Luo Zheng was very strange to the two words mentioned by elder Wei. He had never touched these things in the eastern regions.

In fact, it's not hard to understand that the strongest one in the eastern region is only Shi Jingtian. Even Shi Jingtian never had a war spirit, let alone a jasper war spirit.

The reaction to Luo Zheng seems to be within the expectation of elder Wei. If Luo Zheng's cultivation reaches the realm of divine alchemy, he may be exposed to the concept of war spirit. However, Luo Zheng is only born with great perfection, and it's normal to never hear of it.

However, in view of Luo Zheng's previous performance, elder Wei did not respond to Luo Zheng's ignorance. Instead, he explained to Luo Zheng in detail, "the so-called war soul is actually our soul."

Except for some special races, they are born with strong souls. The souls of both human beings and other races are very fragile.

Once the soul is damaged, only the smallest damage will lead to mental depression. If the soul is broken, the body will die quickly.

But if the soul is strong to a certain level, it can not only put the soul directly into the battle, but also compete and fight at the soul level!

However, it requires the soul to undergo rigorous training and step into the "war soul state".

"The spirit of war How can I step in? " Hearing the words of Mr. Wei, Luo Zheng was also fascinated.

Elder Wei, with a smile, seemed to have a sense of superiority and said with a smile: "in the lower world, of course, you don't have this opportunity. Even if you break through the spirit of war, or even reach the spirit of Jasper war, you also rely on a great chance. Therefore, the souls of the warriors in the lower world are not strong enough, but your souls are very good in the congenital life, even in the light of God Let's go. But it still needs training to step into the spirit of war. "

Because Luo Zheng's soul has been calcined by the mysterious furnace, he is still confident in his soul strength, but now he can hear it. Elder Wei's polite words mean that his soul strength is not enough.

Although Luo Zheng thinks like this, he is not depressed. If his strength is not enough, he will go to improve without hesitation!

"Elder Wei, how to exercise here?" Luo Zheng asked.

Elder Wei, with a smile, pointed to the big black ball and said, "inject your soul into it, and you will understand."

"My soul into it?" Luo Zheng a Leng, immediately conditional reflection of shake his head, "Wei long old Mo is not joking."

Although Luo Zheng doesn't know how powerful the battle spirit of Jasper is, it's not Luo Zheng who can resist the pressure of the soul from the black ball. According to Luo Zheng's estimation, if he confronts the evil spirit, he will be killed in an instant. Luo Zheng's soul is not even in the battle spirit.

Seeing Luo Zheng's worries, elder Wei just said, "don't worry. Since we set up this kind of training, you will not be sent to death. Other martial arts practitioners are also practicing here."

With that, elder Wei pointed to a circle of warriors around the black ball. The souls of these warriors had entered the black ball, so their bodies were sitting or lying around the black ball.

"Training in the black ball is also an opportunity for the elite of the lower bound people. You have to make good use of it and it will benefit you a lot," elder Wei said. Later, elder Wei explained some precautions for entering the black ball.

After hearing elder Wei finish, Luo Zheng has no worries. He nods and goes to the black ball. After sitting down, Luo Zheng pokes out his soul towards the black ball. Just after Luo Zheng's soul has just entered the black ball, he finds that his soul is in a dark space.

As soon as he stepped into the black ball, Luo Zheng's soul suddenly felt sharp stabbing pain. It seemed that at this moment, there were countless flying knives stabbing his body, which made his soul full of holes. It also seemed that he was naked and suffering from the frost, burning with fire

"Cluck, cluck..." Luo Zheng's teeth trembled, not controlled by him at all.

The soul without physical protection is very fragile. Even though Luo Zheng's soul is stronger than the same level warrior, it has not changed completely and can't bear the pain at all.

Suffering from severe pain, Luo Zheng saw that there was a little light yellow light around the dark space. Under such pressure, Luo Zheng didn't have time to think much and rushed to the light.

The closer he gets to the light yellow light, the less pressure Luo Zheng feels on his soul. He feels the warmth of the light, like a campfire in the ice and snow, or an oasis in the desert.

When Luo Zheng came near, the light released by the light was constantly repairing Luo Zheng's damaged soul.

It was not until this time that Luo Zheng saw clearly that the souls of many warriors were surrounded by this small oil lamp to keep warm.

In this dark space, this kind of small oil lamp is dotted with bits and pieces. It is this kind of small oil lamp that emits soft light to protect the souls of these warriors from being destroyed by the powerful pressure.

In the center of this space, a huge owl beast evil spirit is firmly fixed by the chains formed by lightning. The terrible soul pressure comes from the body of the owl beast evil spirit.From time to time, the armed people leave the protection area of the small oil lamp and accept the erosion and destruction of the soul of the owl beast and evil spirit. They can't hold on any longer. They will return to the small oil lamp and let the small oil lamp repair their soul.

This method of soul training is very similar to the scene when Luo Zheng first got the mysterious melting pot and accepted the first soul training. Both of them are constantly destroying and repairing the soul. Only at the beginning, Luo Zheng's pain is 100 times stronger than now, and the glow released from the melting pot can repair the soul countless times faster!

Because of that exercise, Luo Zheng's soul became very tough.

There are many similarities in the cultivation methods of the world, and the same is true of the cultivation methods of Longmai people.

If the soul is constantly beaten and honed, it will become more powerful. However, in the lower world, there is no such small oil lamp to repair its own soul. If it destroys its own soul in this way, it will only make itself an idiot.

With this kind of small oil lamp, the situation will be much better.

For Luo Zheng, this kind of cultivation opportunity can be met but not sought. Luo Zheng will naturally seize the opportunity to practice.

When Luo Zheng's soul was almost restored, he rushed out of the scope of the small oil lamp. Just after he stepped out of the scope of the small oil lamp, the terrifying soul pressure swept the soul of Luo Zheng again.

The pain in the soul can not be alleviated by any means. It can only be forced to endure by willpower. Under the influence of the soul, many warriors can only hold on for two or three breaths, and then turn to run in the direction of the little oil lamp.

Luo Zheng stood firmly in place, enduring the impact of this pressure, and soon his teeth began to cackle.

"Hold it Luo Zheng said to himself.

One breath

Two breaths

Ten breaths

By this time, Luo Zheng's soul was full of holes, like a broken cotton padded jacket, and his mind was also dizzy.

"Back up!"

Until Luo Zheng felt that he was about to faint, he returned to the light of the small oil lamp. Under the yellow light, Luo Zheng's soul began to repair a little bit.

"New comer, do you want to spell that?" Next to the little oil lamp, a warrior said with a smile.

These warriors have all experienced the devastation of soul pressure, and they know what it's like. When they saw Luo Zheng holding on to ten breaths for the first time, they were surprised and envious. Some of them have been in for a long time, and they can only hold on to four or five breaths, but Luo Zheng can hold on to ten breaths for the first time!

Luo Zheng light smile, did not speak, wait until the soul is completely repaired, Luo Zheng and without hesitation, once again rushed out.

In this way, he repeatedly endured the suffering of his soul. Under the pressure of the spirit of the owl beast, Luo Zheng persisted for a longer time.

At first, he could only hold on to ten breaths, then 12 breaths, 20 breaths, 40 breaths

It wasn't long before Luo Zheng was able to hold on to a stick of incense.

This growth speed can only make those martial arts gape. Is it too evil?

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