Luo Zheng's goal is not only the crystal key, but also the dragon spirit. There is a hungry green dragon in Luo Zheng's heart.

"Hey, the Dragon Spirit doesn't know how to survive. Since it wants to take over, let it come in!" Green Dragon's voice also rang in Luo Zheng's ear.

So Luo Zheng stood still and let the Dragon Spirit rush into his mind.

"Ha ha ha, this guy's soul is not fortified at all! When I swallow your soul, your body will be mine! I think your body is a little poor, but the foundation is very stable. If I get the inheritance of the liupinzong sect, I will be called emperor! To be the master of the world

Jiaolong spirit didn't know how many years it had been sealed. He ran into Luo Zheng's mind and laughed wildly, as if he was crazy.

However, what it said is really possible to come true. The dragon spirit is far stronger than the human soul. If the general soul power is not strong enough, it can't stop it. So after entering Luo Zheng's mind, the dragon spirit is very proud!

However, soon the Dragon Spirit's wild laughter stopped!

It saw a huge furnace, which it was not afraid of, but it saw nine real dragons winding on it! Every one is vivid!

Among them, the green dragon is looking at the mini dragon in front of him with the pair of longan.

"This, this, this What a dragon

When Jiaolong meets a real dragon, there will be an instinctive fear. The fear does not come from strength, but from the fear in the blood!

It's like when the lower one sees the upper one, he has to kneel down. As a dragon, he is naturally weaker than the real one. I don't know how many times. When he sees a real dragon, the dragon's spirit trembles, "why is there a real dragon..."

The real dragon on the top of the mysterious melting pot has no interest in talking with the spirit of the dragon. If the nine real dragons are intact, even if they are used as their food, they can't be on the table.

But now the nine real dragons are sealed, but they can only swallow this kind of small fish in front of them.

So the dragon's willingness to eat it doesn't mean that the dragon's spirit is nourishing. It's like a wanderer who is hungry to the limit and eats ants. It doesn't mean that ants are delicious

As soon as the mouth of the green dragon was opened, an invisible force of gravity attracted the dragon spirit. Before it could scream, the Dragon Spirit was involved in the mouth of the green dragon.

After Qinglong swallowed it, the huge dragon mouth chewed a bit, and his face showed a satisfied expression. Jiaolong's spirit was originally condensed from Jiaolong's soul, which is the same as Qinglong and can nourish Qinglong's spirit.

Luo Zheng didn't care about the scene in his mind. By contrast, he was more concerned about the crystal key. Just when the dragon spirit appeared, the crystal key disappeared. Luo Zheng looked up and saw a flash. It turned out that the dragon spirit had hung the crystal key on top.

In this space, the Yellow peculiar smell powder slowly dissipates. Xiaodie comes out of the smoke. She is like a bird. She jumps to the sky, reaches for her hand and takes the crystal key in her hand. Her face shows a faint smile.

She stayed up so long and wanted to get the crystal key. Unexpectedly, she finally got it today.

But just as she got the key, a fire dragon's head came into the hole she destroyed!

"Departing soul fire dragon spirit! How big it is

Seeing such a big fire dragon, Luo Zheng and Xiao die were shocked.

This departing Soul Fire Dragon Spirit's power is not generally big. Before that, a small departing Soul Fire Dragon Spirit butterfly had to deal with it carefully. Now how to deal with such a big one?

That departing soul fire dragon spirit a pair of angry eyes stare at the crystal stone key in small butterfly's hand, suddenly roar a, rush toward this side.

"Back up!"

See that the soul of the fire dragon essence rushed up, butterfly face dignified said, Qianqian thin hand gently spread, from her wrist appeared a one person high icicle, in this crystal clear icicle sealed this piece of small ice phoenix feather!

This is the real ice phoenix feather!

The little Bingfeng called by Xiaodie before was only created by her meditation. It was the "spirit of meditation" that she cultivated.

In general, many martial arts practitioners come up with all kinds of things, which will be dispelled after using them. However, some people can cultivate "the spirit of contemplation". If she comes up with this little ice Phoenix for a long time, it will never disappear. It's just like her pet, and its power is far more powerful than that of ordinary things.


The spirit of contemplation is powerful, but it can never compare with the real beast.

Bingfeng is a kind of divine beast, and it is a powerful one among them. It's just a feather of Bingfeng, and its power is terrible.

Little butterfly's jade hand is placed on the icicle, and suddenly there is a very cold breath escaping from the icicle, forming a layer by layer of frost curtain wall, rolling towards the soul of the fire dragon spirit at the mouth of the cave.The task of the soul departing fire dragon spirit is to protect the ice crystal key. At this moment, it is desperate to get the ice crystal key back, so although the extremely cold breath is strong, the soul departing fire dragon spirit is no less. These ice curtain walls melt and thin quickly under its burning fire, and then they are smashed by it.

