It's hard to measure Ning yudie's strength because he has experienced nine times of dispersing his martial arts and his accomplishments are constantly changing.

Many people think that even if Ning yudie's strength returns to the virtual state of disaster, it is only slightly stronger than Mr. Zhuo Da and Da Meng Zhen Ren. But now it seems that Ning yudie is better than them by more than one or two points. If Ning yudie enters the late stage of the virtual state of disaster, he may be able to fight against the strong in the realm of life and death.

After cleaning up the Yin corpse demon emperor, Ning yudie leads the people to move forward again.

At the same time, the strong in the other eight roads of Xianmu also keep on advancing!

Behind Cui Xie, the six armed men in cloaks said nothing. In the face of this group of Yin corpses, Cui Xie and the six independent armed men in the virtual world were almost crushed in a few breaths.

As for xuemuya, heishanzong, and the wuzhe of Xuanyin hall, they also passed the road without danger.

Among the nine forces, the group of warriors from the kingdom of God passed the fastest. The woman in black and the handsome man didn't even fight. One of them rushed out, took out a big red gold bow and shot five sharp arrows at the Yin corpse!

These five sharp arrows seemed to have life. They shot at the five Yin corpses. The strange thing is that after shooting the heads of the five Yin corpses, the remaining force of these arrows didn't disappear. On the contrary, they devoured the Yin corpses. They were more powerful and divided into two at the same time!

Five sharp arrows were turned into ten sharp arrows and shot at the other ten Yin corpses again. After absorbing the power of the ten Yin corpses, the sharp arrows became 20, 40, 80 and 160 sharp arrows!

Hundreds of Yin corpses just in a few breaths, they solved these Yin corpses, and then all the sharp arrows combined into a sharp arrow, shooting at the last Yin corpse demon emperor, one arrow through, the last Yin corpse demon emperor was pierced in an instant.

If the power of this bow is seen by many warriors in the Middle Kingdom, I'm afraid they will be envious and speechless.

According to the characteristics of this bow, if the zongmen war is carried out, one will transform two, two will transform four, four will transform eight One shot, I'm afraid, can kill millions of warriors!

"Mr. Gong's bow is really worthy of his reputation. Ha ha..." Another guard of life and death exclaimed.

The armed man with the bow and arrow gave a smile and then put the bow away.

As for the woman in black and the handsome man, they didn't seem to see the scene in front of them. They didn't pay any attention to the dialogue between the two strong men in the realm of life and death, and their looks didn't change, as if everything should have been like this.

The two of them walked forward over the overcast corpses on the ground

Unfortunately, Yan Shaofeng, the head of the clan, was in the middle of the virtual calamity. Except Yan Shaofeng, all the other members of his Yan family were the strength of Shendan kingdom.

The Yan family has been working hard towards the power of the Sipin family. The fairy tomb lamp is the secret handed down by his Yan family ancestors. The Yan family has been waiting for this day for hundreds of years!

In Tianmiao immortal's tomb, after the cultivation was suppressed, except Yan Shaofeng had the power to protect himself, other people were unable to fight against the Yin corpses, so they were soon torn to pieces by the Yin corpses, except Yan Shaofeng.

At this moment, Yan Shaofeng was about to go crazy, but he was the only one who was obviously unable to return to heaven. With the appearance of the last demon emperor Yin corpse, Yan Shaofeng had to go back and get into the corridor.

If Yan family is not strong without him, he will be divided by other families and forces every minute, so he can't die.

However, when Yan Shaofeng walked back along the corridor, he heard a faint voice ring

"Enter my immortal tomb Don't ask the way back... "

"Who is it?" When Yan Shaofeng heard that voice, he could not help but panic and ran at full speed in the corridor,.

"The imperial capital of heaven Lead the neck to receive longevity.... "

The voice has been intermittently chanting, but Yan Shaofeng is more and more flustered, but although the corridor is long, under the rapid movement of the strong in the virtual disaster situation, he quickly goes back.

"The entrance is just ahead!"

As long as you rush out of this corridor and enter the space channel, Yan Shaofeng can return to tieyancheng!

