"It's a pity," Luo Zheng sighed in his heart, and then said with Zhenyuan: "Zongrui, you are slow."

Zong Rui is also very distressed. Just now he hides in the cloud hall, waiting for Luo Zheng's command, starts the "chaos trap" to surround Cui Xie carefully, and then opens the "anger of thunder punishment"!

The so-called chaos trap is half magic array and half killing array. Once Cui Xie falls into it, he will be immersed in infinite illusion. At this time, the thunder shot by thunder punishment can directly hit Cui Xie!

I didn't expect that Cui Xie was so keen. She felt the killing opportunities in the first step, rushed out of the chaos trap, and avoided the thunder of thunder punishment.

A rune master in the realm of divine elixir and a warrior in the realm of divine elixir conspired to kill the first person in the middle of the hall. If it came out, it would be incredible.

What's more, they almost did it.

Maybe the chaos trap can't kill Cui Xie, and the anger of thunder punishment can only make Cui Xie seriously injured, but the martial arts of cloud palace don't only know how to punish. For those who are strong in the realm of life and death, they may be cannon fodder or fish belly, but if they rush up, I'm afraid Cui Xie will be hard to fight.

What's more, there is also the Lord of the cloud hall and the jade mother-in-law who is also a strong person in the realm of life and death.

The trembling elders who were scared by Cui Xie also showed pity on their faces.

Even mother-in-law Yu, who didn't have much expression, was full of regret.

Ning yudie sat on the black ice Euphorbia, her white and slender legs rippled slightly, her mouth pursed and didn't speak.

Cui Xie has been able to grow up so far. I don't know how many people she has absorbed. It's not so easy to kill him.

After pulling away from the cloud hall, Cui Xie's strong and powerful heart is still beating fiercely. After avoiding the attack of the cloud hall huzong array, Cui Xie has a feeling of fear.

If he was really in the middle of it, and the cloud hall crowd, Cui Xie might have died here. This kind of change was unexpected to Cui Xie.

All his life, he licked blood and grew up tenaciously in all kinds of dangerous situations. The dangers he encountered were unknown. But since he crossed the line of life and death, no one has made him so close to death

And from beginning to end, that annoying boy, always standing on the edge of the border, looking at himself with that kind of indifferent eyes.

This guy, it's really tough.

Just according to the divine realm means emerge in endlessly, if let this guy step into the divine realm, virtual robbery realm, I'm afraid the future is a huge threat to himself!

Before, Cui's goal was to clear up the obstacles for Cui and Luo!

In vigilance, Cui Xie and Luo Zheng drew close, "Luo Zheng, you are qualified to be my opponent."

Hearing this, the elders of the cloud hall felt that some of the blood in their heads couldn't flow, and they felt dizzy!

A strong man who has lived for hundreds of years and crossed the line of life and death, saying this to a teenager?

Is Luo Zheng qualified to be Cui Xie's opponent? Don't mention Cui Xie. He doesn't even have the right to fight with any of the elders in the virtual disaster area. With the strength of these elders, it's not too easy to kill Luo Zheng.

But Cui Xie's words came out of his mouth. A group of elders felt that they were going to be blind. How could this world be so strange?

Luo Zheng's look did not change at all. He repressed his emotions and said in a cold voice: "let Luo Yan go, I will spare you not to die."

"Gudong! Cough, cough, cough... "

An elder hardly swallowed his saliva, almost choked to death by his own saliva!

The faces of many elders are even more wonderful

It's true that Luo Zheng has given too many surprises to yundian, but has Luo Zheng ever weighed his weight! Was he frightened by Cui Xie's attack? Started talking nonsense?

Even mother-in-law Yu's face was full of astonishment. How could she think of Luo Zheng and dare to speak.

Only Ning yudie's "poof" finally covered his mouth with his hand and chuckled. This man is always so funny, as if he doesn't know what pressure is. It's a pity that there seems to be only his sister in his eyes!

