Luo Zheng has never used his sword spirit since he passed the examination of the road of the tester.

In fact, it's not common for the sword spirit to be transformed into shape. Even among the strong ones in Shendan realm, there are not many people who have sword spirit, not to mention Luo Zheng's sword spirit has been transformed into shape.

In fact, Luo Zheng didn't know much about his sword spirit.

Generally speaking, you can absorb a considerable number of sword spirits when you enter the killing sword mountain, but it's very difficult to transform the sword spirits into shape.

However, Luo Zheng only made the sword spirit come into being once. The problem must lie in the demon night. Luo Zheng only made the sword spirit come into being after defeating the girl of the demon night clan, and he didn't give Luo Zheng any chance to think about it. He turned into the little girl of the demon night clan directly.

The reason is that even Luo Zheng can't understand it. He once asked Qinglong about it, but Qinglong can't understand it. It just tells Luo Zheng that the demon night clan is very powerful and dominates a "big world". The power of the demon night clan is not inferior to that of the real dragon Kingdom! The secret hidden in this powerful race is unknown to outsiders.

Luo Zheng can't solve this mystery for the time being.

So far, Luo Zheng has not seen the upper limit of the demon night's strength. After she equipped the demon night with the giant sword of the blood devil, her combat effectiveness also increased rapidly.

Facing the impact of the third wave of xuangui, Luo Zheng didn't start, just gave an order to Yaoye. Then she rushed to xuangui like a red drill, carrying the huge sword of the blood devil.

Each of these turtles is ten feet long, and the shell on his back is four feet thick. It's very hard for Luo Zheng to kill them. These turtles move very slowly, but it's not easy to kill them before they get close to the tower.

But after Luo Zheng let the demon night fight, it was like chopping melons and cutting vegetables to deal with the turtles. The thick armor of the turtles was like paper in front of the blood devil's sword. Compared with human beings, her nearly perfect figure danced a graceful sword dance. With the benefit of the huge sword, she soon cleaned up these mysterious turtles.

The demon night who has finished the task is holding a huge sword and standing in the same place, like a puppet. There is no expression on that beautiful face.

Sitting on the small tower, Luo Zheng's heart reads, and the demon night turns into a red shadow. He is quickly called by Luo Zheng and returns to the side of the small tower.

Leng demon's long face looks at Luo's special color of doubt

"Special? What's so special about it? " Although Xiao Lao and Mo yuezhang are also strong in the virtual world, and their strength is stronger than that of the middle-aged martial arts, they are not swordsmen. They can't see anything except that what Luo Zheng calls out is the sword spirit.

The middle-aged warrior took out a long sword from his Xumi ring. It was a top-grade immortal weapon. He gently waved the sword in his hand, and a burly figure appeared beside him. The figure was black and slightly higher than the middle-aged warrior. He also carried two black and white swords in his hand.

"This is my sword spirit. You can easily tell the difference," the middle-aged warrior said faintly.

Mo movement carefully looked at the middle-aged warrior's sword spirit, then suddenly nodded, "it's really very different."

"What's the difference?" the middle-aged warrior asked with a smile

"You are so ugly," Mo yuezhang said suddenly.

“……” The middle-aged warrior didn't know what to say for a moment.

Xiao Lao "ha ha" laughed twice, "elder Mo is right, your sword spirit is really ugly

The middle-aged warrior's sword spirit was really ugly. He could hardly distinguish his nose from his eyes. He could only see the outline of a figure. The middle-aged warrior could not laugh or cry and said, "ugliness is really ugly, but that's not the point!"

The sword spirit needs to accumulate continuously before it can transform into shape. In the process of accumulation, it is bound to be influenced by the master of the sword spirit. When it finally transforms into shape, it will transform into a certain shape. It took more than 40 years for the middle-aged warrior to transform the sword spirit into shape by himself.

Let's not talk about how Luo Zheng is so young that he can transform the sword spirit into shape. There are always several demons in the world, but the shape of Luo Zheng's sword spirit is too specific!

That sword spirit demon night regardless of is the facial expression or the appearance, even each hair silk all clearly visible! I'm afraid it will take several hundred years rather than several decades for this kind of sword to come into being. It will take thousands of years for this kind of sword to come into being.

