Cui Xie has quit the contest and given up the fight for shenglongtai.

However, there were many religious sects and independent warriors on the scene. They did not give up the fight for shenglongtai.

Shi Kefan said with a smile, "the two men brought by Cui Xie have been eliminated. Since the rest of the competition is going to be carried out as promised, the competition platform in front of us has been destroyed..." Shi Kefan nodded to Yanyue mountain.

Yanyue mountain left the scene of the martial arts meeting, but after a while, people heard a steady footstep.

"Putong, Putong..."

When they ran away, they saw Yan Yueshan walking towards this side with his fat body, carrying a huge platform.

This one is about 20 feet wider than the platform. In order to resist the power of the strong in Shendan realm, it was made with complex technology. Some of the materials are much heavier than gold and iron. The weight of the whole platform is an amazing number. Yanyue mountain resisted it with his shoulder.

"Bang Dang!"

With a big bang, Yanyue mountain has covered the platform heavily.

When all the masters saw this scene, they didn't respond. Most of the strong people in the virtual scene could do it. On the contrary, all the martial people in the stands were shouting and praising.

These patriarchs returned to their own stage with their own thoughts.

In fact, Luo Zheng killed Si Miaoling, but it was to chase many people's wishes.

In fact, because of the rise of Cui Xie, there is a deep sense of crisis in several major businesses, even in the world business alliance.

Nowadays, Cui Xie is so powerful that it often takes two or three sects to join hands to contain him. He also shows his ambition to build a kingdom of God more than once or twice. But in this situation, several sects just don't hear about it.

If Cui Xie really sets out to join the heaven and the devil and let him step into the sea of gods, no one will be able to contain Cui Xie in the Middle Kingdom. At that time, there are only two ways to choose whether it is xulingzong, or Tianxia business alliance, or yundian and other sects.

Either submit to Cui Xie or be destroyed by Cui Xie.

From this point of view, I'm afraid that both the Qingxu Taoist of xulingzong and the three leaders of the world business alliance should thank Luo Zheng.

But all the pressure will be borne by Luo Zheng and Yun Dian.

On the high platform, Granny Yu's face was still cold and stern. The wrinkles on her face seemed to be carved with a knife.

Looking at Shifu's angry appearance, Ning yudie blinked her eyes, went up and took Shifu's arm. She said childishly: "Shifu, don't be angry..."

"Not angry?" Granny Yu shook her head, "yes! It's no use getting angry. Cui Xie comes to the door one day. How can I deal with the cloud hall? How to explain to the people in yundian? Tell millions of disciples of cloud hall? "

It's true that a cloud hall alone can't fight against Cui Xie. As the first person in the Middle Kingdom, Cui Xie can defeat the whole cloud hall with her own strength.

Granny Yu is a strong person in the realm of life and death, but she has only lived through one natural calamity, and I don't know whether she can survive the next one. Besides, Granny Yu is not Cui Xie's opponent. If Ning yudie completes the Heart Sutra of nine heaven Xuannv, crosses the "line of life and death" and becomes a strong person in the realm of life and death, she may be able to compete with Cui Xie.

But how difficult is it to cross the line of life and death? It can't be done in one day or two!

Why don't Ning yudie understand master's words?

Just when she rushed out, she made a fierce balance in her heart and offended Cui Xie. What should Yun Dian do? In the end, she got the upper hand and stood in front of Luo Zheng. As for whether it was a good deal for Yun Dian to protect Luo Zheng, it was no longer considered by Ning yudie.

Ning yudie looks gloomy and full of guilt, "I'm sorry Master, maybe I'm not qualified to be the master of the temple... "

Seeing that Ning yudie was so guilty, Granny Yu sighed, "Alas, I know you are out of your mind, but your talent is first-class. If you can even challenge the realm of life and death with a false state of robbery after the completion of the Heart Sutra of the nine heaven Xuannv, you will lead the cloud hall into the gate of Wupin sect, and even make the cloud hall a holy land."

