After drawing the first meditation pattern, Luo Zheng did not stop.

The purchase of these materials was originally intended to practice, so a total of about ten materials were prepared.

Since there are so many materials left, Luo Zheng naturally won't waste them. He started to draw the next meditation divine pattern with Rune pen in his hand.

Even a rune master can't draw runes all the time, because in the process of drawing, the power of soul is constantly consumed. When the power of soul is consumed to a certain extent, people will feel tired, sleepy and hard to concentrate.

Yiluo Zheng's present soul power has reached the top of drawing seven or eight divine patterns. When he finished drawing the eighth divine pattern and was ready to start drawing the ninth divine pattern, he suddenly felt a burst of discomfort. His head seemed to explode and he could not concentrate. At the same time, with a stroke of a rune pen, this stroke was wrong.

You can't be careless in drawing runes. As long as there is a slight error, the whole Rune will be scrapped.

"It's the first time to draw divine lines. You must not consume too much soul power. If you hurt the spirit and the soul, it will not be worth the loss." with the sound of Qinglong, a cold feeling entered Luo Zheng's mind, which made him feel much better.

Because it has devoured the essence and blood of Jiaolong, Qinglong has been active during this period. Indeed, there are some forces that can help Luo Zheng.

Hearing Qinglong's warning, Luo Zheng felt that he was too anxious. Nothing could be done overnight. Let's call it a day.

For the rest of the time, Luo Zheng continued to concentrate on his cultivation. In addition to learning Shenwen, he had to face the disciples of the elite hall as usual

Challenging the elite hall has become a compulsory course for Luo Zheng every day. In any case, in the early morning, Luo Zheng's body will be uncontrollably controlled by Da Mengren, and then he will be thrown into the gray building to compete with many disciples of the elite hall.

In order to defeat the disciples of the elite hall, Luo Zheng did everything he could. At first, Luo Zheng was able to cope with the challenge with his powerful body and dragon scale. With more and more people challenging Luo Zheng, they began to suppress Luo Zheng. Finally, Luo Zheng had to use "soul piercing" and even let the sword spirit demon fight at night

Many disciples of elite hall are also surprised to find that Luo Zheng is almost as stubborn as a cockroach. Every time he goes to battle, the strength of his disciples is stronger than that of the previous one, but Luo Zheng always has a way to defeat them.

Today, the last disciple of the elite hall is named Mu ran. He is in the six realms of Zhao Shen. Although Mu Ran is not particularly strong in the six realms of Zhao Shen, there is still a big gap between the two realms of Zhao Shen. In the end, Mu ran was defeated by Luo Zheng.

After dealing with the three battles today, Luo Zheng floats away and rushes to the Fangshi of yundian.

Yesterday, he spent a lot of money to buy materials and draw the divine pattern. Today, he wants to go to Fangshi to find out if the divine pattern can sell for money.

On the way to Fangshi, Luo Zheng was still a little worried. After all, these meditative divine patterns are pure works of Luo Zheng. However, yesterday, Luo Zheng helped the old man of the World Business League so much that even if the divine patterns can't sell at a price, they won't be driven out again, will they?

The little butterfly in the ice palace is not satisfied now. She is frowning slightly and staring at Luo Zheng in the letter.

"Well, why did he learn to draw runes? I don't have enough time to practice. Why should I focus on it? " Xiaodie is very dissatisfied. The reason why she trains Luo Zheng is because she has a plan in her heart. It's just that Luo Zheng's cultivation is so low that she can't see it at all. So she uses the disciples of the elite hall to train Luo Zheng in turn.

He didn't even have the time to practice, but he even spent a lot of time on runes. In Xiaodie's opinion, Luo Zheng was just wasting time.

After all, the art of rune is too extensive and profound. Many Rune masters and magic array masters spend their whole lives to achieve something. Before Luo Zheng, there was no foundation of Rune. It's not easy to learn how to draw runes?

Da Meng Zhenren said with a smile: "Lord of the temple, it's okay for young people to try some new things. If he meets the difficulty of rune, he will naturally retreat, and he doesn't have to worry about anything."

"No way," Xiaodie raised her slender eyebrows. "Time is running out. Luo Zheng has to step into the realm of divinity. As for the practice of runes I think he'd better not have it! "

Hearing Xiao die's words, Da Meng Zhenren sighed in his stomach, thinking that the main concern of the temple is his own talent, right? It's the last day of the temple master's nine heaven Xuannv Xinjing. It's the right way to improve your cultivation quickly. No matter how talented Luo Zheng is, he's just a Junior

But da Meng Zhen thinks so in her heart, but she doesn't dare to say it. The stubborn temper of the temple master is well known in the whole cloud hall. It's very difficult to change her mind.