But when he rushed to the entrance of the corridor, he found that there was a tombstone at the entrance of the corridor!

There are some characters carved on the tombstone, which are not difficult to identify, but how can Yan Shaofeng identify the characters on the tombstone now?

In the run at the same time, Yan Shaofeng's real yuan in the body just like the glow of the sun, he punched out!

"A tombstone trying to get in my way? Break it for me! Heaven burning fist


It seems that the tombstone is only made of common bluestone. Even the warrior in the bone refining realm can break it with one blow. However, after Yan Shaofeng's blow, the tombstone still stands in front of them.




Yan Shaofeng, who couldn't get through the tombstone, wanted to go crazy and beat the tombstone desperately.

But as the tombstone kept beating, the handwriting on it still showed a little light.

Only then did Yan Shaofeng notice the words on it, "if you enter my immortal tomb, don't ask me the way back. Heaven is the imperial capital, and you will receive eternal life!" There is also a sign next to it, on which two words are written, "the sky is slim!"

It's just two words, but it's like a mountain. When Yan Shaofeng looks up, he feels that his eyes are black, and a mouthful of blood spurts out!

At this time, Yan Shaofeng's back again came a "Ho Ho" sound, but a large group of Yin corpses and the demon emperor Yin corpse followed up the corridor and blocked behind him.

Yan Shaofeng's back is against the tombstone. His eyes are full of despair and his heart is full of ten thousand regrets. As a third class family, why do he want to compete with those fourth and fifth class families!

The most important thing for a warrior is to weigh his weight and strength. He also wants to compete with a group of top forces in the Middle Kingdom, but he is just suicidal

Luo Zheng followed Ning yudie and shuttled slowly through the immortal tomb. After killing those corpses, they didn't encounter any serious danger.

The space in this immortal tomb is so vast that people can't imagine. After walking for about two incense sticks, they heard Mr. Zhuo Da suddenly say in surprise: "medicine garden!"

They followed Mr. Zhuo Da's eyes, and there was a big pharmacy not far away!

No one has visited the tomb since it was built. If fairy grass had been planted in the herb garden before, after thousands of years of growth, its value would be incalculable!

Ning Yu butterfly's face shows a trace of joy. If you can find the flower of life and death in this medicine garden, it would be better! Flowers of life and death are very important to her and to master.

Cloud hall people also rush to the medicine garden, and Luo Zheng is also followed.

On the ground at the entrance of the medicine garden, there is a word "Li"!

See that "Li" word, Luo Zheng's eyelid is a tiny jump, what does this mean? Courtesy? Gifts?

There are many strange things in this Tianmiao fairy tomb. If it's really dangerous, are the corpses at the door really dangerous? Can you enter the general sipinzong gate? Who would build their purpose like this? And raise a pile of Yin corpses to guard the immortal tomb?

Where do the elders of cloud hall think so much?

"Maybe he was worried too much," Luo Zheng thought to himself. Then he went into the medicine garden. At the moment when he stepped into the garden, all kinds of strange fragrance penetrated into his nose.

"How fragrant

If you look around, there are all kinds of exotic flowers and plants in the herb garden. Maybe it's because no one has taken care of them for thousands of years. These exotic flowers and plants are distributed in disorder.

"This is ambergris!" An elder made a surprise voice.

"Dream printing! It's really a dream Another elder said with a smile.

Ning Yu butterfly is passing by the strange flowers and plants, but her face is gradually flashing with a look of disappointment. She did not find the legendary flower of life and death.

Of course, these herbs are not the only raw materials of wuyanjing.

Luo Zheng also picked some herbs properly, but they were all kinds of herbs that could stabilize the cultivation. At this time, the voice of Qinglong thought again, "Luo Zheng, the herbs in this medicine garden are very common, but there is one thing that is very precious!"

"What is precious?" Luo Zheng asked suspiciously, "isn't the most precious herb in the herb garden?"

Green Dragon said with a smile: "in the center of the medicine garden, there is a pinch of brown soil. Just take this pinch of soil away according to its value."

"A pinch of earth?" Luo Zheng looks strange.

"Yes, it's not ordinary soil, it's xirang," Qinglong said faintly.

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