Luo Zheng didn't expect that because Qinglong helped translate an ancient Fengzu text, this matter was successfully solved.

Not only did the old man's attitude take a 180 degree turn, but he even promised to sell the materials to himself at a 70% discount.

Since the old man was so sincere, Luo Zheng read out the second half of the text on the jade. The old man listened very carefully and obviously wanted to write down every word.

When Luo finished reading, the old man's eyes lit up and asked, "young Xia, where did you learn the ancient Phoenix script?"

According to the old people's knowledge, there used to be the ancient Phoenix people in the vast world where they lived, but they died a long time ago. Now there is no descendant of the ancient Phoenix people, and their writing is lost.

Luo Zheng naturally won't tell the truth, but he said with a smile: "I can't say this, but if you encounter any unknown words or articles that need to be deciphered, please come to me. I think I should be able to translate them."

Hearing what Luo Zheng said, Qinglong was not happy. "Luo Zheng, I'm just translating these words for you. Besides, although I know a lot of languages, I can't include all the languages..."

At the same time, the old man's face suddenly changed.

If Luo Zheng said this before translating the ancient jade characters, the old man would take off his shoes and draw them on his face with the big soles. There are so many strange characters in this world? After some races leave their words, they are destroyed. Who else can recognize their words?

Luo Zheng's Cowhide is blowing to the sky!

However, Luo Zheng had just translated the ancient Fengzu's words easily, but the old man did not dare to refute Luo Zheng face to face. He estimated that Luo Zheng might really be proficient in some special words and languages, and maybe he would be able to ask Luo Zheng for them in the future, so he didn't agree with Luo Zheng's words, but on the surface, he said respectfully: "OK, OK, you are yundian Are you my disciples? You should be a disciple of the elite hall according to your age. I don't know your name. I'm afraid you will have something to trouble you in the future. "

Luo Zheng smile, told the old man his name, and then said: "well, you will take out those materials."

The old man nodded, then yelled at the shop, and then two shop assistants came out. The old man took the list of materials from Luo Zheng's hand and threw it to the two shop assistants, "go, get these materials ready for me." then he turned to Luo Zheng and asked, "since you want to learn how to draw runes, you naturally need a rune pen. I'm a good teacher There are just a few runes in it. Although it's not a very good thing, it's also a fine one. It's also very good to practice drawing runes. "

With that, the old man opened a drawer and brought up a pen shelf in the drawer. On the shelf, there were several Rune pens fixed on it.

The styles and materials of these Rune pens are different. The body is made of jade, and the holder is made of animal bones. "If you are a beginner, I recommend this one," the old man said. "This Rune pen is made of broken jade. When drawing runes, the soul power can penetrate into the tip of the pen from the gap between the broken jade, so it makes you feel better It'll be easier to use. "

After hearing the old man's introduction, Luo Zheng was slightly moved. After all, he was a beginner. If he used a lighter Rune pen, it would be easier to draw runes.

Luo Zheng was just about to make a decision when he heard Qinglong in his mind say: "don't choose this shot, choose the one next to it."

Luo Zheng's eyes moved and fell on the side of this Rune pen, which was made of metal. Luo Zheng asked, "how about this Rune pen?"

"Young Xia Luo, you are really good at choosing. I don't recommend you to use this Rune pen. It's made of chixuan gold. It's more than three times as heavy as the ordinary Rune pen. It's very difficult to take it. Moreover, it's very difficult for soul power to penetrate the Hematite gold. I don't recommend you to buy this one," the old man said with a smile. "Only senior runes can choose this kind of Rune pen."

Luo Zheng hesitated, but Qinglong then said, "another function of letting you draw runes is to train your soul. What's the use of choosing the rune pen made of broken jade? Listen to me and buy this one! "

After all, Qinglong was his teacher in rune, and Luo Zheng had to choose this metal Rune pen.

Although the old man didn't agree with Luo Zheng's use of the metal Rune pen in his heart, he would not offend Luo Zheng. He just sighed in his heart and then took out the rune pen and handed it to Luo Zheng.

