The body is the carrier of the soul, the carrier of consciousness is the soul. After the collapse of the body, the fragile soul will be easily obliterated, and the consciousness will disappear.

Even if the spiritual realm, immortal realm and even the living beings in the Gog world are cultivated, they are still the same.

In this world, only evil and evil can escape this restriction, and their consciousness will never die out. Now Luo Zheng and evil gods have become one of them.

There is no concept of space or time in the origin of space.

However, all the pressure of consciousness is not infinite, and it is impossible for any one to survive.

"Ha ha..."

"I'm not dead!"

"I am the ultimate master!"

The downgrader thinks he has won the bet.

He completed his ultimate goal, reduced the world to a mindless world and lived in it.

He will have the world, including all the material and energy in the world.

But in this infinitesimal space, everything is so crowded, including consciousness. He tries to feel the surrounding environment, although there is no concept of "around" in the origin, because everything has been integrated.

When he perceives the moment, he is aware of a familiar breath.


"Are you alive?"

The demobilizer was really taken aback.

"What a surprise?" He asked in reverse.


Of course, the degraded one is surprised. It's enough for him to squat in this narrow space of origin. Why do you want to have a "cong"? And "cong" is so close to himself that it seems to have become one with himself.

However, when the downgrader perceives the "cong" breath, it seems that there are other strange breath, and he is even more shocked by the details.

"Why You Not dead? "

Luo Zheng and the evil god did not respond.

Pulled into the dot, they are acutely aware of each other.

Demoted, from, evil god, Luo Zheng

It's a very dangerous time for the four of you to coincide with each other. The last three of you realize it. Only the degraded fool doesn't understand it, but he reacts quickly.

Because "cong" begins to merge with the degraded one, that is to say, it begins to devour him!

In Gog's world, the existence of active light "from" can't take "evil" back into the body. Now the source light has dissipated after returning to the origin, and "evil" has lost its talisman.

In the moment of "cong", Luo Zheng and the evil god also started.

They are on guard. In this infinitesimal space of origin, there is no room for everyone to retreat. They are destined to merge and devour each other. It depends on who can dominate!


The moment Luo Zheng integrated the consciousness of evil spirits, a vast world of memory appeared in his eyes, and all the memories of evil spirits in the past were fully exposed in front of him.

From the birth of evil spirits in the inner world to entering the mother world, making friends with God tea, becoming a member of the black boat, entering the other side and constantly devouring other people

The same is true after the integration of the evil spirits with Luo Zheng's consciousness. Luo Zheng's vast memory world and all the past are also displayed in front of the evil spirits, without any reservation from the eastern region to the mother world.

"If we want to integrate Luo Zheng's consciousness and replace it, we must include all these memories!"

"Luo Zheng is also in my memory!"

"If it is slow, it will be replaced by the other party!"

A strong crisis diffused in the consciousness of the evil god, and he began to include the memory of Luo Zheng crazily.

Luo Zheng was obviously aware of this. If he wanted to take back the evil spirits, he had to take the memory of the evil spirits for himself. So he kept taking in the memory of the evil spirits, but he was a little stunned when he just started taking in the memory of the evil spirits.

He has all the memories of the first half of the evil god.

He even has some memories of the evil god after he entered the mother world, because he once captured the evil god back.

After all, the evil god was born in Luo Zheng's inner world, and Luo Zheng knew everything about the inner world.

In order to deal with the evil spirits, Luo Zheng once read all the memories of the evil spirits' life. He could not understand more about the memory of the evil spirits for most of his life. To include the memory of the evil spirits was rowing along the water.

Although the evil god was brought into Luo Zheng's memory in an extremely crazy manner, he never peeped into Luo Zheng's complete memory. Even when Luo Zheng and he shared the broken mother world as the birthplace, the omniscient power could not be used mutually.

One is sailing against the current, the other is sailing with the wind and the water, and the speed gap will come out.

When the evil spirits are included in half of Luo Zheng's memory, Luo Zheng has been included in all the evil spirits' memory.

A sense of loss rises from the bottom of the consciousness of the evil god, and the memory of the evil god begins to lose. He can't remember his past, his lover, or even his power until he

"No! I can't lose, never... "

When the evil god was completely lost, an instinct made him release the consciousness of "roaring".How could he have thought that he would lose to Luo Zheng in such a way!

Memory of the short board has gone beyond reality, no matter how smart he is, it is impossible to complete, also can not expect this move.

Anger, reluctance, pain

The mood fluctuates violently.

Consciousness is finally annihilated.

Luo Zheng took his place.

From now on, he is both an evil god and an evil god. Under the influence of the memory of the evil god, Luo Zheng's breath has been changed and tainted with a trace of evil spirit, but the leader is Luo Zheng himself rather than the evil god.

"How are you?" Luozhenggou passage.

"Cong" and "evil" are also engulfing each other. Originally, Luo Zheng was worried about the victory or defeat between them, but when he thought about the process of engulfing evil gods, he didn't have to worry about "cong".

"Cong" has spent endless years in a perfect place. The time scale of "cong" is many times longer than that of "evil". The memory length of the two is not an order of magnitude. It is impossible for "evil" to devour "cong".

After a while, he replied, "evil He has come back to me and he and I have become one

"Congratulations," Luo said.

"You won, too," he said.

"Well Do we still need to integrate? " Luo Zheng asked hesitantly.

If Cong and Luo Zheng devour each other, Luo Zheng will lose. Compared with Cong, the memory length of Luo Zheng is just like a fleeting moment.

"If I want to integrate you, why make the perfect place like this?" He said with a smile.

It regards Luo Zheng as its own puzzler, and it is meaningless to devour Luo Zheng.

"What's next?" Asked Luo Zheng.

"Wait, just wait," he replied.

There is no light, no space, no distance in the origin of space, the two consciousness so silent.

Time has not passed

Because time doesn't exist here.

Like a moment, like a trillion years.

Luo Zheng felt that there was a gap in front of him.

He knew it was an illusion, because he had no body, no soul, only an indelible consciousness. Why could consciousness realize the gap?


"Do you feel it?" Then came the sound of music.

"Well," Luo Zheng replied, "what is this?"

"Origin "In the split," he replied.

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