If a liupin force does not strive to dominate the world, it will become a holy land. If it strives to dominate the world and establishes a kingdom of warriors, it will be called the kingdom of God. It is a great honor for yundian to become a holy land without the desire to fight for hegemony.

At this time, Luo Zheng suddenly said, "Granny Yu, I have a way to deal with Cui Xie."

Granny Yu looked at Luo Zheng sarcastically, "do you think you just killed in front of Cui Xie, and he can't help you? If not for the world business alliance, you may have become a piece of dust now! If a warrior doesn't have his own strength, he can't do it with luck

"Luck is also a kind of strength. Can granny Yu hear me out?" Luo Zheng asked.

"You say," mother-in-law Yu said faintly. She didn't like Luo Zheng. Her younger sister was taken away, and she even dared to blame Ning yudie. But how could mother-in-law Yu bear to bully her apprentice like this?But mother-in-law Yu sees that Ning yudie seems to have feelings. She favors Luo Zheng in everything. Mother-in-law Yu is not good at treating Luo Zheng. What's more, people can see that Luo Zheng has great fortune. Her mother-in-law is a person who has crossed the line of life and death. People who understand both life and death can't see Luo Zheng's fortune?

The theory of Qi Yun is very evil among the martial arts.

It's hard for those who have good fortune to die, or even swallow up the fortune of others. A group of people take risks in a desperate situation. The one with the strongest fortune may swallow up all the fortune of others, so in the adventure, all the others are robbed, but the one with good fortune survives, gets all kinds of treasures, and gets out of danger safely

What mother-in-law Yu was afraid of was that Luo Zheng's luck was so strong that she swallowed up the luck of the whole cloud hall and harmed the cloud hall.

Where does Luo Zheng know that Granny Yu thinks so much? He just said, "martial arts conference, I want to abstain."

"Why?" The deep wrinkles on Granny Yu's forehead twisted for a moment, and her eyes were staring at Luo Zheng.

In fact, the results of this martial arts conference have gradually become clear. The biggest suspense is probably Luo Zheng and Xiaojie. However, there is a masked female disciple beside the South China venerable, who hasn't done anything until now. Maybe it's also a suspense.

But anyway, Luo Zheng has a great chance to compete for the first place.

Ning Yu butterfly's slender willow eyebrows also stand up, looking at Luo Zheng with complicated eyes.

"I want to help the cloud hall to build the huzong formation," Luo Zheng said slowly.

Shenglongtai is important to Luo Zheng, but he is the only one who holds the secret of shenglongtai. To put it bluntly, anyone who enters shenglongtai will enter a dead end. Not only can he not get any benefit, he will be imprisoned for a thousand years. This is not a joke. For most people, there is no big difference between a thousand years and death penalty.

"Huzong formation..." Granny Yu's face was full of emotion.

Just now, we all saw the power of Luo Zheng's arrangement of the border, which is only the power inspired by more than 100 runes. If Yun Dian can really arrange thousands of large arrays, it is really possible to use this as a barrier against Cui Xie!

"Are you sure you can set up a big array to resist Cui Xie?" Granny Yu asked.

"80% sure," Luo Zheng nodded.

In fact, Luo Zheng is 100% sure, but he didn't make his words perfect. Apart from anything else, Qinglong has swallowed up the evil spirit of the owl beast, and its essence has recovered a lot of soul power. Even if Luo Zheng encounters some troubles, he can let Qinglong do it.

Qinglong is able to set up a grand Zhenlong array. It's a strange array that destroys heaven and earth. It's just a big array of four grades. It's just to fight against the strong in the realm of life and death. It should not be defeated.

People grow old and become elite. After so many years of living, what can't be solved?

She nodded slightly, "in this case, there is no hesitation. If you want to arrange the huzong array, all the materials and expenses will be paid by my cloud hall!"

When he heard granny Yu's words, Luo Zheng muttered in his heart. Isn't that nonsense? I'll help you set up the huzong battle array. Who's going to make the material? The old woman is really Of course, he didn't dare to say that.

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