All day around the cloud palace, the clouds quietly spread, a few strands of golden sunlight came in, outlining the graceful figure of Ning yudie.

She watched Luo Zheng silently for a while before she left.

For Ning yudie, in fact, this is an irrational gamble. After she has just made a bet, she will face strong pressure from the elders of the cloud hall.

Although the elders such as granny Yu and Da Mengzhen didn't give her too much resentment, Ning yudie knew that they didn't understand what they were doing.

The bet is too big. It's very likely that yundian will be compensated

Just after walking out of the cloud hall, I saw Mr. Zhuo Da and other elders coming around. In addition to a group of elders, there were also many powerful clan leaders of the Sanpin clan, the clan leaders of the Sanpin clan.

These clan leaders and patriarchs are the forces of Yunhai city. They have always been the vassals of yundian. If yundian collapses and brings a tsunami like earthquake, they will also encounter great trouble.

It is not a wise decision to place the hope of resisting Cui Xie on Luo Zheng.

"Lord, please think twice. How can you place your hope on a Luo Zheng?"

"I've been loyal to yunzong for 200 years, and I'll follow yundian until I die, but I can't be because of a little guy who lives in the divine world..."

"It's the only way to hand over Luo Zheng!"

All kinds of words come in a torrent, or passionate, or angry, or painstaking, or helpless, just like a storm, waves of washing Ning yudie, almost drowning her whole person, and as the Lord of the temple, she can't even find a way to escape.

It took quite a while for Ning yudie to deal with this group of people.

Back to her ice palace, Ning yudie's face is numb. She looks at Bing Feng floating gently and stops on her shoulder. She bites her thin lip and spits out a dirty word unconsciously, "Damn, I'm sorry..."

However, she is such a woman. Once she chooses the direction, she will not change her course. Even if she has thorns and pains ahead, she will bear the burden and make no progress.

What kind of pressure does Luo Zheng have on Ning yudie?

But Cui Xie may come to visit at any time. Luo Zheng can only devote all his energy to drawing divine lines.

Even though Luo Zheng has the soul of the war soul, it's also a great consumption for him to draw divine lines with such a high intensity. Twelve hours a day, he continuously draws eight hours a day, and the remaining four hours are used to repair and restore his spirit. This is the test of Luo Zheng's soul.

The first day, the second, was fine.

On the third day, Luo Zheng almost didn't want to wake up from his sleep. He excessively extracted the power of his soul, which made his soul extremely tired and his short sleep could not be recovered.

Luo Zheng had to put on the jade pendant that Shi Kefan presented to him, and swallowed some pills to warm his soul.

So desperately squeezing his own soul, during this period of time, Luo Zheng's soul is more stable, and his soul is covered with a trace of green light.

War spirit is not the end of the soul. Above war spirit is blue spirit. However, to let the soul enter the blue spirit requires a lot of training, which is far from what Luo Zheng can look forward to now.

During this time, Ning yudie will find an opportunity to visit Luo Zheng.

In the face of the pressure from all aspects of the cloud hall, she only saw Luo Zheng's serious and incomparable face in order to slightly ease down.

During this period of time, the cloud hall also paid close attention to Cui Xie's movement. According to the information that the cloud hall heard, after Cui Xie left the Apocalypse City, it seemed that she was looking for a way to cure Cui Yunwu's heart.

The heart of martial arts is broken, which is almost a devastating blow to the martial arts. From then on, they will never recover, even lose confidence in survival.

It is not easy to repair the heart of martial arts and Taoism. Even if it is repaired, there will be some side effects, such as amnesia and mental disability. If you let it go, it will be more and more difficult to repair with the passage of time, because the memory of martial arts will be more and more profound, so Cui Xie's first time is not to find the trouble of cloud hall, but to repair Cui Yun's martial heart.

This news may be the only good news of yundian. At least it helped yundian gain a lot of time.

Before I knew it, more than half a month had passed. On the 19th day, 4900 divine patterns were finally finished, leaving only the last three five-star divine patterns, which were also the most crucial ones.

These three five-star flying patterns, which only cost 4000 pieces of the best Zhenyuan stone, are also the most important three patterns in the huzong array. The whole huzong array is based on these three five-star patterns.

The first five-star divine pattern is called "the light of water". This divine pattern can gather the strength of 1400 divine patterns to form the border of the protector.

The second five-star divine pattern is called "thunder punishment anger". It is an attack divine pattern, which can stimulate an attack effect similar to thunder robbery.

The third five-star divine pattern is called "frenzied trap". This is a trap rune, which needs to be triggered before it can be activated.These three five-star divine patterns were not made by Luo Zheng himself. Although Luo Zheng was very sure to complete these three divine patterns, these materials were too precious. If there was a slight error, they might be destroyed once.

It's not that yundian can't dig out so many genuine stones. Unfortunately, some materials can't be bought with money for a while and a half. Luo Zheng doesn't want to take the risk because of the current situation.

The huge Rune paper was placed in front of Luo Zheng. When Luo Zheng wrote, a wisp of Qinglong's soul was immersed in the rune pen, and the tip of the pen fell heavily on the paper, suddenly burst out of water like luster, which contains a strong force of water rules!

From one star to four-star divine pattern, the requirement for the power of law is not high, but to draw five-star divine pattern, you must be proficient in the power of law. For example, to draw "the light of water", you must be proficient in the power of the law of the first layer of water system, otherwise you can't draw it at all.

For example, some god tattoo masters in the upper world, who are themselves practicing the power of fire and thunder, can't draw the "light of water", because they need to have a thorough understanding of the law of water system when they stimulate the characteristics of materials in ink.

Looking at the Yingying light blooming on the tip of Luo Zheng's pen, Zong Rui took a deep breath!

Zong Rui can also draw five-star runes, but where can he use such a strong power of law? Is this guy sure it's a five star rune, not a six or seven star Rune?

"How much power should this Rune inspire?" Zongrui can't help looking forward to it.

In the middle region, the highest level of Rune only stays at six stars, and only a few old guys in the rune tower can barely draw it, but they can't use such strong power of law!

This is also the strength of Shenwen. If you have to convert it, the power of this five-star Shenwen is comparable to that of the eight star Rune in Zhongyu. That's why Luo Zheng believes in the great array of protecting the sect so much!

The strokes on the rune paper are like small rivers, flowing brilliantly, interlacing with each other, complex and full of beauty.

It took Luo Zheng two hours to draw "the light of water". After two hours, Luo Zheng outlined the last stroke and finally formed a perfect rune.


People in the hall can hear the sound of flowing water. This divine pattern seems like a living landscape painting, which makes people feel a soft artistic conception, as if they are in the environment.

When the water wave on the rune gradually immerses, the breath of the water system law gradually disappears, and the hall slowly returns to normal.

Luo Zheng took a look at Zong Rui, then said calmly, "next one!"

Just at this time, there was another loud noise at the door of the hall.

"Ning yudie declared that she was closed these days. I think she is escaping! How can she hide in her own ice palace and keep her door shut? It's so irresponsible

"She must give us an account!"

"It's said that Luo Zheng drew some bullshit runes here. It's just a big battle of protecting the clan. It's useless! If you catch this boy, either hand him over or force Ning yudie out! "

The noisy voice from far to near, soon a group of people appeared at the door.

Zong Rui's face is livid and gloomy. Luo Zheng is at the critical moment. These idiots dare to make trouble for him.

"What's the noise?" Zong Rui, who always has a good temper, couldn't help shouting angrily.

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