The middle-aged warrior tried to explain to Mo yuezhang and Xiao Lao.

After all, the middle-aged swordsman is one of the top swordsmen in the Middle Kingdom. He has practiced his swordsmanship for decades, and his sword sense has been perfected perfectly. He knows all these very well.

Luo Zheng's sword spirit demon night was once shown in front of Hua Tianming, Shi Jingtian and Ning yudie. Needless to say, Hua Tianming, who was in the eastern region at that time, could not have this insight. Even now Hua Tianming can't have his own sword meaning.

But Shi Jingtian and Ning yudie are not swordsmen. They didn't see the secret for a while.

But this middle-aged warrior is different, so compared with Mo yuezhang and Xiao Lao, when he saw the sword spirit demon night, he was much more shocked than them. After all, he knew how difficult it was for such a sword spirit to cohere."Hundreds and thousands of years, how could that be possible?" Hearing this, Mo yuezhang's face became more surprised.

The middle-aged warrior nodded, "I'm sure it's impossible to condense the sword spirit to this point without hundreds of years or thousands of years."

Xiao Lao sighed and said: "Xue Jian, don't be so sure At the beginning, who could claim that Cui Xie could become the first person in the central region? He is less than forty years old now

Hear Xiao Lao mention Cui Xie, a few people are a burst of silence.

Among all the independent warriors in the Middle Kingdom, Cui Xie, the king of dongxie, is almost an alien.

Zhongyu is divided into two types: the clan warrior and the independent warrior. The clan warrior is much stronger than the independent warrior! Because each sect has a profound history and is able to cultivate martial arts practitioners more efficiently, this is the reason why the sect is more powerful.

Independent fighters are also a force that can not be ignored in the central region, because there are too many fighters in the central region, and at least 60% of them are not born in the clan. Compared with the clan fighters, these independent fighters are scattered and brave, and their strength is not worth mentioning!

However, the number of independent fighters is too large. Among the hundreds of millions of independent fighters, there are always some peerless talents! Without the care and cultivation of the clan, these independent warriors will shine more brightly and have stronger strength once they stand out.

For example, Xiang Tianxing, the venerable of Nanhua, and Chu NaNTU, the famous and powerful men, are no less powerful than the patriarchs of these major sects.

But Xiang Tianxing, Chu NaNTU and others have been famous for a long time. They are old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years, but Cui Xie is different.

He rose almost at the speed of a comet and became the first strong man in the middle region! Now, even the world business alliance, xulingzong, yundian and other four class sects have to give face to Cui Xie. They dare not offend the strongest one in the Middle Kingdom.

It is said that some time ago, Cui Xie went to the cloud hall and asked for a female warrior with purple extreme Yin body. The cloud hall could only swallow its anger and hand it over.

It's not normal for such a hero to have no ambition, so it's said that Cui Xie's goal is to unify the whole central region and establish a kingdom of God!

If Cui Xie can really achieve this goal, the first one to suffer is the world business alliance and xulingzong.

For example, Xiao Lao and Mo yuezhang have a long life. They are likely to see this day in their lifetime. They don't know how much blood will be stirred up in the central region at that time, and what kind of turbulence will be produced in their business alliance!

This is why, when Xiao Lao mentioned Cui Xie, everyone would fall into a silence. Cui Xie has become a shadow on the top of the world's business alliance. In fact, Cui Xie is not only the shadow of the World Business League, but also the trouble of wupinzong and xulingzong!

"What Xiao Lao means is that Luo Zheng will rise like Cui Xie?" Mo yuezhang asked.

Xiao shook his head. "It's hard to say that only one Cui Xie can be born among hundreds of millions of warriors. Although Luo Zheng's current strength is relatively strong and his talent is devilish, the possibility of achieving Cui Xie's level is still too low, but I think his probability is innumerable times higher than other warriors after all!"

Mo yuezhang laughed twice, and then said: "even so, it has little to do with our world business alliance. Although Luo Zheng came to participate in the external test, he is a disciple of yundian, not a member of our world business alliance, but he is really an object worth attracting."

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