Although that "meaning" is very small and can be ignored, Luo Zheng's soul is very sensitive to this "meaning" after training and understanding the selfless state, so he can feel it.

What puzzles Luo Zheng is that this dragon head is clearly just a sculpture carved out of big stones by craftsmen. It is not a living thing. Why can it send out "meaning".

After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng put the problem aside for the time being, and the followers entered the Dragon Castle.

In the Dragon Castle, torches are made of kerosene everywhere. They are burning violently, and crackling sounds come from time to time.

In the light of the fire, the light of the gray Dragon Castle is bright.

The Lu Xiao led the people to a building in the Dragon Castle, and then said to them, "today you can rest here. It's not the first time for many of you to accept the task. You know the rules in the Dragon Castle. If you want to follow our imperial army to hunt and kill the sword insects, you can wait here tomorrow. If you want to act by yourself, you can leave at any time !”

Hearing Lu Xiao's words, many disciples of Qingyun sect looked different.

Four of them took the initiative to step forward. One of them arched his hand to the landing owl and said, "thank you brother Lu for helping us out today. We decided to move freely."

Lu Xiao waved his hand and said boldly, "please help yourself!"

The four men arched at the other disciples of Qingyun sect, and then left by themselves.

After the four left, more and more Qingyun sect disciples chose to leave. After a while, hundreds of Qingyun sect disciples walked clean

Besides Luo Zheng, there are only three other people.

It's the first time that Luo Zheng took part in the task of insect tide. No one else can cooperate. Now it seems that it's not a bad thing to work with these Imperial troops.

As for other people who are willing to stay, naturally they have their own reasons.

Luo Zheng noticed that the ponytail youth who had saved himself on the giant flying chariot also stayed.

Seeing that there were four people willing to stay, Lu Xiao was much more polite. He said to Luo Zheng and others, "please come inside!" With that, he turned to the taxi drivers standing neatly behind him and cried, "today's task is finished, brothers can move freely!"

After the soldiers were disbanded, Lu Xiao accompanied them into the building.

It turns out that this grey building is a pub.

Luo Zheng went in, a strong smell of wine, mixed with the smell of sweat and smoke.

Smelling the smell, Luo Zheng and the disciples of Qingyun sect could not help frowning.

For their reaction, Lu Xiao expected it all. He said with a smile: "my friends, our imperial army is guarding the Dragon Castle. We all live a life of licking blood with the blade. Naturally, we can't compare with the life of the imperial capital. Please bear with us."

These imperial soldiers stay here and fight with monsters all day long. In this harsh environment, even the most delicate people will be rough.

"What is there to bear? Just do as the Romans do. If you want to live a comfortable life, why do you need to come to Longbao?" The young man with ponytail said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good," then Lu Xiao looked for a table and yelled at him in his thick voice, "small two, get your old guy up a jar!"

The old man in Lu Xiao's mouth was a big jar of old wine. The jar of wine had been left in the corner for many years, and the jar was covered with thick dust. Small two also don't wipe once, so open the lid to pour wine on the table.

The "old guy" didn't sell well, but it turned out to be full-bodied and fragrant.

after the second grader filled up the wine and several people toasted at will, the Lu Xiao could not wait to drink it all, then licked his lips and said, "I haven't asked your friends' names yet!"

Luo Zheng several people then announced own name taboo.

"Luo Zheng."

"Zhao Xuyong!"

"Yang Tai!"

"Mr. mengchang."

After they introduced themselves, Luo Zhengcai knew that the young man with ponytail was called mengchangjun.

Lu Xiao wrote down the names of the four men, and then held up his glasses: "you are willing to stay and help our Qinglan team. On behalf of the soldiers, I thank you first!"

"Brother Lu Xiao, it's very kind of you to say that. We'll stay here for the sake of more convenient hunting knife worms," Luo Zheng said after drinking the wine and putting down the wine set. "I thought it would be more profitable to hunt knife worms with the Imperial Army, but I don't know why the disciples of the sect didn't want to?"

Just now, Luo Zheng also had some doubts. The emperor's army obviously had a special way to deal with the Dao insect. But the disciples of Qingyun sect were afraid to mix with the emperor's army. Is there any taboo?

Asked about this question, Lu Xiao was obviously stunned, and then said: "brother Luo Zheng should have come to Longbao for the first time?"

Luo Zheng nodded, and then the conversation was accepted by mengchang: "brother Luo Zheng doesn't know something. We Qingyun sect disciples are all four or five people in a team who work together. This is very efficient, and all the rewards we get are in our own pocket. If you follow the emperor's army, sometimes you have to follow the troops. There are a lot of constraints. Sometimes the emperor's army also asks to give them some crystal nuclei. In this case, are you willing to move freely or follow the emperor's army? "After hearing mengchang's explanation, Luo Zhengcai suddenly realized.

