The more powerful the creature is, the fewer individuals there are.

Both the secondary world and the main world follow this rule.

Although they are not strong enough individuals, the bitter tree does not give up.

They used herons to consume the "repulsive power" of the origin of God's blood, and when it was almost consumed, they replaced those powerful individuals for experiments.

This alternative failed in the end.

The repulsive force originated from divine blood has a strange cognitive ability. If the egret that was blasted by it before, it must always be a egret. If it is replaced by a living creature, the repulsive force will quickly recover as before, and it must start from the beginning.

This strange phenomenon is called "repulsive force reconstruction" phenomenon, which is recorded in great detail by the stone tablet.

After the road to continue to strengthen the root level blood was blocked, kushu immediately turned its direction and tried blood fusion.

When Luo Zheng translated here, Tianzun's face was slightly moved. "It turns out that renling King began to try blood fusion so early."

In the beginning, Tianzun tried countless times in the ghost mountain. He knew the difficulty of blood fusion.

It's not difficult to fuse the two kinds of blood together, but after the fusion of the two kinds of blood, the ability of blood will repel each other and become extremely unstable!

Some of the fusion blood can only maintain a few breathing time, longer also only a few hours.

After a long time, Yuanshi Tianzun was able to control several kinds of fusion blood for several months without disintegration.

This kind of blood can't be used, but its purpose is to help monkey owners wake up Monkey King, so usability is not considered.

In contrast, the condition of kushu is much better than that of Tianzun.

Most of these people around Yuanshi Tianzun absorbed the source level blood, and only a few of them had the source level blood.

Through a large number of experiments, silingmen has all kinds of source blood and source blood.

The selection range of kushu is much larger than that of Yuanshi Tianzun!

There are so many source level blood, the source level blood can be selected by him.

And kushu is not alone

Although the process of his fusion is extremely complex, he eventually got four fusion blood.

Those are the four primary blood lines that Luo Zheng once saw.

The power of the four origin level blood is further enhanced. Those who can fuse are the best of heaven, and can be reused by the four spirit gates!

Of course, in addition to the four original blood lines, later on, they gained some fusion blood lines.

The power of blood fusion is not uncommon, but kushu did not disclose it, only used it on a very small number of people.

Among them, the monkey king fusion is the most, a total of 13 species.

"All the thirteen kinds of blood were given to the monkey spirit king. This is the origin of the thirteen Jue true tooth chain..." Nuwa said.

"Right," Luo Zheng nodded, "so it seems that there is no trick to merge blood, that is, you can succeed by constantly trying and making mistakes."

Now it's obvious that there is no such condition on Yejian island.

Not to mention the night Island, not in the whole chaotic world.

The number of source level blood in the immortal picture is also uneven.

If you have to get the fusion blood, you can only use a drop of original blood to start from the beginning, which will cost a lot of time.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa benzun also knew that it was impossible. Nuwa benzun said, "continue to look down and find other clues."

Now Luo Zheng has deciphered six pieces of square stones, and there are more than ten pieces of square stones in the sarcophagus.

"The tablet record is signed here," Luo Zheng said, pointing to the lower right corner of the tablet.

"What is the signature?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

"Ren Ling men, Da Jue Fu," Luo Zheng recited.

Nu Wa Ben Zun eyebrows a Cu, "this is what ghost name?"

There are many prefectures under renlingmen. They already know it, but it's the first time they've heard the name of this mansion.

"I don't know. I'll ask..."

Luo Zheng went to the door, and Konggu was waiting here, looking bored.

"Master Kong Gu," Luo Zheng said.

Kong Gu gave him a cold glance, "what's the matter?"

"I don't know if you've ever heard of renlingmen's mansion?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Big what mansion?" Kong Gu asked.

"The great house of conjecture," answered Luo Zheng.

"It's a strange name. There are all kinds of mansions in renling gate. It makes people confused," Kong Gu replied.

"Thank you, Master Kong Gu..."

These monkey spirits really have no brains. No wonder they were the first to be calculated by the snake spirit gate.

No matter what the "great conjecture mansion" does, at least the stone tablets are recorded by them. If they can know so many secrets about the origin of divine blood, the position of the great conjecture mansion in the human spirit gate is probably not low.

Then Luo Zheng continued to dig out the seventh piece of stone and began to decipher it.

The appearance of the origin blood makes the strength of the four spirit gate leap again!The power of the four original blood vessels is stronger than the single ability given by the original blood!

The only problem is that the four original blood lines need considerable understanding. Many people have failed to fully understand them all their lives, so they can't integrate them naturally.

But once integrated, we can basically walk horizontally in the main world!

In pursuit of this step, kushu's achievements have been amazing

Although "Shou" brought back the origin of God blood, kushu carried forward the origin of God blood.

But the bitter tree is not satisfied.

His goal is the origin of God's blood itself, which is the most perfect power in the eyes of kushu, and what kushu is most interested in.

However, in the long years of the Lord, kushu tried all kinds of ways.

Even merging 373 kinds of blood at the same time to obtain low matching blood of the origin of God, still ended in failure.

"In the long test, we found that the origin of God's blood is alive..."

"It's time to think that the origin of divine blood is not a dead thing, it must have thought!"

"It's a big problem to communicate with the blood of the God of origin. The eternal court has been built, and all the blood of the God of origin is required to be put in the Holy Grail..."

"No one can get close to the origin of God's blood at will, not even the Lord kushu, who is the leader of the sect, and the Grand Court of conjecture is not allowed to enter the eternal God's court. In this way, sin forbids us to get close to the origin of God's blood! Too much! "

"Master kushu said that if he could not find a way, he could only use the simplest way to refine a body that could bear the origin of God's blood."

"But that's impossible. I asked Lord kushu, what kind of body can bear the blood of God?"

"Lord kushu answered me and trained a solid body like the Holy Grail..."

"Turning flesh and blood into metal? I think Lord kushu must be crazy, but the Da Yuan is really starting to do it

At the end of the seventh piece of stone, someone in the courtyard should write down some of his thoughts in a diary.

When he reached the end of the diary, Luo Zheng suddenly raised his head and looked at Nu Wa and Yuan Shi Tian Zun.

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