Wu Zhanhe was chased and killed by many warriors in those years. He fled all the way and hid in the Yunmeng swamp. He got a lot of opportunities in Yunmeng swamp. He even had two fierce beasts that could be compared with the virtual disaster situation following him. Wu Zhanhe doesn't have the slightest trust in other warriors. In contrast, he even thinks that animals are more trustworthy than human beings.

Mr. Gong hesitated for a moment. In fact, as a warrior of the kingdom of God, Mr. Gong and the saint are not fundamentally different from the prince. They certainly don't look up to many warriors in the central region. However, Mr. Gong is not as stupid as the prince of the kingdom of God. In this case, if he does not compromise, he will suffer a loss.

"Well, I swear by the heart of martial arts!" Old Gong gritted his teeth.

When the deal came to an end, Wu Zhanhe, with a smile, reached out and pointed to the saint of the kingdom of God. A white light came to the saint.

The light continued to climb along the clothes of the holy woman of the kingdom of God, and finally spread over the head of the holy woman of the kingdom of God. The dark cloud shining with black lightning was instantly purified.

The holy woman of the kingdom of God was relieved. At the same time, her eyes were still staring at Luo Zheng like a female leopard.

Facing the eyes of the goddess of the kingdom of God, Luo Zheng just didn't see it. He sat on the disc and continued to watch the next person roll the dice.

At this time, a white haired elder in Xuanyin hall threw a "three points". When the black disc appeared, there was a moment of silence in everyone's heart. Although the white haired elder was a virtual robber, he could not bear the punishment

The elder with white hair also hesitated, but he finally bit his teeth and stepped on the black disc. However, the black disc seems to be a little different, with a thin white line on it.

Just as the elder with white hair stepped on it, a sentence came to mind in everyone's ears, "you can kill anyone present."

Hearing these words, people suddenly turned pale!

The power of the immortal's means has been learned by many people. If we kill people according to the rules, no one can resist by virtue of the immortal's means!

White hair long old face long sigh, his face showed excited color, "ha ha ha, I didn't expect to let me kill a person! Who should be killed? "

Cui Xie, Wu Zhanhe, a group of strong people in the realm of life and death are most nervous at the moment.

Breaking through the realm of life and death means that one's own life and death are controlled by one's own to some extent. Now one of them is controlled by the elder with white hair.

Luo Zheng and Ning yudie are not very nervous. They don't have any hatred with the white haired elder. They should not find themselves for no reason.

But what Luo Zheng is curious about is why old man Xuanyin's face is also pale? The elder of his clan has been killed. Why is old man Xuanyin afraid?


Luo Zhengzheng guessed that the white haired elder suddenly turned around and said with a sharp sneer, "I want to kill old Xuanyin!"

"Zheng Qing, you Old man Xuanyin's face suddenly changed, and his blue body protectors suddenly turned on, protecting him.

But just at this time, a gray light came out of the dice and disappeared into old man Xuanyin's body. It seemed that the gray light could not be resisted at all. Then people saw that old man Xuanyin's eyes were round, and his whole stomach had become round

Then a more frightening scene appeared. The head of old man Xuanyin disappeared, and then his trunk and limbs, as if there was an invisible hand to wipe away old man Xuanyin!

In a short time, the old man, who was more than 900 years old and only a few decades away from becoming an eternal giant, was wiped away little by little.

Zheng Qing saw this scene, his face full of tears, "finally killed you old monster, ha ha ha!"

"Elder Zheng, I didn't expect that you really did it!" The other elders in Xuanyin hall also showed a happy face and congratulated Zheng Qing one after another.

The other sect members could not help shaking their heads. What evil did the old man do in the Xuanyin hall on weekdays, which made the elders so resentful?

Xuanyin hall is the most mysterious sect among the four sects. Why the group of elder Piao hated the old man so much is unknown. The hatred inside the sect has nothing to do with outsiders.

But in the face of the possible "erasure", many people who are strong in the realm of life and death have a sense of crisis in their hearts. That "erasure" is not what they can resist at all.

After a while, under the rotation, the light beam pointed to Luo Zheng again.

Luo Zheng smiles and swings it. It's a shadow of a fist on the dice. After the dice rolls two times, it turns into "six o'clock".

"It seems that he is lucky," Luo Zheng said with a faint smile.

After the six disks appeared, the last disk was flashing yellow light!

"One more shot!"

"Six o'clock!"

"One more shot!"

"Six o'clock!"……

Seeing Luo Zheng's continuous progress, everyone was speechless, and Cui Xie's face was even more gloomy. Is this boy so powerful?

As Qinglong said, this luck almost indicates the road Luo Zheng has gone through in his life.

At the beginning, he was in a cage in front of the Luo family, but once he left the Luo family, he almost soared to the sky. He rose from a small disciple to become the first of Xiaoyu peak and Qingyun sect. Now among the disciples of cloud hall, it is even more difficult for anyone to expect Luo Zheng's back!

This is the momentum like a rainbow, this is the fate of those who fight for the great world!

With Luo Zheng throwing dice several times in a row, he caught up with Ning Yu butterfly, and several steps ahead of Ning Yu butterfly. At this moment, the last disc of Luo Zheng is flashing green light, and there are two eyes in the green light.

Green should not be a punishment. Ning yudie guessed green before, but he won a big prize, 500 years of life

Luo Zheng smiles, then steps on the green disc.

"Qingmu Lingtong..."

After that sound, a big tree appeared in the sky of Luo Zheng!

On top of this big tree, there is a drop of emerald green SAP continuously dripping down. After the drop of sap, it swept towards Luo Zheng's eyes.

The warriors in the middle region are confused.

"And the sap to wash your eyes? What is this? "

"Who knows, can't you wash your eyes?"

"It's not as good as the 500 year old yuan that Ning yudie got..."

Just because a group of warriors in Zhongyu are confused doesn't mean that the people in the kingdom of God can't understand it.

Seeing the shadow of the tree, Mr. Gong was shocked and said, "this is the legendary tree of Shenmu Shenguo! Oh, my God! How can you wash your eyes with the sap of this holy tree! What a waste, what a waste! "

The saint of the kingdom of God and the prince of the kingdom of God were also staring at the scene. The prince of the kingdom of God turned back and asked, "are you sure this is the tree?"

Mr. Gong nodded and said, "yes! This sacred tree has been living for 500 years. Each time, it only drips a drop of sap from the branch. The Sacred Tree Kingdom has accumulated for tens of thousands of years, and has been consumed for thousands of years. The whole kingdom has only ten drops! "

After hearing Gong's words, many of the warriors in Zhongyu were speechless.

What divine tree kingdom only has ten drops of sap? But Luo Zheng just washed his eyes, and he also spent dozens of drops of Shenshu sap, right?

The emerald green SAP flows continuously in Luo Zheng's eyes, which makes Luo Zheng feel cold and comfortable.

Luo Zheng could feel that under the little rotation of the sap, there seemed to be some special energy in his eyes, and the rest of the sap came out of his eyes, dropping into the abyss.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Gong's mouth twitches for a moment. This boy is really a waste

The tree sap collected by Shenmu Shenguo is used to make pills or swallow them directly. How can we waste a little bit? But after he washed his eyes, he let the sap flow and fall

If it wasn't for Luo Zheng's hostile position, he would have yelled at Luo Zheng.

When all the sap flowed out, Luo Zheng's closed eyes slowly opened. At this moment, there was a faint green in his eyes.

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