Although Luo Zheng prepared himself for the pain of forging, he didn't expect that the pain would be so unbearable.

His soul has stepped into the war spirit, and his willpower has been improved several times, but he still can't bear this kind of inhuman torture, and even fainted.

A sound of footsteps came in, but a girl in green damask came in with a pot of hot tea. This young girl has the posture of being a middle-class person, with her forehead full of bangs. Her eyes are pure and her feet are light.

"Are you awake?" Seeing that Luo Zheng woke up, the girl poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Luo Zheng.

This young girl is an ordinary person, without any accomplishments. Luo Zheng's eyes slightly swept away, and his vigilance was completely put down. He nodded, took a cup of hot tea and took a sip.

"I just saw you in great pain. Do you need me to call a doctor for you?" Although Bi Chun knows that the warrior's body seems to be different from that of ordinary people, Luo Zheng has just suffered so much that he has to find a doctor to have a look

Luo Zheng light smile, shake his head and said: "no, I this problem doctor is not good."

"Not necessarily. I know a very powerful doctor. He's just around the corner. His surname is Wang. He's been an old doctor for decades. He used to..." Bi Chun is serious, said the little girl's broken read, voice simple and clear, but not annoying.

When the little girl said this, Luo Zheng had a faint smile on her face, and did not stop her, but let her go on.

However, Bi Chun is also thoughtful. In the middle of the conversation, when he saw that Luo Zheng didn't respond very much, he didn't listen to what he said. So she stopped talking and glared at Luo Zheng. "Besides, you rented my father's yard and damaged the house and floor inside, but you have to pay for it according to the price!"

Luo Zheng has been tossing about in this small yard for a long time. No one in the Bi family dares to come out, but Bi Chun is not afraid at all. He helps Luo Zheng clean up.

Bi Chun's father said that many martial arts people are unruly. They don't know what kind of girls they like, but Bi Chun has an intuition that Luo Zheng in the yard is not that kind of person.

Now Bi Chun's father sees that the yard has been destroyed so much that he still doesn't dare to come to discuss the compensation with Luo Zheng. Finally, Bi Chun opens the door.

Luo Zheng just remembered that he had just damaged several other people's houses, so Luo Zheng took out more than ten inferior Zhenyuan stones from Xumi's ring and handed them to bi Chun, "are these enough?"

These inferior Zhenyuan stones were left by Luo Zheng when he bought materials.

Seeing more than a dozen inferior Zhenyuan stones in front of him, Bi Chun blinked, then shook his head, "not so much."

There is an insurmountable gap between mortals and warriors. A small family like the Bi family can be regarded as a wealthy family in Tianqi city. A year's food and clothing expenses of a large family are all gold, and the price is only one or two inferior stones.

To repair the damaged house, I'm afraid it only needs less than half of the inferior Zhenyuan stone and more than ten inferior Zhenyuan stone It's a lot of money for the bichun family. If Bi Chun's father knows that Bi Chun refuses, he will be so angry that he can't even sleep, but Luo Zheng is finally stuck in Bi Chun's hands.

Although Bi Chun wants to refuse, on second thought, her father must be very happy. Finally, he happily takes these inferior stones and leaves. When he leaves, he only tells Luo Zheng that she will send him dinner in the evening.

When Bi Chun just went out, Luo Zheng jumped up from the bed, but unexpectedly, his head hit the ceiling directly.

The wooden ceiling was hit with a big hole by Luo Zheng's head.

Bi Chun heard the sound, stepped back, and peeped out his head from the door. His eyes were full of strange expressions.

But Luo Zheng was embarrassed to wipe his forehead and said with a smile: "I will pay for the damaged things according to the price..."

Previously, Luo Zheng had always thought that the warm current could only help him to refine the impurities in his body. The first step to enter the congenital secret realm was to remove the impurities in the body and make it completely pure. But after entering the congenital secret place, this warm current has little effect on him.

