As long as it's human, there's weakness in it.

Luo Zheng's weakness is his sister, who he has to protect when he gives his life for.

And Luo Zheng's dream is to stand on the top of the martial arts, to have a glimpse of the real mystery of the world. From this point of view, his martial arts heart is very strong, and rarely influenced by others.

Cui Yun is different.

He is totally different from Luo Zheng's birth. The starting point of Luo Zheng is very low. Just because of the low starting point, Luo Zheng is like a spring, which is suppressed by death. Once the power to suppress him is released, he can jump higher!

Cui Yun, as the son of Cui Xie, is the only son of the first person in the central region. He is blessed with talent, insight and resources. Who can be better than him?

Even Xiaojie of xulingzong can't compare with Cui Yun. After all, all the resources of Cui Xie can be poured into him, and xulingzong needs to cultivate not only a Xiaojie, but also many talents in xulingzong!

It can be said that with Cui Xie's resources and Cui Yun's own talent, he will be able to call himself Emperor in the future, which is enough to support him to become the master of a "holy land" or "Kingdom of God"!

This is why Cui Yun, as a warrior in Shendan realm, dares to propose marriage to Ning yudie in xuluo realm!

Because he has the strength.

Cui Yun, who grew up in this environment, has a strong self-confidence. In his eyes, all the strong young people in Zhongyu are mole ants, and no one can see into his eyes.

Cui Yun's strong heart of martial arts brings obvious benefits. He is not afraid of any challenges. As long as he keeps his advantage, his heart will be very strong. No one of the younger generation of martial arts in central region can compete with him. If it is not for Luo Zheng's appearance, he will be called emperor in the future!

But this kind of heart of martial arts and Taoism has a fatal hidden danger. If someone surpasses him, it will give him a fatal blow.

It's like a person who has always been excellent. The harder he works, the better he will be. The root of his efforts is to keep his excellence! But once one day, there appears a guy who seems to be very poor, but easily frustrates this excellent person from all aspects, then this person will often be depressed, and he will doubt his ability and whether his efforts are in vain.

Luo Zheng, that's the guy.

Compared with the law, Luo Zheng surpassed Cui Yun in all aspects. Better than baby? Luo Zheng has two sacred implements, which are not inferior to him in everything. He is better at cultivating than he is. Luo Zheng's cultivation is a little smaller than he is. It's even more insulting than his talent From the cultivation, we can see that Cui Yun's talent is not as good as Luo Zheng's.

So at this moment, there is a violent earthquake in Cui Yun's heart. In this earthquake, all his pride, self-confidence and arrogance seem to have become a joke. His heart of martial arts is also destroyed in this earthquake!

On the high platform, Cui Xie took a step and stepped into the competition arena in a flash.

Although Cui Xie's figure is big, he is not very tall. When he moves, he looks like a big mountain, as if there is no man in the world who can knock down this mountain.

"Dong Dong!"

Cui Xie's steady steps step on the competition field, and his resolute eyes stare at Luo Zheng coldly.

With Cui Xie, it is Ning yudie who steps into the competition arena. Under the twinkle of ice and mist, her white feet stand in front of Luo Zheng.

Although it is very difficult to protect Luo Zheng in front of Cui Xie, she still stubbornly stands in front of him.

At the same time, the three leaders of the world business alliance also appeared in the competition arena at the same time. The three fat men had different faces, but they all looked like enemies.

Cui Xie is the first person in Zhongyu. As a simple individual, no one is his opponent in the one-to-one situation.

The three fat men of the world business alliance are sure to fight off Cui Xie, but they also have to pay a considerable price!

The three fat men don't want to stand up at this time. Cui Xie is aiming at Luo Zheng and Yun Dian, which has nothing to do with the world business alliance. But this is the competition arena of martial arts conference, where life and death are in peace. Don't say that Luo Zheng has abolished Cui Yun's martial arts heart. Even if he kills Cui Yun, theoretically, he doesn't have to bear any responsibility!