After Xiaodie finished speaking, she burned a note, "Zongrui, come to me!"

Zongrui? Dreamer was stunned and asked strangely: "Lord, what do you want Zong Rui to do? Do you want him to teach Luo Zheng's runes?"

Zong Rui is the strongest master of Rune in yundian. This time, Xiao die got the great array of protecting Zong in the road of testing. Now, Zong Rui is thinking about it. How complicated is the great array of protecting Zong in liupin sect? I'm afraid it will cost a lot of manpower and material resources to set up the huzong array. But think about the power of the liupin sect's huzong array. If it can be set up, the cloud hall may be able to resist the attack of any forces in the central region!From this point of view, no matter how much effort it takes to set up the great array of protecting the clan, it is also cost-effective.

So during this period of time, Zongrui stayed at home, day and night in the study of the protection of the great array.

At this time, hearing the call of the temple master, Zongrui immediately turned into a streamer and quickly came to the ice palace. He bowed to Xiaodie and said, "I'll see the temple master!"

Little butterfly nodded slightly, then asked: "Zong Rui, how about the study of huzong formation?"

"Report back to the temple master, I'm evaluating the cost of the great array and the materials needed, but I'm afraid it will take some time to calculate it thoroughly," said Zong Rui.

"Well, today I have another thing to ask you for help," Xiao die said.

Da Meng looked at the temple master and wondered, does the temple master really want Zong Rui to teach Luo Zheng Fu Wen? He was just thinking about this when he heard Xiao die say: "there is a little guy who wants to practice rune. You should give him a blow. It's better to destroy his self-confidence and let him give up."

Hearing Xiao die's words, Da Mengren almost didn't fall to the ground. He didn't expect that Xiao die had called Zongrui here for this kind of thing. It's too

Well, she's the master of the temple. Everything we do under her is subject to her. Dreamer has no choice but to think of it.

On the contrary, Zong Rui's face seemed to have a trace of interest when he heard this, "I don't know who this little guy is? How many runes can I draw? "

"You've probably heard about this man. His name is Luo Zheng. As for rune, he's just beginning to learn," she said.

Zong Rui said with a smile, "it's the disciple who challenges the whole elite hall! My subordinates understand. I promise to destroy this little guy's self-confidence, so that he will never touch this thing in his life! "

"Well, he's on his way to Fangshi now. You can go there now," Xiaodie nodded. Zongrui's Rune skill is beyond doubt, otherwise Xiaodie would not give him the protection of Zong.

At the command of Xiaodie, Zongrui flies out of Binggong all the way to Fangshi in a straight line. Along the way, Zongrui figures out how to complete the task assigned by the temple master. With Zong Rui's attainments in rune, it's too easy to attack the self-confidence of a novice apprentice. He is even sure that Luo Zheng will never touch Rune in his whole life.

After a while, Zongrui came to Fangshi. At this time, Luo Zheng happened to come to the end of Fangshi and entered the shop of Tianxia business alliance.

"The congenital quadruple realm should be him," Zong Rui nodded. Among the disciples of the elite hall, there are few congenital creatures, and only Luo Zheng is the congenital quadruple realm. Think of here, Zongrui also walked towards the shop.

The old man in the shop of the world business alliance was writing the words on the ancient jade with a pen! He firmly remembered the ancient text of the ancient Protoss that Luo Zheng had deciphered, and wrote it word by word.

At this time, Luo Zheng suddenly came to the door, which surprised the old man, but he was also very polite, "young Xia Luo! What can I do for you? Do you need to buy some more materials? "

If Luo Zheng really wants to learn rune, yesterday's materials should be enough for Luo Zheng to support for a period of time.

Before Luo Zheng opened his mouth, a voice came out of the door, "old Shang, long time no see. How's business recently?"

The old man of the world business alliance is Shang Lei. He has been doing business in yundianfang city all the year round. As the most famous Rune master in yundian, Zongrui often comes here. They are quite familiar with each other.

When he heard that it was Zongrui, shanglei's face was filled with smiles. In fact, the old man was not bad tempered to anyone, otherwise he could not be the deacon of the world's Business League. For customers like Zongrui, shanglei would never offend him.

"Business is very light, I don't expect you to patronize more," Shang Lei said with a smile, and quickly asked people to come and make tea.

As soon as Zong Rui came in, his eyes fell on Luo Zheng. He said with a smile: "this is..."

"This is a disciple of the elite Hall of yundian. Recently, he wants to practice runes. Right!" Shanglei stares at Luo Zheng with a smile and says, "this is the most powerful rune master in your cloud hall, young Xia Luo. If you really want to learn rune, it's good to ask him for advice."

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