One star divine pattern is just the most basic thing in divine pattern.

In Qinglong's divine tattoo technique, there are some powerful divine tattoos that are out of the mark! For example, there is a seven star divine pattern, which is only the size of palm, but it can destroy a continent! It can wipe out the whole Middle Kingdom. The power of this divine tattoo from the upper world is incredible.

Luo Zheng's current ability is that the Seven Star divine pattern is far away from Luo Zheng. Even Qinglong can't draw it because his soul is exhausted. Moreover, even if Qinglong has the ability to draw it, Luo Zheng can't find the material to draw the Seven Star divine pattern.

However, Luo Zheng is very interested in a four-star divine tattoo, which is called "soul breathing". This divine tattoo has a very special effect, which can double the martial arts cultivation efficiency without any negative effect.

After entering the middle region, Luo Zheng's biggest problem is that his accomplishments are too low! If you can get this divine tattoo of "soul breathing", you can imagine the effect on Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng entered the congenital quadruple at the age of 18, which is very excellent in Chongyang County! Put in Qingyun Zong even if the general, if in the middle of the region is not into the stream! Although Luo Zheng has a solid foundation and can step up to challenge those who are strong in the light of God, if he encounters the extreme light of God, or even the spirit of Dan, he may not even have the chance to escape.

It is the most urgent problem for Luo Zheng to improve his accomplishments.

Xiaodie's arrangement for elite disciples to practice with herself may also be the reason for this problem. However, Luo Zheng deeply understands that martial arts practitioners often need experience in life and death to make the greatest breakthrough!

What's more, the disciples of the elite hall are not fools. Some of them are from the top of Shaoyun hall. Naturally, some people see that Luo Zheng's provocation against the elite hall is just a situation arranged by Xiao die. Everyone is just Luo Zheng's training companion. When they can fight, Luo Zheng will fight. If they can't fight, they will run away. No one can catch him. How can we play? Besides, the disciples of the elite hall also need to take on the mission of the cloud hall, and even go out for training.

So a few days later, when Luo Zheng went to challenge the disciples of the elite hall, either there was no one, or there were only two strong men standing there

Realizing that this method can't go on, Xiao die finally gives up, and Luo Zheng, after some preparation, chooses to leave the cloud hall to collect the material of the "soul breathing" divine tattoo.

Early in the morning, when it was still dawn, thick and hard to melt clouds slowly rolled around the cloud hall. Luo Zheng stood at the edge of the cloud hall, took a deep breath, and then jumped down.

Although there is a flying chariot in the cloud hall that can be borrowed, Luo Zheng wants to test the one star divine pattern "Fengyu" that he just made. This kind of one star divine pattern is specially used by the disciples below zhaoshenjing. After installing the "Fengyu", Luo Zheng can feel the light artistic conception of the wind and can fly with the wind. That is to say, even if he does not reach zhaoshenjing, he can also fly with the wind that 's ok!


Jumping down from a height of 1000 meters, Luo Zheng combines with the energy of Fengxiang crystal stone. He is like a leaf dancing with the wind. Taking advantage of the wind, Luo Zheng finds a target and shakes gently in the air. The landing momentum slows down greatly, and then falls on the ground.

This method is similar to the body method of Baili red maple in the air.

This scene stunned the two warriors who were preparing to enter the city. They found that Luo Zheng was just a congenital creature, but they were stunned one by one when they came down from the sky.

As the warriors of Yunhai City, they also know that there is a cloud hall, a force of sipingzong sect, thousands of meters above this area. Most of the kids come down from the cloud hall. In the eyes of ordinary warriors, the cloud hall may be unattainable, but the disciples of the cloud hall are born to fly? It's a bit against their understanding and common sense.

Luo Zheng didn't pay attention to these two congenital creatures. Instead, he went straight to Yunhai city along this road. Above the cloud hall, Luo Zheng had heard from shanglei that the branch of the world business alliance was in Yunhai city.

After entering Yunhai City, Luo Zheng had to sigh about the difference between the central and eastern regions.

Because yundian and yunzong are located here, Yunhai city is the top city in the central region, but it is not the largest city. However, compared with the burning emperor in the eastern region, there is no comparability between them.