Taking this Rune pen from the old man's hand, Luo Zheng felt heavy in his hand. Although this weight was nothing to Luo Zheng, the influence of drawing runes was still great. After all, every Rune was very precise. If the rune pen could not be held stably, a rune would be destroyed with a stroke.

After a while, two shop assistants also sorted out the materials.

Because it is the most basic divine pattern, although these materials are rare, they are not particularly difficult to find. After counting the materials, Luo Zheng asked, "how much are these materials altogether?"The old man made a random calculation and said to Luo Zheng, "it's 800 pieces of Zhongpin Zhenyuan stone in total. If you give a 70% discount, it's 560 pieces of Zhongpin Zhenyuan stone."

"560 Zhongpin Zhenyuan stones..." Although the price is still within the range of Luo Zheng, he can't help sighing that it's really expensive.

Luo Zheng has a general understanding of the currency in the central region. Their most basic currency is Xiapin zhenyuanshi. The exchange rate between Xiapin zhenyuanshi and Zhongpin zhenyuanshi is basically one to one, but the exchange rate between Xiapin zhenyuanshi and Zhongpin zhenyuanshi is 100 to one.

In other words, 560 pieces of Zhongpin Zhenyuan stone are worth about 56000 pieces of cristobalite.

"Can I pay for it with spar?" Luo asked, before leaving the East domain, Luo Zheng gave part of the essence of Tian Yan to Zhang Wu County, and at the same time removed many of the spinel for reserve.

"Cristobalite?" The old man was slightly stunned. He guessed that Luo Zheng might be a disciple of a big family, or even a descendant of an elder in yundian. However, hearing fangjingshi overturned his previous conjecture, because fangjingshi was the currency of the eastern region, that is to say, Luo Zheng should have been born in the small place of the eastern region.

The currency of that small place is not non-negotiable, but it is often discounted when it is exchanged for real Yuan Stone, so the old man said: "it's OK to collect a spar stone, but one spar stone can only be exchanged for half a real Yuan Stone..."

Hearing the old man's words, Luo Zheng was immediately depressed. That is to say, he had to spend 100000 pieces of cristobalite to buy these materials, which was too dark.

The old man said with a smile, "there's no way. You can go and find out. The currency of the eastern region is really worthless in our middle region!"

Fortunately, Luo Zheng also had a lot of spared spared spars. In the end, he didn't care with the old man. He thought that the old man would kill him if he asked for him next time!

After delivering 100000 pieces of cristobalite to the old man, Luo Zheng left Fangshi with the purchased materials,

while the old man looked at Luo Zheng with a complicated look, sighing in his heart that he was really a strange young man, but he was really going to waste this batch of materials. 100000 pieces of cristobalite are not a small amount, and now young people are really unpredictable

After returning to his residence, Luo Zheng began to prepare to draw divine patterns.

These materials can't be used when they are taken back. Drawing spiritual patterns is originally a technical skill. Although Luo Zheng doesn't know anything about it, he has Qinglong as his master. According to Qinglong's instructions, Luo Zheng constantly deals with those materials.

For example, "strong Pueraria" needs to be ground into fine powder.

Another example is that "Hanyin grass" needs to cut off its rhizome and then mix it with another kind of "cloud ash" after rubbing.

It takes half an hour just to deploy, and the program can't go wrong. If it goes wrong, you have to throw it away and deploy it again.

After half an hour, the materials were finally deployed.

Luo Zheng reached out and held the rune pen in his hand. Then he took a deep breath. Although there was a green dragon nearby to guide him, he was still a little nervous about drawing the "divine pattern" for the first time.

He raised the rune pen, closed his eyes and meditated for a while. A pale yellow soul appeared in his eyebrow. However, unlike the use of "Jingshen stab", Jingshen stab transforms soul into stab to attack the opponent, so it is extremely fast and ruthless. This time, it is to introduce the power of soul into the tip of the pen and draw divine lines! Naturally, the slower the better!

When Luo Zheng's soul poured into the rune pen, the tip of the pen came out of the first line on the paper.

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