The spirit of parting fire dragon keeps hitting the crystal curtain walls, but the little butterfly keeps calling out through the icicle, and the two even hold each other in this way

"It's so cold..." Luo Zheng wiped his arms, the temperature in the space dropped suddenly, and a layer of white frost had covered the surrounding area.

Just at this time, Luo Zheng suddenly felt that his head was in a trance. The fire dragon at the mouth of the cave kept pounding against the icicle. The fire was bright and dark, reflecting Xiaodie's slightly mature face.

A few long hair hanging on both sides of the cheek, that by the ice crystal condensation armor, neat and meticulous along her small clavicle outline down.

Don't know why, Luo Zheng's heart suddenly beat very fast, he thought instant clear, just blame oneself at this time inexplicable think what, but clear only maintained for a moment, Luo Zheng's eyes again confused.

Xiao die also noticed Luo Zheng's strange eyes. Liu Mei wrinkled and glared at Luo Zheng. Suddenly, her petite and symmetrical body trembled. She put her left hand on the icicle and constantly urged the chill of Bingfeng's feathers in the icicle. But her right hand habitually rolled up her long hair, revealing her delicate and white ears.

Why do you feel hot and restless?

Xiaodie is also puzzled. She almost instinctively feels that something is wrong with her body, and instinctively perceives that something is wrong. But she can't get rid of this agitation, because this agitation comes from the deepest part of her soul, which is almost the instinct of her body.

She felt thirsty, swallowing saliva, and even felt that her body had a sense of inexplicable dampness. For so many years in her life, her heart was calm, and she had never felt this kind of feeling.

However, her strong willpower still suppressed this strange feeling. She buckled her hand on the icicle and seriously fought against the spirit of fire dragon at the entrance of the cave

Compared with Xiaodie, Luo Zheng's willpower must be much worse. He spent less and less time in Qingming and more and more time in confusion. His body even twisted involuntarily and took the initiative to reach for Xiaodie's hand.

As soon as Luo Zheng grasped her jade hand, she felt that her palm was wet and full of sweat. In this cold space, her body was so warm. Xiaodie's tender and mellow hand wanted to break away slightly, but she didn't push it away. Instead, she let Luo Zheng hold it.

Xiaodie distracts more attention from the icicle. Her bright eyes seem to contain infinite spring water, and emit the most charming luster in the world. She looks straight at Luo Zheng.


There was another dragon roar at the entrance of the cave. The spirit of fire dragon broke through the frost curtain wall and entered the cave.


Under the crisis, the little butterfly let out a shallow scream, almost reflexively pouring Zhenyuan into the icicle. The icicle suddenly burst out several times as much frost as before, and drove out the spirit of the departed fire dragon.

Even though it is so cold, it can't quench the restless heart of the man and the woman. Their hands are twisted together, as if they want to break each other's hands, as if they want to solidify their hands together!

Both of them had never tasted it, so they could only use this method to relieve their mania and desire.

Luo Zheng's eyes are not half clear. He takes a step and reaches out his other hand to Xiaodie. Xiaodie knows that there is still a big crisis in front of him, but he doesn't have the slightest resistance.

But at this moment, Luo Zheng suddenly felt the faint roar of the green dragon in his mind. This roar was directed at Luo Zheng's soul. Luo Zheng immediately felt his head like a needle, and then he instantly returned to normal.

"I, what's wrong with me!" Luo Zheng takes away Xiaodie's hand in an instant. His face is incredible. He just seems to be controlled by something.

Green Dragon laughs, "I've warned you that Jiaolong has a lustful nature. In fact, this is the part of Jiaolong's body where the lustful sac is stored. The yellow powder you just inhaled is a very powerful natural drug!"

Jiaolong's obscene bag is a kind of natural overpowering drug, and also a holy drug in the eyes of many scholars! Especially in the eyes of some martial arts practitioners, it is an excellent pill for cultivation!

Although the giant dragon was made into a puppet, the part of its storage pouch was not damaged. It was because the spirit of the Dragon ran all the way and ran into it, and then it was cut open by the little butterfly. The powder is the strongest kind of ecstasy. In the Middle Kingdom, the price of this powder can be sold at a sky high price for only one dollar.

"Ecstasy!" Luo Zheng eyes a stare, "I'm not invincible?"

"It's an overpowering drug, not a poison. Naturally, you can't resist it," Qinglong said faintly.Luo Zheng sighed in the dark. Fortunately, Qinglong helped him to solve the nature of the drug!

But Luo Zheng looked up, only to see this time is the small butterfly trembling toward himself, stretched out her slender hand.

Luo Zheng patted her head, forgetting that she also inhaled a lot of the yellow powder, and the amount she inhaled was much more than herself

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