Who dares to move now in front of the three strong men in Shendan?

I'm afraid that fate is just like the one who just took care of the divine realm, and was photographed as a blood mist!

Even Luo Zheng could not escape in front of the three! At this moment, Luo Zheng's face remained unchanged, but his brows wrinkled, which was bad.

"You, stay where you are, or you will die!" A god Dan realm strong person light of stare at public, that vision let a person in the heart hair.

After a while, I saw a large group of people in the road of the small town. There were thousands of people! Most of the accomplishments of these martial arts practitioners are innate secrets, and their clothes are different, but the biggest feature is that they are all bound by the dark gold rope, and they are connected back and forth, and they are bound to each other. Thousands of people can't escape!

They caught so many people! Is this really going to the cathode mountain to pick purple thunder bamboo?

When this large group of people came slowly, there were still many warriors on both sides of the road. They picked up the dark gold rope to cover the more than 20 people of Luo Zheng.

Who dares to resist in front of the three strong men in Shendan?

Luo Zheng also obediently put on the rope, and then was driven to the huge team.

Luo Zheng's heart is also very confused, even if it's going up the mountain to pick purple thunder bamboo, it needs the warrior to die to explore the way, doesn't it need so many people? What do these people want to do?

At this time, a young man in purple arrived. He was about 289 years old. He was also a strong man in Shendan realm, and he was still in the later stage of Shendan realm!

Before that, the three strong men of Shendan gave a salute to the young man in purple, "see you little Lord!"

The young man in purple nodded, "are these heads almost together?"

"Young master, a total of 1036 heads!" That God Dan realm strong return way.

"Well, it's good. I'll get so many people together in a short time. I'll make a great contribution to you when I come back to zongmen!" The young man in purple said with a faint smile.

"Thank you, young master!" The face of those who are strong in the realm of Shendan looks happy.

While the other two strong men in Shendan are commanding the warriors below, so that the thousands of warriors who are regarded as "pigs" can keep in formation and move forward.

Luo Zheng's brow is locked in the team.

At the beginning of the two elixirs, a strong one in the middle of the elixir, the so-called little Lord was still a strong one in the later period of the elixir! What do they want to do with so many people going to Jiyin mountain? Whatever it is, it's not a good thing.

How do you run away? Even if this dark golden rope of course he has the ability to break free, but after breaking free? His current strength can't escape in front of the strong in Shendan realm!

Thousands of people were tied up with each other, and the speed of progress was not fast. After walking for a long time, we finally saw a dark mountain in the distance, which looked like a sleeping elephant. This is Jiyin mountain.

After arriving at the foot of Jiyin mountain, the young man in purple suddenly took out a dragon shaped jade pendant from his hand, raised the dragon like jade pendant high and swayed it around towards Jiyin mountain. Then he found a right direction and rushed in that direction.

Luo Zheng didn't know the dragon jade pendant, but at this time, a violent tremor came to Luo Zheng's mind.

"Well? What's going on? " Luo Zheng felt the shock from the bottom of his mind. Is it Qinglong? "What's the matter?" he asked in his mind

After a while, green dragon just "hey hey" smile.

Luo Zheng is depressed to say: "met big trouble, you still can laugh out!" If I can't escape, I'm afraid I will be buried here.

"Big trouble? I don't think so. It's a big chance! " Green Dragon light smile way.

Chance? Luo Zheng is puzzled. Even if there is any chance, how can he take it away in front of these powerful elixirs? So Luo Zheng said, "speak more clearly!"

Luo Zheng is very clear about the vision of this green dragon. In the world where he lives, this green dragon doesn't care at all! It seems that there is nothing he can look up to, whether it is Luo Zheng's understanding of "perfect brush strokes" or "perfect sword meaning", as well as all kinds of treasures he has obtained are just like rubbish in Qinglong's eyes.

If even Qinglong said it was a big chance, how could it be small?

"Hehe, this chance has something to do with me! You don't want to run away, if that guy really finds that place, I'm sure you can directly break through the divine realm! " Qinglong said faintly, "I probably understand what that guy wants to do."

Break through the divine realm! Luo Zheng became more and more curious when he heard Qinglong say that. He couldn't understand the scene. What was the purpose of the young master's entering Jiyin mountain?

It's totally different from what Luo Zheng imagined. Those powerful people in Shendan didn't intend to let these inborn creatures explore the way at all. The two powerful people in the early stage of Shendan made their way directly in front of them. When they met some fierce animals, they killed them directly. In this way, the huge team of thousands of people would not be disturbed.

The fierce beasts in Jiyin mountain are very strong, but the fierce beasts at the foot and on the mountainside are not worth mentioning in front of the strong ones in Shendan realm.But the young master didn't go a long way, so he took out his dragon shaped jade pendant to investigate, and then directed the whole team to move forward. Looking at the direction, his goal was not the top of Jiyin mountain at all!

"Qinglong, what is the destination? Tell me first Luo Zheng asked again.

But Qinglong just said with a smile, "when you arrive, you'll know! If you break through that place, it's not only good for you, but also good for me

Since Qinglong doesn't want to point out, Luo Zheng can't ask any more. The Qinglong, the other eight dragons and the mysterious melting pot are connected with himself in his mind. I believe it won't hurt him.

Along with the winding mountain road, this walk is more than an hour, at this time, in front of the public suddenly appeared a concave mountain stream, and in the middle of that mountain stream unexpectedly appeared a light and shadow like magic tower!

The tower is about ten feet high, and the whole body is covered with strange light, but on the top of the tower is a giant, which is a dragon!

The Dragon had wings, sharp teeth, protruding forehead, strong limbs, and was perched on the tower.

"I finally found it. When people looked at the vision of heaven and earth, they thought it was zileizhu, but it was shenglongtai! This time I will be able to do it! Ha ha ha The eyes of the young man in purple glittered with strange luster.

Those who are strong in Shendan realm also congratulated and said, "Congratulations, young Lord, you have found this dragon platform!"

About hearing the wild laughter of the youth in purple, Yinglong on the tower stretched his neck and made a roar towards this side!


Hearing this huge roar, thousands of inborn creatures were almost scared to kneel down and their faces were blue.

"Drive them down! Go and fill Yinglong's stomach The young man in purple waved an order.

The soldiers around them, waving the whip in their hands, yelled and scolded while driving away the people of Luo Zheng, but the team of thousands of people was motionless at the moment!

Who would like to be buried in Longkou?

Some inborn martial arts people even said, "if you can kill me, I won't go to fill this beast's stomach even if I die!"

"It's better to die than to be cheap."

At this time, the two early warriors of Shendan finally started to fight. They rushed straight over, grabbed a few warriors and threw them down into the valley below. It was like throwing sacks. The slope of the mountain stream slid all the way down, but before they fell down, they saw the Dragon sticking out its long neck and biting at the warriors. The warriors didn't have time to scream, It was swallowed by Yinglong.

See this scene, others face is already very white! Before, they hoped that Yinglong would not eat people, but the food was too clean!

The congenital creatures on the edge of the mountain stream were thrown down one by one by two strong men in the early days of zhaoshen. The ferocious Yinglong was not refused by anyone, and all those who were thrown down were swallowed up!

Luo Zheng's station was in front of him. At this time, there were only seven or eight people in front of him. His face was also very ugly. At this time, he asked, "now it's time. Do you always tell me what to do? I will not open my eyes to fill Yinglong's stomach

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