Only today did Luo Zheng understand the method Hongmeng Tiangang really used, which was also the first step of Luo Zheng's practice.

Because of the use of Hongmeng Tiangang body forging, Luo Zheng's body also had a wonderful change. As soon as he jumped, he felt that his body was full of a strange force, which was different from Zhenyuan. He could only feel the existence of this force, but could not use it.

So out of control, he jumped up and hit the ceiling.

"The first time I forged my body, I formed my own Gangyuan, worthy of Hongmeng Tiangang, ha ha..." At this time, some of the red dragon's voice came back.

"Gangyuan?" Luo Zheng's eyes jumped slightly.

"Yes, that's the way of training body..." Chi long explained.

The body refining system and the Zhenyuan system are two completely different martial arts. From the beginning, they refine the body, and after passing the five layers of the body, they begin to go their separate ways. Therefore, the martial arts practitioners of the Zhenyuan system should start to practice from the congenital secret realm, and then follow the divine realm, the divine realm, the virtual realm and even a higher levelHowever, the refining system, after passing through the five fold physical body, begins to refine the acupoints! After refining the 108 acupoints of the whole body, you can cultivate the real body without leakage, then Daotai Bazhong, and Shentai Jiuxing!

"The training system is also a huge training system, which is even more perfect than the Zhenyuan system. If you want to practice both Dharma and physique, you must pay more efforts and sweat than other martial arts practitioners in order to achieve something. After training, you must have understood how difficult this road is!" Red Dragon said.

"Well, I understand," Luo Zheng said calmly. Since he chose his own way, he would not hesitate to go down whether he was kneeling or standing.

Seeing that Luo Zheng looked as usual, chi long exclaimed, "good. I was worried that you were not firm enough. If you can really practice both Dharma and physique, you will become the overlord and accomplish immortality in the future. As for the strong men I have met, as long as they follow the path of Dharma and physique, they are far stronger than other martial arts men. Since You're ready. Let's move on! Hey, hey

"Go on?" When he heard chi long's words, Luo Zheng's eyelids jumped slightly.

"Just now it's just forging. It's equivalent to practicing the system of true yuan and transforming true Qi into true yuan. Now it's time to start refining acupoints and orifices Generally speaking, the power of thunder and fire is used to refine acupoints. You don't practice the skills of thunder and fire. Fortunately, you have been baptized by the rules and understood the first level of them. It's better to refine acupoints with pure thunder and fire, "said chi long.

Luo Zheng also understood that he was now training his body again, which means that he had just stepped into the congenital secret realm of cultivating true Qi.

So Luo Zheng went back to the courtyard and sat cross knee. A wisp of flame appeared in front of Luo Zheng. The flame was very small and seemed not powerful, but it was very pure, like a beating flame spirit!

At the same time, another beam of lightning also appeared in front of him. The lightning was flashing blue light, like the light of flawless sapphire. The small lightning was also beating.

Under the red dragon's fingerprints, the wisp of flame and a beam of thunder and lightning in front of Luo Zheng suddenly intertwined and rushed towards Luo Zheng's eyebrows.

It's the biggest acupoint of human body, Baihui!

When the fire and thunder burst into Baihui acupoint, Luo Zheng's body suddenly trembled, and then there were beads of sweat the size of soybeans, one by one, flowing down from his forehead.

The pain of quenching acupoints and orifices is not slighter than that of forging. However, forging can cause severe pain in every part of the body, and the pain of quenching acupoints and orifices is only concentrated in one place.

He felt as if he wanted to burst his eyebrows, and the pure flame and thunder and lightning were constantly spreading in his eyebrows.

It's a big test for Luo Zheng's willpower. Even though these flames and lightning are the power of Luo Zheng's comprehension, they need to be very careful when they are tempered in Luo Zheng's eyebrows. If you don't pay attention to them a little, it's boring to let them penetrate into your mind.

So he can't be distracted.

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