Just now, when he and Luo Zheng pursued and fled together, he noticed something wrong.

This kind of hint from intuition has always been very accurate, although he was not sure what killing tactics Luo Zheng would use.

In the process of moving space, he quietly abandoned himself in the void, which saved his life.


The space not far away fluctuates like water.

Luo Zheng stepped out slowly from the fluctuation. He frowned and looked a little gloomy. There was not much time left for him.

The evil god grinned, "it's not so easy to kill me."

"I just want you back to me," Luo said in a deep voice.

"You might as well use the just high move on the demobilizer. The demobilizer's loss of energy should also make the wall world unable to expand," the evil God replied.

Luo Zheng shook his head and said, "it doesn't need energy to degrade."

He had previously verified with "cong", who told Luo Zheng that degradation could not be prevented because it was the embodiment of rules and had nothing to do with energy.

"Do you want to fight again?" The evil God asked again.

"Accompany me," Luo Zheng said without expression.

Endless energy begins to flow again

Both now have the ability to cut off energy flow at the same time, trying to throw each other into the energy hole.

But the existence of evil spirits and Luo Zheng can be avoided once the principle is understood.

More importantly, both of them are aware of the threat of the energy hole. They just need to take advantage of each other's unprepared, peel off part of their bodies and quietly place them in every corner of the chaotic world.

After the evil god untied the restraint field, both of them lost their omniscient ability. It's hard to notice these insignificant stumps. How can they be killed?

However, this battle between the two sides did not last long

After a long time, the wall world has expanded to the size of 100 mother worlds.

In the time of sanjixiang, the wall world has expanded to one tenth of the size of the chaotic world.

Wujixiang time, wall world has occupied one third of the scope of chaos!

Degradation is acceleration, expansion speed is beyond the prediction of Luo Zheng and evil god.

In the immortal mansion, Fuxi had been drunk. Of course, he could not be drunk because of his cultivation. He deliberately let himself fall into this state.

Nu Wa, Hua Tianming and kushu, who came down again after losing their body, are concerned about the chaos of the world. Luo Zheng's fighting with the evil god produces too much noise.

Even though we are separated from most of the chaotic world, we can still feel the aftereffects. If it were not for the protection of Xianfu and heichuang, the people in them would have died thousands of times.

"Look! What's that over there! "

Luo Zheng suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to the West.

The crowd looked in the direction they pointed to and saw a blue arc in their sight, which was approaching at a fast speed.

The wall world itself is absolutely transparent, just like a piece of ice without color. Unless something is pressed into the wall world, it will show strange shapes. However, when the three grid world becomes the wall world, it will tear and crush the space, so people can see the blue arc, which is the light released when the space is broken.

"It's the wall world in degradation, so fast!" Nu Wa was surprised.

Luo Zheng once reminded them that the world had started an irreversible decline, but at that time the scope of decline was very small. They always thought that there would be a period of time, but they never thought that the speed would be so fast.

"Come late, come early, always want to come, can't escape..." Fuxi leaned against the wall and said drunkenly.

Nu Wa frowned lightly and put her hand to Fu Xi. His drunkenness disappeared without a trace. Even when she had no effort, she didn't want to hear Fu Xi say something dejected.

The blue arc is getting closer and closer to them, ten million Li, five million Li, one million li

In the blink of an eye, it's the same as a short distance.

"Back up!"

Then Luo Zheng's voice suddenly rang out.

Xianfu starts to move.

All the way to the East, Xianfu kept a certain distance from the blue arc.

The same is true of the black ship not far from Xianfu.

The leader of Tongtian sect and others naturally saw the blue arc that was approaching quickly. The old captain started the black boat for the first time and sped to the East. But how could the speed of the black boat escape the reduced speed?

When the black boat was about to be chased by the wall world, the evil spirits also appeared on the deck of the black boat, and the speed of the black boat suddenly increased, and it began to leave the wall world quickly

"In terms of the current expansion speed of the wall world, there is still about one incense burning time," Luo Zheng said to the public.

"How long can we live?" Hua Tianming asked.

Luo Zheng shook his head and said, "no, I will take you away from the chaotic world and avoid degradation."

"How long can we avoid it?" Luo Xiao asked.

After a while, he said, "I don't think it will be too long for Luo to make a calculation."Although the metaphysical world is innumerable times larger than the chaotic world, the wall world expands with acceleration, and any huge world can be swallowed up and degraded in a short time.

When other people hear the answer, they feel a little tight in their hearts, and then they feel relieved.

Before, they were still worried about how long they would live, now they got the exact answer, and the last anxiety disappeared.

"The elder kushu will fall earlier," Luo Zheng said, looking at kushu.

After the degradation of the chaotic world, the other side no longer exists. The coordinates of the bitter tree on the other side will also be degraded, and the treacherous body of the bitter tree will naturally collapse.

In contrast, they are lucky to hear the dizhi and lingshuang. They are living people and have no coordinates. They have to rely on the descending ring to come from the other side. Luo Zheng only needs to supply the descending ring with energy.

Bitter tree appears very calm, he touched Ling Shuang's hair, "father to go first."

"Daddy Ling Shuang has tears in her eyes.

"My husband! I'll follow you at once Yuzhi's face is not willing to give up.

Kushu nodded with a smile, and there was no sadness on his face, which was not an unacceptable ending for him.

"Drink up!"

Fuxi took out the wine pot again and shook it at everyone.

Hua Tianming, a teetotaler, suddenly got up and went to Fuxi. He took the jug and took a big mouthful of it. Then he quietly stepped back to one side and sat down with his knees crossed.

Wen dizhi also went to take the wine pot.

Next, Gu Bei and Luo Xiao

Time has passed.

The wall world has expanded to the edge of the chaotic world. Naturally, the immortal mansion has also come to the edge. Luo Zheng raises his hand and blows a hand at the inner wall of the chaotic world.


There is a big hole in the inner wall of chaos, and the immortal mansion will enter the metaphysical world directly.

Most of the people in Xianfu fall into the state of being in a circle. They only feel that they see infinite light spots and can't distinguish anything.

Luo Zheng patted them gently to make them reincarnate, and the metaphysical world was clearly presented in front of them.

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