It's not only the martial arts on the stage, but also the disciples of Sipin Sect on the high platform.

Disciple of cloud hall? Through the outside? According to the four times of the divine realm? What kind of trouble is this?

"According to the four levels of Shenjing, you will lose your life when you go on the stage..." A disciple of Shendan realm in the dark wood cliff touched his nose and said with a smile: "it's a pity that I didn't get it, otherwise this battle would be easy!"

"It's true that this kind of little guy who takes care of the divine realm can't last a round on the court," another Blackwood cliff disciple said with a look of regret.

On the high platform of xulingzong, six disciples of shendanjing sat cross legged.

Xulingzong always had strict discipline. Even if they were watching, all of them were upright and quiet.

Among the six, the youngest disciple is only 15 years old, even with a trace of juvenile childishness on his face. Among the martial arts participants in the martial arts conference, he may not be the youngest, but he is undoubtedly the youngest.

"Brother master, brother master," he said with a blink of an eye, "don't you say that I am the lowest in the martial arts conference? You see that guy is lower than my accomplishments! "

The master brother of xulingzong, who was sitting in front of him, also focused his eyes on Luo Zheng. "Suddenly, a martial arts man with four levels of divine realm appeared. I don't understand it, but you should remember that you should never judge the opponent's strength by his superficial cultivation. Just like Xiaojie, you are also a martial arts man with the highest level of divine cultivation, but no one dares to regard you as a martial arts man with the highest level of divine cultivation."

"Well, I see," Xiaojie nodded. "I don't think he is as strong as me! Even two months ago, when I was in the fourth heaven, he couldn't beat me! "

Xiaojie stares at Luo Zheng with a confident smile in his eyes.

If someone else hears Xiaojie's words, I don't know how shocked he will be. In two months, he has gone from the four fold cultivation of the divine realm to the extreme of the divine realm This talent is incredible.

The elder master smiles and shakes his head. Xiaojie seems to be a little worried about Luo Zheng's cultivation.

In the Middle Kingdom, genius is generally divided into four levels: Saint, heaven, earth and man.

To be an elite disciple of a Sipin sect, talent is generally regarded as human level talent or prefecture level talent.

If you are rated as a heaven level genius, it will be enough to cultivate a large number of disciples, because the disciples with heaven level talent are likely to grow into the core of the sect in the future.

As for the saint level genius, a disciple with such talent, as long as he doesn't fall, it's a sure thing to become an elder of a large sect. If he works hard, he can become the leader of a sect.

But Xiaojie's talent is more powerful, his talent surpasses the saint level! There is no record of such a gifted disciple in the history of Zhongyu. He is a god level genius!

Even as the middle stage of Shendan realm, master brother, who has Saint level talent, is not sure to defeat Xiaojie, who is the best according to God! Even the suzerain also asserted that as long as Xiaojie does not fall, he will be the emperor in the future!

The title of "emperor" here does not refer to the kingdom of mortals! But enough strength to build a "holy land" or "Kingdom of God"!

"If you feel unconvinced, after you get the challenge card, you can challenge him," said the master with a smile.

Xiaojie sighed, "well, it depends on whether he can survive to that time..."

In this martial arts conference, from the competition after the opening battle, the winner of each competition can draw cards, which are exemption card and challenge card.

The exemption card can avoid a battle, while the challenge card can challenge without authorization and specify the object of challenge.

However, when it was Xiaojie's turn, Bidou didn't know how many matches had been played. In Xiaojie's view, with Luo Zheng's strength, I'm afraid it would have been either dead or disabled at that time.

The mood of the five disciples on this side of the cloud hall is even more strange.

The five disciples arranged in the cloud hall this time are also the elites among the elites in the cloud hall. Among the five, Zong moye and xuanyuanxiao are the leaders.

When they heard "Yun Dian, Luo Zheng", they all looked back at Ning yudie, the master of the temple. However, Ning yudie's face seemed to be shrouded in a layer of ice and fog, and they could not see what it looked like.