"Mr. Cui, don't you do it to a descendant who follows the spirit?" Shi Kefan said with a smile that he wanted to tell Cui Xie that with his strength and status, it would be a shame to fight with a young man who was in the divine realm.

Under normal circumstances, Cui Xie would not do this, but in front of hundreds of thousands of warriors in the Apocalypse City, the spread of this matter would be enough to discredit Cui Xie. But Luo Zheng has just broken Cui Yun's heart of martial arts and Taoism, which is a bit serious. These old monsters in the central region know very well that Cui Xie has poured a lot of hard work into his son!

Cui Xie's face appeared a smile, across Ning yudie, a cold hum, "you, have a lot of courage!"

With that, Cui Xie's eyes suddenly widened, and a magnificent mountain like breath pressed to Luo Zheng.Ning yudie stands in front of Luo Zheng. She feels the power. As soon as her face changes, her hands and fingers crisscross. She will use the secret method to resist Cui Xie's power! Ning yudie's strength has not been fully restored after all. Even if her cultivation has been fully restored, she can't be Cui Xie's opponent. Unless she has achieved a great success in the Heart Sutra of the nine heaven Xuannu, she is qualified to compete with Cui Xie. Therefore, in the face of Cui Xie's momentum, Ning yudie feels more pressure.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Luo Zheng reaches out his hand and gently drags Ning yudie, grabs her soft hand and drags her on his body. He looks like a torch, facing Cui Xie alone, and whispers to Ning yudie: "I don't like women standing in front of me."

Luo Zheng doesn't like women standing in front of him.

But in his career, this kind of thing inevitably happened many times, Zhu qianning stood in front of him, Su Lingyun stood in front of him, Yunluo stood in front of him

At that time, Luo Zheng's strength was poor, and most of the time he had no choice, but now he didn't want to stand in front of himself.

Ning yudie is concentrating on the secret method. How can he expect Luo Zheng to drag her at this time? When she reacts, she has been pulled down by Luo Zheng, and her right hand is still being pulled by Luo Zheng!

In full view of the public, pull my hand like this

The woman's thinking is very jumping, at this moment Ning yudie even ignored the crisis of the situation, but paid attention to this kind of things, her heart beat faster, her face also slightly red.

However, this kind of messy idea only lasted for a moment, she immediately responded, Luo Zheng want to bear Cui Xie's pressure?

Even if Luo Zheng can defeat the strong one in Shendan realm, Cui Xie is beyond the existence of virtual disaster realm! How can he resist? Thinking of this, Ning yudie lost his voice and said, "be careful!"

The mountain like pressure is coming towards Luo zhenggai. How powerful is this pressure? If you resist positively, even the soul of the old monster in the virtual robbery realm will be injured, and the soul of the warrior in the divine elixir realm will be destroyed.

The three fat men looked at each other, and their brows wrinkled. Cui Xie didn't really do it. She just used her momentum to suppress Luo Zheng. I'm afraid Luo Zheng is in trouble. With Cui Xie's strength, Luo Zheng's soul will be crushed

"Is that too much of a show off? He is still in front of Ning yudie! Does he think that his strength is comparable to that of the virtual disaster? "

"What you care about is that he holds Ning yudie's hand? Hey, hey

"Luo Zheng will die. No matter how talented he is, he will still die. His soul will be crushed and his body will be like a walking corpse. If the body without soul can't live more than three days, there will be problems in the function of the body."

Many martial arts people can't understand why Luo Zheng would seek death? If you hide behind Ning yudie and fight against Cui Xie with Ning yudie's strength, you will only get hurt at most! With such talent, as long as you keep the Castle Peak, do you worry about firewood? If the strength is really strong in the future, it will be right to find this field again.

Most of the martial arts know how to endure. Luo Zheng can't fail to understand this truth. This is also the place where everyone is confused.

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