Many warriors spend a piece of the best stone to watch the martial arts conference, in order to see the collision between the strong!

In the previous several contests, it was the independent warrior against the disciples of shangzong sect.

Most of these independent martial arts are not real independent martial arts, but martial arts from Sanpin sect or Sanpin family. Compared with the real Sipin sect, there is still a big gap.

So in the previous contest, there was a one-sided situation, and the battle was far less fierce than imagined.

But now, Zong moye, one of the leading figures in the cloud Hall of sipingzong, is on the stage, and his opponent is one of the six people of xulingzong. Before the fight started, everyone had expected that it would be very wonderful.

"The market is open, the market is open!"

On the stand, many martial arts shout.

Where there is competition, there is gambling.

In Zhongyu, some second and third class sects and forces often hold contests and set up gambling games.

However, there are many pitfalls. Some religious sects often cheat when they set up this contest. They manipulate the result of the contest. The contest, which should have won, suddenly becomes unpopular and pits the gamblers.

At present, the martial arts conference held by the world business alliance may be relatively small. Shenglongtai was originally a must for all the major sects, and the world business alliance could not unite several major sects to pit people for a little bit of real stone.

So this martial arts conference is also a feast for gamblers.

Martial arts is originally a profession of licking blood at the edge of a knife. Most martial arts are born gamblers. These hundreds of thousands of martial arts watch the martial arts conference to observe the collision between talents, and for another important reason, gambling.

"What's the odds? Eh, the odds It seems that the world business alliance is still optimistic about situ Haoran of xulingzong! "

"I bet situ Haoran. After all, xulingzong is a famous wupinzong gate, which is one grade better than yundian!"

"Do you think Zong moye is a fuel-efficient lamp? Although he was cultivated in the early days of Shendan Kingdom after he lived in moye, he once rode alone for thousands of miles and killed three ghosts in the Yellow Sea with one man's strength. He was famous for his country! Those three ghosts are all strong in the middle of Shendan realm! "

According to the performance of the two over the years, many of them constantly analyze the warrior.

After entering the realm of Shendan, these elites of the major sects are usually entrusted with some difficult tasks, and gradually they can create some famous places and accumulate some fame in the Middle Kingdom.

As mentioned by the former warrior, our country of crane is a small country in the central region, which is exactly the country where the yundian family xiangyunzong is located.

At the beginning, because the three ghosts of the Yellow Sea fled to hewo Kingdom, xiangyunzong asked for help, and yundian issued a mission in the sect. The final result was that Zong moye killed the three ghosts of the Yellow Sea with one person's strength, which shocked hewo kingdom! Therefore, the Lord of our country set up a statue for Zong moye, and regarded Zong moye as the God of war. In the eyes of the people of our country, Zong moye is the God of war.

In contrast, situ Haoran of xulingzong is not so famous, because although xulingzong is expensive as wupinzong, they don't absorb five erpinzong as yundian does. The number of disciples is more than yundian, but the distribution is not as wide as yundian.

But whether it's xulingzong, or yundian, xuemuya, Xuanyin hall and so on, each sect has its own unique side, otherwise it can't grow into Sipin force!

"Wu Wu Wu, I envy you so much, second elder martial brother!" Xu lingzong's Xiaojie said depressed: "why can't I draw lots?"

Situ Haoran patted Xiaojie on the shoulder and comforted him: "don't be disappointed, the most powerful one must come out at the end!"

"But it's so boring to just sit there. I really want to find someone to challenge me," he said, looking at the nearby platform and shouting, "Hey, if you get the challenge card, will you challenge me?"

On the high platform next to xulingzong, Cui Xie and his party were.

Cui Xie saw that what she was talking about was a 15-year-old child. She just gave a faint smile and didn't speak.

But the youth around him, is a light look at a small medium, "you are very confident?"

"Well! The first prize of this martial arts conference is mine! But I'm so bored waiting! " Xiaojie blinked and said.