Luo Yan, of course, is Luo Zheng's most important relative, and becomes Cui Xie's opponent, the most powerful one in the Middle Kingdom? Luo Zheng is not interested! Martial arts for Luo Zheng is an endless thorny road, he can only a little bit to climb the peak, and Cui Xie is the obstacle Luo Zheng must cross.

Suddenly hearing Luo Zheng's reply, Cui Xie was stunned.

He was the most powerful man in Zhongyu. Today, he ate this shriveled in Luo Zheng's hands. He really admired him. After all, Luo Zheng's accomplishments in runes were unheard of. That's why he said these words. As a result, this boy was crazy!

There was something on Cui Xie's face that he couldn't hang. Then he was very angry and laughed, "ha ha! Give me a break? Have ambition! Leave your sister alone and ask yourself how long you can live! I don't believe you stay in the cloud hall all your life! "Cui Xie can't break the cloud Hall's huzong array now, but what if he finds another purple extreme Yin body? After the double cultivation of the heaven devil joyous array, Cui Xie's strength will advance by leaps and bounds again. At that time, the cloud hall may not be able to stop Cui Xie.

Luo Zheng takes a cold look at Cui Xie, leaves the border and flies down. At the same time, he says to Zongrui, "drive him away."


Under the control of Zongrui, thunder punishment's anger splits towards Cui Xie with lightning as thick as thunder robbery

The operation of the huzong array also needs the support of zhenyuanshi. Every thunder robbery needs several top-quality zhenyuanshi. However, Zongrui controls the array plate to overturn the thunder on Cui Xie. Cui Xie can't break the barrier, and can only be attacked. He wants to throw a few words down. As a result, Luo Zheng leaves directly, which is the worst In the end, he had to leave in a mess.

However, Cui Xie didn't leave Yunhai city directly. He was choked by a little guy in the divine realm. He always needed to be angry, so Yunhai city suffered.

Standing on the high cloud hall, you can see a smoke rising from the edge of Yunhai city.

Yunhai city is also a big city. Around this big city is a ring of square brick walls, which extends for more than 100 li! And Cui Xie directly penetrated into the city wall, and turned around the whole Yunhai city for a whole circle. The outer wall of Yunhai city was peeled off by Cui Xie, and at least hundreds of people were killed and injured!

For Cui Xie, all these people in Yunhai city are ants. Although he can destroy the whole Yunhai city in order to vent his anger, he doesn't have much interest in killing ants. Moreover, Cui Xie has never been to kill Jianshan. If he slaughters too many creatures, it will be troublesome for him to get a lot of evil spirits. He also needs to work hard to eliminate these evil spirits.

In the end, Cui Xie destroyed these walls before he chose to leave

After Cui Xie left, the young face of mother-in-law Yu gradually appeared wrinkles, then her hair gradually turned gray, her waist and back also bent up, and she returned to her old look.

Ning yudie, on the other hand, caught the master's arm and said with a giggle, "master, you'd better keep that way. It's so good-looking!"

"No big, no small!" Granny Yu turns a white eye. She controls the law of life. That's why her Zhenyuan has such an effect. It can make people rejuvenate. But it costs a little more Zhenyuan to keep her appearance young. Granny Yu can do it, but it's not necessary.

Now the atmosphere of cloud hall is more relaxed. After coping with the disaster of Cui Xie, the mountain that is pressing on everyone's heart is finally moved away.

When many elders appeared just now, the disciples of all the halls in the cloud hall were secretly looking around and seeing Luo Zheng standing under the border and not dodging Cui Xie's attack, they were also deeply sighed.

"What's so amazing? The border is so strong that Luo Zheng is just hiding behind! There is no danger at all A cloud temple disciple is unconvinced to say.

"First, the boundary is a rune drawn by Luo Zheng. Second, even if Cui Xie does it again now, I'll bet I won't stand on it!" But there was another cloud hall disciple who retorted.

The cloud hall disciple in front of him didn't say a word. Even though he knew there was no danger, not everyone dared to face Cui Xie. It's like some people who are afraid of heights. They know that it's not dangerous to pass a high flight of stairs, but they still dare not go there.

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