The emperor was not willing to cooperate with most of his disciples.

But mengchang did not make it clear to Luo Zheng.

That is to say, most of the disciples of Qingyun sect despise the imperial army. Compared with the masters of Qingyun sect who are always half congenital, or even congenital secret places, the strength of the imperial army is much weaker.

For example, the centurion Lu Xiao is also a half step inborn, and Lu Xiao's men are a mixture of good and bad. They are all in the realm of refining bones, internal organs and marrow.

This kind of disdain is also two-way, and the emperor's army doesn't think much of the disciples of Qingyun sect. They think that they are self respecting, free and undisciplined

However, the strength of the disciples of Qingyun sect is here, so they are still very popular with the imperial army. If they can join the Imperial Army temporarily, it is also a big help for them. This is why Lu Xiao invited several people to drink.

"Why are you willing to follow Qinglan's team?" Luo Zheng didn't understand this. He didn't understand the situation of Longbao, so he stayed.

Unexpectedly, Mr. mengchang shrugged and said with a smile, "I'm just visiting Longbao, but I don't care about crystal nucleus and integral..."

When he heard Meng Chang Jun's explanation, Luo Zheng was speechless. He was just about to ask why he didn't care about the points. Just then a voice from the next table rang.

"Haha, I said Qingyun Zong has a great reputation. They are all people who can take away the nature of heaven and earth. Unexpectedly, I saw a baby today?" A rough voice began to ring.

Luo Zheng and others turned their heads and saw that the speaker was a bearded man, who was shaking his head at the table.

It soon became clear to all of us who the "chick" in the mouth of the big beard meant.

Among the four disciples of Qingyun sect present here, mengchang Jun is the master of congenital secret realm, while Zhao Xuyong and Yang Tai are all half congenital. Only Luo Zheng is the realm of refining marrow, so Luo Zheng is the "baby".

"Lao Wu, after two cups of horse urine and talking, sit back and drink for me. Don't make trouble!" Lu Xiao frowned and said to big beard. Then he turned to Luo Zheng and said, "this guy doesn't know his last name after drinking some wine. He likes to talk nonsense!"

Luo Zheng light nod, said he does not mind, he has never mind others underestimate their strength.

However, Lao Wu ignored Lu Xiao and left his seat. He walked towards Luo Zheng and said, "Lu Xiao, am I wrong? So Qingyun sect is known as the number one in the world, and now its talents are in decline? How can you send the younger generation of refining marrow to us? Do you think it's funny

All the people in the tavern put down their glasses and gathered their eyes together.

There were no recreational activities for these imperial soldiers on weekdays. There was a lot of excitement. Naturally, they were all full of interest.

What's more, most of them don't like the disciples of Qingyun sect. Lao Wu's trouble with the disciples of Qingyun sect is really a favorite thing for them.

In order to calm down the situation, Lu Xiao, on the one hand, scolded Lao Wu and asked him to calm down. On the other hand, he said to Luo Zheng, "brother Luo Zheng, don't take it to heart. Lao Wu had some conflicts with the disciples of Qingyun sect some time ago. He was angry, so he said like this..."

"What do I suffer? Those disciples of Qingyun sect deserve to make me angry? Lu Xiao, don't make peace here! " Lao Wu didn't like Lu Xiao at all. He said to Luo Zheng, "if you have seed, come and practice with me. Let me see the domineering spirit of your Qingyun sect disciples!"

Luo Zheng was not moved by this blatant provocation.

Luo Zheng accepted the task of hunting knife insects. On the one hand, he wanted to accumulate points. On the other hand, he wanted to experience himself and grow faster.

He had no interest in such meaningless disputes.

And sitting next to mengchang Jun, is also a face indifferent expression, do not want to get involved in this kind of thing.

On the contrary, Zhao Xuyong and Yang Tai took the lead.

"If you want to see the domineering spirit of Qingyun sect, I can accompany Zhao Xuyong!" Zhao Xuyong stood up with a crash.

"Your imperial army is really promising. You are half a step ahead of the natural realm, while brother Luo Zheng only has the realm of refining marrow, and he can pick up persimmons with a soft pinch?" Yang Tai said with a sneer on his face.

In fact, Yang Tai admitted that Luo Zheng's strength was too low. Although Yang Tai wanted to protect Luo Zheng, he didn't consider Luo Zheng's mood.

Luo Zheng didn't care at all. He didn't mind what other people thought of him.

The problem is that these people on the table are likely to be comrades in arms in the future, and they can't be too weak. So he stood up and stopped in front of Yang Tai and Zhao Xuyong: "two brothers, since each other is coming for me, I'd better solve this problem."

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