When Xue Chang sent Luo Nian away, he was very disappointed all the time.

But I can't go back to the main world, and I have no chance to get together with my old friends.

But there is a thought in his heart, hoping that Luo Nian can bring people here. Unexpectedly, it has come true in such a short time.

"We are all interested in the four spirits, but we don't agree with each other. What's the shame of the master?" Elder Xue waved his hand.

Hearing dizhi's bitter smile, "it's more than disagreement. At the beginning, the road I chose with kushu was a bottomless abyss, which destroyed the whole four spirit gate. How can I erase the shame in my heart?"

"Don't worry about the past..." When elder Xue said that, he looked at the people behind him and asked, "where is my king?"

Smell the ground branch look a coagulate, unnatural say, "bitter tree adult already body meteorite."

"How can it be!" Elder Xue's body is slightly stiff, "you..."

Since Luo Nian can bring these people to the deep space smoothly, everything should go smoothly. Kushu is a treacherous body, and has no flaws except coordinates. It's not easy to kill him.

Smell the earth branch slightly sigh, but don't know how to answer elder Xue's question.

"What's the matter?" Elder Xue realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere.

At this time, Luo Zheng went forward and arched his hand to elder Xue, "elder Xue, I'm Luo Zheng. Luo Nian is my dog."

Although elder Xue has never seen Luo Zheng, he has learned from Luo Nian that this person is his original layout, and also the existence of fusion origin God blood.

"Elder Xue gave me a chance and a big plan, but I failed in the end," Luo Zheng said, bowing to the end.

When Luo Zheng and elder Xue met for the first time, it was the old man who changed his life.

From that burning page, Luo Zheng's fate was connected with the whole world. The person he would like to thank most is elder Xue. Unfortunately, elder Xue's plan failed in the end.

Elder Xue stretched out his hands to hold Luo Zheng, and said solemnly, "the so-called plan depends on people, and the success depends on heaven. You can inherit the origin of God's blood and rescue Lord kushu, but you have also experienced great hardships. You have fulfilled your old wish. How can you live up to it?"

"But the world is being destroyed," Luo Zheng said with a bitter smile. He described what happened after Luo Nian brought him back to tianhuanzhang. From the main world to the chaotic world, from the end of the world to the beginning of degradation, he finally said, "I'm also incompetent. I'm not leading people to see you, but I'm leading them all the way here!"

In the process of listening to Luo Zheng's story, elder Xue was from nervous to shocked. At last, the expression on his old face gradually calmed down. Finally, he said with a smile, "since degradation can't be stopped, this is the fate of all living beings. Why do you take the responsibility on yourself?"

"Yes," Wen dizhi nodded, "you are not a loser, you are a loser to the law. The law can't be violated. We can only accept it as if we are comfortable. We have no choice..."

Just as he was talking, a few Huns came running over not far away, pointing to one direction and muttering.

After hearing this, elder Xue gazed in that direction. A huge blue arc rose slowly from the bottom of the space. All the huge strata, debris and rocks along the way were eroded.

"Well Is it the expanding wall world Elder Xue asked.

Luo Zheng looked at it, nodded and said, "yes, the wall world is about to expand here. Elder Xue, please come into the immortal mansion and walk with us all the way."

But elder Xue shook his head, "you go, I'll stay here."

"Elder Xue, you'd better go with us, or you'll be demoted," Luo Nian said suddenly.

Elder Xue looked at Luo Nian, nodded and said with a smile, "good boy, we are all human spirits who have lived for an infinite number of years. How about more or less hours?"

Luo Nian scratched his head, "what he said is also..."

No one persuades elder Xue. After all, everyone's ending is the same.

All the people in Xianfu got rid of the bondage of longevity very early, but they couldn't get rid of the bondage of the world.

They returned to Xianfu and set out again.

After Xianfu left, elder Xue suddenly muttered to the Huns.

He told the Huns to hold a great sacrifice, so that all the Huns would gather.

The Xiongs regard Xue Changlao as a spiritual totem. When he said this, the whole Xiongs get busy quickly. Although they don't know what great event will come, the great sacrifice is the most important thing for the Xiongs.

When the Huns got together, elder Xue said aloud in Hungarian, "the gate of heaven is coming soon. It will guide us to the pure land of bliss, where there is no pain and dispute, and all living beings are equal..."

After hearing his words, all the people of the Huns were very happy. One of the Huns asked, "where is the gate of heaven?"

"That's it," elder Xue shook his finger and roared out like a bell.

The blue arc has swept through, and the speed is so fast that it hardly gives people time to react. The Huns are basically immersed in the beautiful scenery described by Xue Changlao, and then they are crushed into the wall world and turned into a blur of flesh and blood."Kaka kaka..."

After the expansion of the wall world into deep space, the speed increases by an order of magnitude again.

After the huge stratum below was swept away by it, it began to degrade to Tianlun city. Such a huge Tianlun city was degraded only in one incense burning time.

Next, we began to sweep away the scattered relics in the deep sky, as well as the circular sun hanging in the sky.

The shape of the whole deep space is a flattened cone. Even if the reducers did not completely reduce it, the deep space world was broken in many places, but the overall shape did not change much.

Xianfu rises along the conical central axis and finally stops at the top.

"I can't keep going up," Luo said.

Everyone looked up at the sky. There was a boundary in any world. Seven or eight feet above their heads was the boundary of deep space. It was like a layer of soft gray soil, transparent and opaque.

After running for so long, I finally came to the situation where there is no way to retreat.

"Dad, what do you say is outside deep space?" Luo Nian asked curiously.

"This question can't even be answered," Luo Zheng replied.

"Why don't you try to break it?" Luo Nian clenched his fist. He also knew that such a move was futile, but he wanted to try it out of curiosity.

"You can try it..."

Luo Zhengzheng saw a black awn rising rapidly from below, then decelerated rapidly, and finally stayed at the same height as Xianfu. It was the black boat controlled by the evil god.

The evil god was not familiar with the route of the main world and the deep space. He ran blindly along this route, almost being chased by the wall world, and finally found the top of the deep space.

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