Previously, the middle-aged martial arts player had fully explained the rules. The examination of the external examination was divided into two stages.

The first stage is to guard around their own small tower and get a certain amount of points. These points are the most important things in the external test. Only the top three in points can be qualified for the inner race.

On the side of the small tower, Luo Zheng's points are displayed. At the moment, a big "zero" is displayed. In addition to displaying points, there is an arc crystal ball on the top, which records the number of attacks on the small tower.

While Luo Zheng was observing, a sharp bell rang in the sky.


When the bell disappeared, a row of black spots appeared at the end of the grassland.

"Here it is

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed and looked at the end of the grassland. These little black spots were dense spiders with three eyes on the head, emitting faint red light. The three pupil spiders were not aggressive, but there were a lot of them.

According to Luo Zheng's understanding of the rules, these three pupil spiders will attack Luo Zheng and the small tower around him. If the small tower is attacked more than 20 times, the small tower will be destroyed, and Luo Zheng will be out.

So what Luo Zheng wants to do is try to kill these three pupil spiders and keep them away from the small tower.

"Gee Hum

When the three pupil spiders got close to a certain range, the archer on the small tower suddenly pulled the bow string and shot an arrow into the distance. The arrow was extremely accurate. A three pupil spider in the distance was shot over.

This small tower can assist Luo Zheng's attack, but although its arrow technique is sharp, every time it shoots an arrow, a three pupil spider will fall to the ground.

Although the archer's archery on this small tower is sharp, he can only shoot one at a time. Facing the vast ocean composed of three pupil spiders, it's just a drop in the bucket, so it still needs Luo Zheng's hand.


Luo Zheng didn't hesitate. When the spiders approached a certain range, he rushed up directly.

This first wave of three pupil spiders is not very difficult, but there are a lot of them. There are thousands of three pupil spiders coming from all directions, so we must kill them by quick means. As long as we release dozens of three pupil spiders, each three pupil spider will be eliminated if it attacks the small tower once.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

Luo Zheng cut out a sword, and in an instant, more than a dozen spiders with three pupils were cut over and turned into a little light.

His figure dashed across the grassland. Where he passed, those three pupil spiders fell to the ground and disappeared into a little bit of colorful light. With the archer's shooting on the small tower, more than half of the thousands of three pupil spiders were destroyed in a short time.

"The first wave of attack is not big, I did not use the means of large-scale attack, so the speed should not be fast!" Looking at the less and less three pupil spiders, Luo Zheng's figure also turns into a thin thread and rushes up to kill them. If you don't carefully put the three pupil spiders in the past once, it won't be worth the loss. After all, the small tower can only bear 20 times of damage.

Luo Zheng's conjecture is good. Among the warriors of this huge magic array, Luo Zheng's speed is relatively slow.

For example, the warrior named Ao Xiang, facing the sea formed by thousands of three pupil spiders, stood on the top of the tower, took out the cutlass on his back, and the blue wind circled around him. Then Ao Xiang waved to the sea of three pupil spiders.

"Blade storm!"

Aoxiang around countless blue wind burst out, with him as the center toward the spread around.

The blades, which were a little bit half moon shaped, rolled towards the three pupil spiders. Where they were swept by the blades, all the three pupil spiders were cut into pieces!

Another example is the white faced warrior, who looks sickly, but at this time he is like a ghost, and his figure is even more like a ghost. He waited until these three pupil spiders were only ten feet away from the small tower, and then a gloomy smile appeared on his face.

"Wuji ghost hand!"

Under the constant shaking of the white faced warrior, a lot of ghost hands suddenly appeared in his body. The number of these ghost hands was amazing. Each ghost hand rushed to the three pupil spider. Those ghost hands rushed to the three pupil spider and grabbed it lightly. Then they squeezed a three pupil spider into pieces, turned into a little light and dissipated in the magic array.

In the palace outside the magic array, in addition to the middle-aged warrior who told the magic array the rules, there were three more elders!

One of them was mo yuezhang, the leader of the sub alliance of the world business alliance who had a close relationship with Luo Zheng.

This martial arts conference was the biggest event of the World Business League, so Mo movement was also transferred back from Yunhai city by the World Business League.

"It seems that the strength of the 400 warriors assessed today is slightly stronger than yesterday. It took only three breath to kill the first wave of the fastest fighters, and even the slowest ones took less than one breath," the middle-aged warrior stares at a letter in front of him.

The letter GUI used by the world business alliance was so large that it almost occupied a wall of the palace.In naxingui, it not only shows the picture of the warrior in the magic array, but also records the status of the tower guarded by the 400 warriors. After the first wave of three pupil spider sea, no warrior's tower has been attacked, so all of them are displayed for 20 times.

Mo yuezhang nodded, "indeed, it seems that today's first three places fight will be more fierce," he said, and then moved his eyes to the martial arts who killed the slowest three pupil spider. When he saw the name of Luo Zheng recorded on the letter GUI, his eyebrows suddenly jumped, and then to the middle-aged martial arts, "open the picture of this martial arts."

The middle-aged warrior is very strange. Why Mo yuezhang pays attention to this young man named Luo Zheng? He manipulates Xin GUI and says: "this warrior is very strange. His strength is obviously only three fold according to the divine realm. He can actually pass the registration examination. However, it seems that his strength is not outstanding, ranking last in the first wave of speed."

"It's him!"

When Luo Zheng's picture appears in Xin GUI, Mo Yue Zhang's face shows a surprise expression.

"Who is he?" The middle-aged warrior showed a strange look.

Although Luo Zheng came back from shenglongtai, not many people knew about it. Only the patriarch of the main sect and the top leaders of the world business alliance knew about it, but the middle-aged warrior didn't know about it.

"The boy It's the rune master who has "perfect brush strokes." he's from cloud palace, "Mo yuezhang said with a smile.

"A rune master with perfect strokes? People of cloud hall! Is elder Mo wrong? " The middle-aged martial arts man's face changed. As a member of the business alliance, the middle-aged martial arts man knows the value of a perfect Rune master. But what does such a guy mean when he goes to the martial arts meeting? More importantly, he is also a member of yundian.

As the peak of Sipin sect, yundian has the quota for the inner circle competition. His subordinates usually don't sign up for the outer circle competition to compete with many Sanpin sect and independent martial arts players for the quota. What's more, this boy is a rune master and is not good at fighting at all. Why did he come to participate in the outer circle competition?

"I know him. I can't be wrong," Mo yuezhang shook his head. "As for why he wanted to attend the martial arts conference, it's not clear."

The middle-aged martial arts man shook his head. "No wonder he passed the first wave of assessment so slowly. It took him a long time to kill all the spiders. It's estimated that he should not survive five waves."

"Five waves?" Mo movement shook his head, then said with a smile: "should be able to support the tenth wave or so."

Another elder next to him laughed, "elder Mo may not look too high on this boy. The seventh wave of the magic array will face a wave of beasts. I think the limit of this boy should be the sixth wave or the seventh wave Maybe even the Sixth Wave won't work. "

These elders know this magic array very well. It's not easy to guard that small tower. The strength of the fierce beasts in it is stronger and stronger. The first five waves are better. After the sixth wave, the difficulty will be increased by multiple.

However, although the conclusions of several elders are not unified, no one thinks that Luo Zheng can pass.

The fighting power of the rune master was not high, not to mention Luo Zhengcai's three levels of divinity.

Before that, there were about ten martial arts masters who took care of God. But these days, they were able to pass the external examination. All the martial arts masters who got the quota were strong in the realm of God and elixir, and none of them took care of God!

How can the cultivation of Yiluo Zheng pass?

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