wrong choice.

What's more, it can devour itself and take its place.

After cutting the wound on his arm, he said, "I don't know what your position is, and I don't know if you can understand. These wolf teeth can help Monkey King wake up. If you stand on the opposite side of Monkey King, then continue to act silly. If you are willing to help Monkey King, then restore the blood of wolf teeth!"

It's the most direct way to have a dialogue with your own blood.

Unable to control the origin of blood, it is also the only choice.

Several Terran heroes also showed a helpless smile on their faces.

This is really a first-time anecdote.

I have a dialogue with my blood, and I also ask for blood, which is really helpless.

Of course, Luo Zheng is more helpless than them.

But soon there was a movement in the origin of God's blood, and a drop of the origin of God's blood dropped from Luo Zheng's wound!

This is the first time that Luo Zheng has seen the original blood leave voluntarily since he fused the original blood!

It obeyed its request!

Luo Zheng was also excited.


This drop of blood is very heavy.

It's just a drop of blood the size of a soybean, but it sounds like an apple landing on the ground.

Then the origin of God blood rolled towards the nearest wolf tooth, and immediately jumped into the wolf tooth.

A little.

The smell of the wolf tooth gradually became strong.

It's like an old man returning to his youth.

The surface of the wolf tooth glows again, and the cracks heal by themselves!

At the same time, it exudes amazing breath!

This breath filled the cave, almost let the presence of the Terran heroes breathless.

"Is this the true face of wolf tooth?" Fu Xi exclaimed.

"This is what the monkey king should have!" At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun said excitedly.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun also studied the wolf tooth for a long time. He always felt that the wolf tooth itself was too weak to match the monkey king.

Now after Langya recovered, Yuanshi Tianzun realized that it was powerful.

The boundary originally arranged in the cave can't trap the smell of the wolf tooth. The empty ancient nature guarding outside the cave feels it.

Although Konggu, XiaGu and Cungu agreed to Yuanshi Tianzun's request, they didn't expect much in their hearts.

Now Konggu noticed the smell of one of the wolf teeth, and his face was filled with three words of disbelief.

"These humans..."

"Restored the bitter tooth?"

"Can they really fix it?"

Kong Gu exclaimed a few words and rushed to the cave.


This cave can be decorated with several powerful boundaries.

Of course, it's not difficult to smash these borders with Konggu's strength.

But Konggu promised Yuanshi Tianzun that no matter what happened, the monkey owners would not be allowed to pry into the secrets of the cave.

It stifled the impulse to break the border and prayed silently in its heart.

No matter what strange means you use, please restore the remaining 12 wolf teeth

In the process of empty ancient begging, that drop of blood from the origin of God came out of the wolf's tooth and jumped into the second wolf's tooth. Soon the second wolf's tooth was repaired, and the breath also penetrated the border!

The third

The fourth

The fifth

In the cave, the shock in the hearts of the heroes of the human race is no less than that of Konggu.

They want to come here for the origin of God's blood. If they want to repair the 13 wolf teeth, it will cost a lot of money.

But it turned out to be a slap in the face.

It's just a drop of blood from beginning to end!A drop of blood from the God of origin will complete the restoration of 13 wolf teeth.

Moreover, after repairing the wolf's teeth with this drop of blood, he jumped back into Luo Zheng's wound again, and at the same time, he did not forget to release a force of life to repair the wound.

"This blood It's really fine! " Chiyou sighed.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun said with a smile, "thanks to Luo Zheng, the whole process is extraordinarily smooth. I hope the next step will be smooth as well..."

Repairing a wolf's tooth is a big deal.

Monkey owners may not think about it, but I'm afraid it's hard to deceive Monkey King, even some of them.

In the view of the monkey spirit king, once he wakes up, he will infer the origin of blood.

Now that we have reached this point, there is no hesitation.

Next, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun removed all the boundaries, and Konggu rushed in.

When it saw thirteen shining wolf teeth, it was so excited that it could hardly speak, and then it sent the message back to ghost mountain.

After Dagu was killed, he came back to life in the ghost mountain. He was busy commanding the monkey master and the ghost priests to repair the ghost mountain.

I heard that thirteen wolf teeth were really repaired, and I came here in a hurry.

In fact, all the monkey owners came out and gathered in the cave.

In addition to his excitement, Dagu also had a little doubt in his heart.

At that time, Dagu was also the favorite in the eternal court. It can know that the thirteen wolf teeth were restored with the help of the blood of the origin God.

Do these people have the blood of God?

This possibility is more absurd than repairing wolf teeth.

I didn't go on with it.

Soon a monkey master took out a long hemp rope from the ghost mountain.

After the hemp rope runs through the end of the wolf tooth, the thirteen Jue true tooth chain is completely restored.

The monkey masters flew over the monkey king with their thirteen true teeth chains.

They don't dare to be too close to the monkey king. After all, the monkey king has just experienced a crisis, and his consciousness in the dream is very alert to every move of the outside world.

If there is a slight disturbance, the monkey king will fight back.


The huge 13 Jue real tooth chain was put on the neck of the monkey king.

In his dream, the monkey king is hard to judge other things, because he can't observe them, but he can see his obsession very clearly.

It saw 13 wolf teeth clearly appear on the edge of "dream" and drill into the "dream" world.

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