"Yes? I also think it's boring. We can't use it. Why don't we go outside first? " The young man also said faintly that Xiaojie was very confident. As the son of the first person in Zhongyu, the young man also had this confidence!

"Xiaojie, don't talk nonsense. It's extremely rude," the Qingxu Taoist scolded.

But Cui Xie said with a smile to Taoist Qingxu: "Qingxu, the children are noisy, you let them go, you are still so old-fashioned, but unconsciously, you xulingzong seem to have dug a good seedling!"

Cui Xie has noticed Xiaojie for a long time. Although the child's bone age is only 15 years old, his cultivation has already gone to the extreme. Looking at his cultivation and bone age alone, he is also extremely frightened among the general family forces, but it's nothing in Cui Xie's eyes. It's just that Cui Xie feels something else from Xiaojie. This child seems to be very specialQingxu Taoist is perfunctory smile, for Cui Xie's words.

The relationship between xulingzong and Cui Xie has always been not very good. There have been great conflicts. Anyone who wants to rise will often offend a large number of people. Cui Xie is a living example. Xulingzong took the lead to suppress Cui Xie decades ago. Unfortunately, xulingzong did not suppress Cui Xie, but let Cui Xie rise to the first person in the central region!

And it won't be long before Cui Xie's Tianmo Hehuan formation can take shape. If Cui Xie breaks through in the Tianmo Hehuan formation, then he will have no scruples, and the whole central region Cui Xie will be able to walk horizontally. This is something xulingzong, the world business alliance, and even yundian don't want to see.

It is also said that Cui Xie wants to build a kingdom of God in the Middle Kingdom!

The kingdom of God is the kingdom of the warrior. It can be regarded as the power of liupin sect! It means that Cui Xie wants to integrate the whole central region with her own strength.

Xulingzong is called Zhongyu Tianzi sect. How can it be willing to bow to the throne? It's inevitable that there will be a fierce battle involving the whole central region at that time. Despite the honesty of the four sects such as xuemuya, heishanzong and xuanyinguan, they may not turn to Cui Xie at that time.

In the competition field, Zong moye stood in the same place like a sea god needle, with a confident smile on his face.

Situ Haoran, standing opposite him, raised his hand slightly and said calmly, "moye, the cloud temple sect. In fact, I want to fight with you. I've been waiting for a long time."

"Why?" Zong moye asked.


A little ray of thunder burst out of situ Haoran's hand. "I heard that you have understood the original law of the thunder system. I also practice the skill of the thunder system, so I want to know the gap between me and you!"

Looking at the blue thunder light in situ Haoran's hand, Zong moxie's eyes jumped slightly, "you seem to understand no less than me!"

"Look at the thunder light in situ Haoran's hand. He has at least understood half of the thunder rules! What a monster... "

"It's really a monster. Even the old monster in the virtual disaster realm can hardly understand half of the thunder system rules. Unexpectedly, situ Haoran did it in the Shendan realm."

"The inside information of xulingzong is beyond our imagination. It's a generation of talented people."

Luo Zheng was originally meditating with his knees crossed. Gangyuan in his body flows slowly along every cell in his body. At the same time, Zhenyuan in Dantian is also constantly turning. Gangyuan and Zhenyuan are like two distinct rivers in Luo Zheng's body, and they do not violate each other.

To keep this state, Luo Zheng could carry out two kinds of cultivation at the same time.

Luo Zheng opened his eyes slightly in the warm discussion of those warriors. At the moment, Zong moye and situ Haoran were shining with a layer of thunder.

"The thunder and lightning of these two people contain the law of thunder system, but Zong moye's thunder rules are a little more, but situ Haoran's momentum is a little stronger. In this battle, Zong moye will win more, "Luo Zheng looked faintly at the battle field.

However, neither Zong moye nor situ Haoran's Lei system rules can be compared with Luo Zheng.

The power of any law is divided into ten levels.

The power of Lei's law mastered by these two people is only about half of the first level, while Luo Zheng has completely mastered the first level of Lei's law

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