I can't find the answer from Ning yudie, so I have to discuss it by myself.

"It's strange why there is a disciple of cloud hall among the independent warriors? Luo Zheng, who is it? " Zong moye said.

Xuanyuanxiao casually sat on the edge of the high platform and said with a faint smile: "moxie, you have been out for more than half a year to experience, haven't you heard of a arrogant boy coming out of our cloud hall? When it's still an inborn creature, it's necessary to turn over the whole elite hall with the help of one person. "

"Oh? Is there such a thing? " Zongmo is more strange.

"Yes, this boy took LianZhan elite Hall's disciples for his cultivation in the congenital secret place. Unexpectedly, after half a year, he stepped into zhaoshen realm. He didn't know whether his real fighting power was growing with his cultivation," xuanyuanxiao said faintly.

Zong moye also looked at Luo Zheng with a complicated look. "I hope so. It's our disciples of cloud hall. If they are defeated as soon as they go on the stage, or even abandoned, our face of cloud hall is not good-looking."Among the people's eyes, Luo Zhengmai went to the contest.

Now, compared with shenglongtai, killing simaoling is Luo Zheng's first goal!

Si Miaoling is in the middle of Shendan realm. If she wants to kill her, she has to fight under his quench. Therefore, in the previous battle, Luo Zhengshi must hide his strength.

After Luo Zheng's station was established, Gongsun Wei, an independent warrior, also stood up.

When Luo Zheng went to the competition arena, he caused a heated discussion among the martial arts. After all, it was a very interesting topic to go to the martial arts conference.

But when gongsundu went to the arena, some of the warriors in the stands were boiling.

There is no other reason. Although all the warriors in the central region want to come to Tianqi city to watch the martial arts conference, at least half of those who can walk on the stands are from Tianqi city.

And Gongsun poison is a member of the Gongsun family of the Sanpin family in Tianqi city! He is the local warrior of the Apocalypse city. In the Apocalypse City, he belongs to the local fighting!

"Gongsun poison's luck is so good that he ran into a boy in the second round

"Our Gongsun poison is an auspicious star! I believe he will be able to enter the top ten of the martial arts conference and win the grand prize of the world business alliance! "

"Gongsun poison is a disciple of Gongsun's family. He is a great genius. Even in Sipin sect, he is also a core disciple. He is no worse than those martial arts masters in the big Sect on the stage!"

"I don't need to give the face of the cloud hall to kill the boy according to the four levels of the divine realm. I want to see the blood!"

In this enthusiastic discussion, Gongsun poison's mouth slightly tilted up, which is the advantage of local combat. Most of the warriors in the stands are on his side, which will bring strong pressure to the opponent!

But in this battle, gongsundu didn't need to put such pressure on his opponent, because his opponent was too weak

Gongsundu took out two swords from Xumi's ring. The two swords, one green, one gold, and two colors, were all medium-grade swords in the immortal stage.

Seeing these two swords, Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly, "double swords flow?"

Among the swordsmen, there are few people who use double swords. So far, Luo Zheng has only seen Zhu Tianlai of tianyifeng use them.

The advantage of double sword flow is very obvious. Each hand has a sword. The sword skill with double sword flow can play a greater power! However, the disadvantages are also very big. After all, what Kendo pursues is the ultimate sword sense. It will be several times more difficult to sharpen one's own sword sense with double swords. This is also the reason why most swordsmen give up double swords.

"Why, do you know shuangjianliu?" Gongsundu smiles faintly, and his purple and gold swords flash slightly, blooming golden flowers.

When he heard Gongsun poison's words, Luo Zheng showed a noncommittal expression. He never mind that others despise him, because this kind of people will eventually pay the price of their lives.

"Although your accomplishments are very low, don't expect me to let you go, and don't expect me to belittle the enemy," Gong Sun Wei continued. He pointed to Luo Zheng with two long swords on his left and right. "The so-called lion and rabbit fight with all his strength. Now that you have stepped into this contest, you should also have a good understanding of death?"

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