The woman in black stood on the disc and looked at the dice in the middle of the abyss again. The dice turned quickly again.

After a while, the dice slowly stopped.

"It's six o'clock again!"

"Is this woman lucky?"

At this time, we have already understood that we should be in a special game in Tianmiao fairy tomb. As for why Tianmiao fairy designed this game, people are still not clear. However, since we are on the same starting line, we are not willing to lag behind others.

The previous warrior threw the highest number of points, only six points, but this woman threw once, and even got the ultimate throw again.

Who knows the second throw, it's still six o'clock!

Soon, in front of the woman in black, another six disks appeared, and the sixth disk was still flashing yellow halo.

The woman in black walked by. Just as she stepped on the disc, the voice began to ring again.

"One more time..."

Seeing this scene, many warriors were even more depressed. The woman's luck seemed to be so good that she was even stronger than Ning yudie's.

"Isn't this woman cheating?"

"This fairy tomb is arranged by an immortal. Will you show me?"

"Maybe these people in the kingdom of God have some unknown secrets, so they have this trick. Otherwise, how can they have such good luck?"

Hearing these comments, the handsome man said with a sneer, "my younger martial sister is a saint of our family. How can Qi Yun be compared with you ants?"

This handsome man's words make many warriors in Central Asia look pale again. These people from the kingdom of God always have a high attitude, which is really annoying.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng smiles faintly.

The elders and masters of these large clans are seldom so provocative and despised, but Luo Zheng has met such idiots almost every time in recent years. At the beginning, in the face of Luo peiran's provocation, he was very angry, but when he met so many idiots, Luo Zheng almost adapted to this kind of boring provocation.

The experience of these years has made Luo Zheng's character mature.

This kind of people only use heavy palm fan in their face, they will beg for mercy, less than that moment, their words will always be sharp and extremely overbearing.

So when he heard the words of the handsome man, Luo Zheng didn't respond at all.

The light beam in the middle began to rotate slowly again.

In addition to Ning yudie and the saint from the kingdom of God, some people also got good rewards. For example, a disciple of xulingzong got a golden page, which might be a special skill or a treasure.

But more of them were punished.

Among them, xuemuya, heishanzong and xuanyinguan lost six people in the first round.

Now it seems that although Luo Zheng is the second warrior to go out, he has only made two strides, on the contrary, he is relatively backward.

Looking at the rotation of the beam, Qinglong's voice rang again at this time, "Luo Zheng, I probably know what this is."

"What on earth is this?" Luo Zheng asks curiously, why does celestial immortal design such a gambling game?

"It looks like a game, but strictly speaking, it should be a wheel of luck," Qinglong said faintly.

"The wheel of Qi? What does that mean? " Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Hey, when you talk about Qi Yun, it may be mysterious in your eyes, but it does exist," Qinglong said immediately. "Those of you who excavate martial arts in the Middle Kingdom often only consider from two aspects, the first is talent, and the second is perseverance."

Luo Zheng nodded. If a warrior wants to grow up, talent is essential, and perseverance is equally important. Otherwise, he only has talent, but perseverance is mediocre, and he is just greedy for pleasure. No matter how talented he is, he can't go far on the road of martial arts.

Therefore, in selecting disciples, the first is talent, and the second is perseverance.

Qinglong then said: "strictly speaking, that's right. If you only need to examine these two items, you can often cultivate disciples of zhaoshen realm and Shendan realm. If you are lucky, you can give birth to an elder of xuluo realm. This method is really applicable in your middle realm, but In our real dragon world, if we only examine these two items, we can't select the real elites. "

In a real dragon Kingdom, the number of all kinds of creatures may be measured by trillions. It's too easy for them to find disciples with good talent and perseverance. However, it's not the ultimate goal to cultivate them into the realm of divine elixir, virtual robbery, or even the realm of life and death. What they want is a higher goal.

To achieve this goal, we need to refer to the third standard, Qi Yun.

The scene in front of him reminds Qinglong of the wheel of Qi transportation of the real dragon clan. The form is similar to this one, but the warrior in it will not die, but will be kicked out by the wheel of Qi transportation.Obviously, the immortal set up the wheel of Qi and fortune, the goal is to find people who really have great Qi and fortune.

Each of these martial artists present is not weak, and their own luck is not bad. For example, Xiaojie's luck is very strong. Just like the saint who comes from the kingdom of God, her luck is even better. She can move forward two or three times after throwing a dice!

"It seems that my luck is not good enough," Luo Zheng shook his head and said with a smile.

"Wrong, on the contrary," Qinglong zhengse said, "it's not good luck to have a good journey. Some people are ill fated. They can climb the top of the pyramid through all kinds of hardships. It's also a kind of good luck. Look at the two steps you have taken now. It should be a portrayal of your good luck!"

Two smooth steps

When Luo Zheng was a little boy, he really had a good time. As a young owner of the Luo family, he had a lot of love. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. Before he had time to wander into the wider world, he became a domestic slave.

"According to your conjecture, I have taken two steps now. Will I not suffer from hardships later?" Luo Zheng asked.

"It's quite possible," speculated Qinglong. Although Qinglong knows a lot, it comes from the real dragon family. It knows about human beings, but the wheel of destiny is arranged by heaven, and Qinglong is not sure.

At this time, the light beam pointed at Luo Zheng again

Luo Zheng see, a boxing out, dice rolled a circle, unexpectedly rolled out a "point".

He frowned, just a little, it seems too little, before Luo Zheng only threw out two points, now it is a little, the number of two dice add up to no one more than once.

"Take your time, don't worry," said Ning yudie, who was standing in front of Luo.

Luo Zheng nodded, but looking at a purple disc formed in front of him, Luo Zheng's face also changed. Is this punishment or reward?

When people saw that Luo Zheng not only threw a "little point", but also this "little point" seemed to have a chance to kill. Many people couldn't help but gloat. Luo Zheng was the weakest in the cultivation. It was estimated that he could not resist any punishment at all.

Luo Zheng didn't say anything. Through Qinglong's words, he already understood that in fact, in this abyss, it should be more people's luck.

Although Luo Zheng was really miserable when he was at Luo's home, since he came into contact with the mysterious melting pot, the whole person's Qi luck has changed. His Qi luck doesn't have to be bad for anyone! No matter what is in front of him, he must cross the past!

Luo Zheng just picked on the purple disc, a purple light suddenly surrounded Luo Zheng.

The scenery around him suddenly changed, and he saw purple flames falling from the sky.

At the same time, people's ears also faint sounded a voice, "quench star flame!"

Hearing this voice, Cui Xie's eyebrows were slightly raised. She looked at Luo Zheng coldly, and a smile rose from the corner of her mouth. This boy After all, it's bad luck.

Only those who have experienced the punishment can know how difficult it is. In fact, Cui Xie is the only one who has been punished and survived. In addition, all those who have been punished have fallen.

Cui Xie doesn't believe Luo Zheng can carry it.

"I'm going to kill you myself, but it's the best for you to die here and turn into a pool of ashes, isn't it?" Cui Xie said lightly.

Ning yudie and granny Yu look at each other. They believe in Luo Zheng's luck, but can Luo Zheng really withstand the burning of the "quenched star flame"? Ning yudie can't help worrying.

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