In terms of family power, there are seven gentry and royal families in the capital of burning heaven, as well as one Qingyun sect. Qingyun sect is only the second class sect power. The royal family where Su Lingyun lives can barely be regarded as the second class sect power, while the seven gentry can only be regarded as the second class sect power

However, there are seven or eight sanpinzong forces in Yunhai City alone, which does not include yunzong, because yunzong is subordinate to yundian, and both belong to the same system.

On the road of Yunhai City, you can meet the warriors in the divine realm everywhere, and even a small number of warriors in the divine realm. Most of these warriors are in small groups, forming small groups. Obviously, they come to Yunhai city to supply.

Luo Zheng's accomplishments are not noticeable at all.

According to Shang Lei's guidance, Luo Zheng soon found the branch of the world business alliance.

According to Yiluo Zheng's understanding of the power of the world business alliance, although this power has no rank, the power hidden behind it is very amazing, even slightly stronger than yundian, almost keeping pace with Xuling sect, the strongest sect in the central region.As a result, the branch of Tianxia Business League is very low-key, hidden in a piece of folk houses, without any sense of style. It's just that there are two warriors guarding the gate of Tianxia Business League branch, which makes people feel that ordinary people can't enter here.

Just as Luo Zheng was approaching, a warrior at the gate gestured to Luo Zheng and said in a cold voice, "stop, this is the branch of the World Business League. Let's leave quickly!"

The shops of the world business alliance are all over the central region, and the sub alliance generally does not do business. Generally, only those who negotiate important matters or have large transactions will come to the sub alliance. Generally, such warriors at least follow God's extreme, or God's elixir, or even stronger than God's elixir.

Luo Zheng, a little congenital creature, stood at the door for a moment. Naturally, the two warriors started to drive away. This is not the place where Luo Zheng can come. "Friend, where are you going to play? Don't give yourself bad luck!"

Hearing these two people's words, Luo Zheng's eyebrows wrinkled. The world's business leagues also take themselves seriously. If it wasn't for getting information, who would come here? Then Luo Zheng took out a famous post from his chest and threw it away with a "Shua." this is the famous invitation post of your world business alliance

As a result, one of them came to see Shang Lei's face changed from overcast to sunny after he saw the word Shang Lei on the famous post.

Shanglei can only be regarded as an ordinary deacon in the general League, but he is absolutely No. 1 in the sub League here. Just two martial arts gatekeepers are very strange. Why does shanglei send the famous post to this inborn creature?

Even those who are strong according to God can only be gatekeepers in the Business League. How can they be received by the Business League? Is it a relative or nephew of Shang Lei who introduced him to shangmeng for a job?

The two warriors were guessing in their hearts. At this time, the two warriors heard a burst of laughter behind them. An old man came to Luo Zheng with a smile on his face and said politely, "ha ha, is it Luo Zheng's little friend? If you lose, welcome! If you lose something, welcome it

When the two soldiers looked back, their eyes almost glared out. They immediately saluted the old man respectfully, that is, they didn't dare to say a word. This is the leader of their alliance, Mo movement!

What's going on? What's this guy? Even let Mo yuezhang greet each other in person? The heads of the two warriors in the divine realm can't work.

As a result, Luo Zheng's words made the two warriors almost fall to the ground. Luo Zheng nodded and asked, "excuse me Who are you? "

This guy doesn't even know the Mo movement, the leader of yunhaicheng sub League, but Mo movement is so polite! This young man Thinking of their attitude towards the young man, the two warriors in the divine realm were immediately afraid. If the young man casually put a word in front of the Mo movement, they would be miserable.

"Old Mo movement, young Xia Luo Zheng, please come inside first, and let's have a cup of tea," Mo movement said with a happy smile, as if Luo Zheng in front of him was a person of the same generation.

Luo Zheng's eyes gave a light look at the two warriors in the divine realm, and then followed the Mo movement. The two warriors were relieved and relaxed.

Fortunately, it seems that this young man has no revenge. I don't think he will complain to the alliance leader.

However, they still don't understand why the young man should be treated so politely by the alliance leader?

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