The downgrader crawls around for a distance, and the white lines of different lengths come into view.

Even though he is a demoted person, he can't adapt to the form of the two space world at once. He is a little stunned to see these white demoted people.

But quickly, these white lines are the ice crystals released by the evil god.

These ice crystals still have the attribute of cold, but after being degraded, more details are unfolded, and five or six different energies can be unfolded from one ice attribute.

"After all the worlds have been reduced to two, the total area of the whole world has expanded by 30 billion times..."

"The types of energy have increased from 3000 to 11000."

"But the world is so desolate."

"There should be no more life..."

The three grid world is called the "lower pole", which represents the limit of life.

All living beings can survive if they descend from the high world, but not in the wall world.

Although the area of the two grid world has expanded to a terrible extent, and the types of energy are more abundant, this world can no longer support the conditions for life to survive, so the creatures in the four grid world will not die when they enter the three grid world, while the creatures in the three grid world will be crushed to lose their lives when they enter the wall world.

The downgrader speeds up his crawling.

His arms turned into paddle like patterns, and he pushed hard behind him, and his body crossed a long distance forward.

In this process, the downgrader also saw some red, light yellow, jade white lines

The red line is blood, the light yellow line is meat, and the jade white line is bone. Three different lines are inlaid with each other. These are still the traces of the battle between the evil god and Luo Zheng, which are the limbs of the two people who were constantly engulfed by the wall world in the hand-to-hand battle.

After the traces of these fights, there is nothingness ahead. After the whole chaotic world unfolds, its area expands 30 billion times, and the distance from the center of chaos to the edge is 30 billion times.

But speed is not a problem for releasers.


A piece of space encircles the degreaser. With the flash of this piece of space, he has left the void and entered the category of the former main world, which is more extensive.

After each world is completely degraded, space will expand 30 billion times in equal proportion, so a chaotic world can be accommodated in a mountain within the main boundary.

After the main boundary is reduced from four spaces to two spaces, all spaces are reduced to the area of the wall world, which is 30 billion times 30 billion.

It has expanded 900 billion times.

After entering the main boundary, the color of the line becomes more complex.

All kinds of long, short, green, brown and gray lines are connected in a string. It is difficult to distinguish the material form of the lines. We can only perceive their energy composition

The demobilizer shuttled and searched to see if there were any living beings.

His mission is degradation. The creatures that appear after the world unfolds are just "appendages" in the process of degradation, but killing these appendages is a great pleasure for him.

This kind of fun is growing day by day, especially in the three grid world, when it reaches its peak, he even meets people who can beat himself, but these people still lose to the degradation.

When he came to the back of the second world, he didn't adapt to these desolate lines.

Just as he was searching, he suddenly saw a thin green line moving in front of him.

"There are creatures

There is a joy in the heart of the demoted.

He couldn't wait to shorten the distance, only to find that it was a green line thousands of feet long.

Thousands of feet sounds very long. In fact, it's the result of full expansion. If you want to convert this green line, it's equivalent to a small worm less than one inch in three squares of the world.

Even so, the downgrader is still careful to close, for fear of accidentally killing the green line.

It is very difficult to communicate in the wall world when the divine consciousness cannot be used.

The only way to communicate is to control the length of lines and the change of color. Theoretically, this kind of communication is feasible, but it is unrealistic to expect worm like creatures to obtain this kind of communication.

After a period of observation, the green line is still creeping in one direction.

"It's boring to watch an insect crawl..."

The demobilizer was a little depressed, but at the same time, he suddenly thought of "cong".

By the way

That guy must still be there. He can't die like me.

Thinking of this, the downgrader sped away in one direction. The green line in front of him was directly broken by him. If it was placed in a three grid world, it would be equivalent to crushing the worm with one foot.


In the dark of nothingness, there are some changes.

As if the soul was teased, as if in the dark sky dyed with a bright sky fireworks.

"Wake up."

"Luo Zheng, wake up..."


The voice sounded in the depths of Luo Zheng's soul, but Luo Zheng did not respond.He fell into a state of ignorance, no longer have any thoughts, no longer care about foreign things, cut off all channels of communication.

It doesn't matter

This idea occupied Luo Zheng's consciousness.

But suddenly he felt a little warm.

There is the sun rising, with dazzling light piercing the soul.

The ignorant world is like a painting splashed with ink, twisting and changing.

The fairy house like a paradise appears again. The high wall rings with cheerful laughter. Young Luo Yunxin strides over the threshold and smiles at him.

"Dad, wake up!"

"Don't sleep..."

"I don't want to see you lost."

Luo Yunxin's expression is very lovely, showing two dimples, said with a smile, but these words should never be said from her mouth.

"Who are you?" Asked Luo Zheng.

After successfully attracting Luo Zheng's attention, the smile on Luo Yunxin's face disappeared. Instead, he said solemnly, "I'm from. I've been calling you. Why don't you respond to me?"

"I'm dead," Luo Zheng said in disgust.

"No, you don't!" From then on.

Luo Zheng still resisted shaking his head, "is this the dreamland you created?"

"Yes, it's not. Strictly speaking, it's my memory. I have all the memories from the perfect place to the present. What you see is the reality created by my memory!" He replied.

"The reality created by memory? Isn't this a mirage? "

"In your cognitive sense, this is the real world," he replied.

As the controller of the perfect place, Cong's memory is very special.

Everything in the world remains in its memory, which is like trillions of building blocks.

It only needs to build the building blocks according to the original memory location, then the reality will be created. If he pushes down the building blocks and disrupts the memory location, then the reality will be annihilated.

"Well Can I stay here all the time? " Luo Zheng asked.

"Of course No

From the decisive rejection of Luo Zheng's request.

At the next moment, the clouds were thick and the wind was blowing.

The impregnable immortal mansion is blown to pieces like a set, and Luo Yunxin is also transformed into a small ball of light, which has been used to show people all the time.

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