Luo Zheng didn't expect that the monkey spirit king would bring himself back to the ghost mountain for these wolf teeth.

The monkey king just woke up

When the monkey king entered the ghost mountain, he moved all his assets into the mountain.

These nine wolf teeth have always been the object of his mind. If he has the chance, he will surely give his blood power.

Now seeing that Luo Zheng has repaired 13 wolf teeth by himself, he will not miss this opportunity.

But Luo Zheng was stunned for a while and then said, "I'm afraid I can't do it."

"Why?" Asked the monkey king.

"The origin of divine blood is beyond my control," Luo said.

In fact, Luo Zheng even wanted to ask the monkey king how to use the origin of God's blood.

I didn't expect that the monkey king would come and ask himself.

The monkey spirit king didn't believe Luo Zheng's words, so he said, "I don't like forcing people. You can make a higher price."

"It's true," Luo Zheng said with a sincere face. "It's more like a temporary sojourn in my body. I can't control its ability. Before that, repairing your wolf's teeth of monkey spirit king was completely the behavior of God's blood."

Monkey spirit king did not expect to get such an answer, huge eyes stare.

Luo Zheng continued, "I hope the monkey spirit king can give some advice on how to control the origin of God's blood."

After all, houling king is one of the four strong and founder of silingmen. His understanding of the origin of divine blood should be far better than Luo Zheng.

"How could this happen?" Asked the monkey king.

"It's true," Luo said.

"Let me see!"

The monkey spirit king raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the ghost mountain, searching for the memory of the origin of God's blood.

When Luo Zheng saw the monkey king like this, he was full of expectation.

But after a while, the monkey spirit king patted his brain. "The origin of divine blood was obtained by the bird hunter. All the abilities of the origin of divine blood were summed up by the bitter tree. The eternal divine court was built by sin. I, I don't seem to understand it at all..."

In the beginning, each of the four gatekeepers performed his own duties.

Bird spirit king "hunting" is responsible for exploration, human spirit king "kushu" is good at research, snake spirit king "sin" is responsible for strategy.

Only the monkey king didn't need to know anything. He would rush ahead.

Even the monkey masters under the monkey king's throne, monkey spirits are also of this character.

They're not good at thinking, they're more talented at fighting.

If any powerful weapon is built in the four spirit gate, it will be used by the monkey spirit gate for the first time.

Even the thirteen Jue real tooth chain is also the blood power that the king of human spirit kushu helped it fuse.

In the face of monkey spirit king's reply, Luo Zheng is full of black lines.

What does not seem to understand, you do not understand!

The powerful king of monkey spirit is a wild man

Luo Zhengzheng was disappointed. The monkey king seemed to think of something. "Kushu had some information about the origin of divine blood. It seems that there is something in the ghost mountain..."

The important resources in the four spirit gates are shared.

When there is something new in renlingmen, we will prepare a copy for houlingmen.

There are also some information about the origin of divine blood, but no one pays attention to it.

The monkey king won't pay attention. Dagu, Konggu and XiaGu are not interested either.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, when Tianzun was confined in the ghost mountain, he asked Dagu and Konggu for information about the fusion of blood.

Dagu, they are worse than the monkey king. They can't remember that there is such a thing in the ghost mountain. From this point of view, the monkey king is better than the monkey owners.

"Can I have a look at the information?" Luo Zheng's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Yes," said the monkey king.

Houling King's use of the power of thirteen blood vessels has reached the stage of perfection.

At the same time, thirteen kinds of blood forces are used to squeeze the power of the real tooth chain to the limit, and the power of terror breaks out.

If you get 22 kinds of blood power, it's enough to make the monkey spirit king's strength to a higher level.

It hopes that Luo Zheng can control the origin of God's blood and help it.

"I'm afraid I can't do it alone. I can find two other people to brainstorm," Luo Zheng asked.

"No problem!" Monkey spirit king agreed to come down.

A quarter of an hour later, the monkey owners went to Yejian island and brought Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa benzun.

They don't know why Luo Zheng was called into the ghost mountain. They all look at Luo Zheng with consulting eyes.

Luo Zheng will monkey spirit king's request roughly said once.

As the leader of the ghost mountain, monkey spirit king was omniscient and omnipotent in the eyes of the original emperor Tianzun and Nuwa benzun.

It is the master of the four spirit gate and the master of all creation.

But I don't even know my blood?

Listen to Luo Zheng's tone, seem to know nothing!

They felt very strange in their hearts, but there was no expression on their faces.They are almost happy to read the information about the origin of divine blood, which should be the core information in the four spirits sect.

Soon the three of them sent several monkey owners into a hall on the top floor of ghost mountain.

The hall is covered with thick dust. It seems that monkey owners have never set foot here.

Kong Gu followed the crowd and went to the end of the hall. He touched the wall gently and said, "hum, hum..." From the wall, there was a rectangular sarcophagus springing out of the wall, and in that sarcophagus there were square pieces of stone carved with Sanskrit the size of a fist.

"These are the records about the origin of God's blood. You can read them and pay attention to the other sarcophagus on the wall," Konggu told him.

The other sarcophagus on the wall records the history, unique knowledge and blood magic power of houlingmen.

Although the arrangement is very complete, the monkey owners have never read

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun and Nuwa could hardly wait to take out the square stone pieces from the sarcophagus.

They have been in the ghost mountain for so long, and they know Sanskrit very well.

But after all, it is not a living creature in the main world. It takes several hours to read a Sanskrit completely, which is inefficient and inaccurate.

After glancing at Sanskrit, they both looked at Luo Zheng

Luo Zheng understood and asked Tianzhi to hold the core of civilization and began to decipher the content on the stone.

While deciphering, Luo Zheng interpreted the content to them.

According to the records on the stone.

The origin of divine blood comes from an exploration of "hunting" by the king of bird spirits.

In that exploration, Shou lost his way and got into a "time dish".

The time and space in the main boundary are different from what Luo Zheng understood. Therefore, Luo Zheng, the emperor Tianzun and Nu Wa could not imagine what the "time dish" was. They could only roughly guess that it was in a vessel related to time.

The origin of divine blood is obtained in the "time dish".

At that time, the silingmen had a large scale, but it was far from dominating the main world.

After the four spirit gates got the origin of God's blood, human spirit, bird spirit, snake spirit and monkey spirit were endowed with all kinds of abilities, and their strength improved rapidly!

But no matter the king of human spirit, kushu, or the king of snake spirit, they are not reconciled to this. The energy contained in the origin of God's blood is almost infinite, and they want to get stronger power from it.

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