How can others be so indifferent as Luo Zheng?

From Ning yudie's point of view, Luo Zheng has indeed created many miracles, but those miracles are relatively "reasonable". For example, how can she think of Luo Zheng's ability to wipe out the immortal?

But just now we also saw that at the critical moment, it seemed that an amulet burst open. It was the fierce amulet that saved Luo Zheng's life.

If Ning yudie guesses correctly, this amulet should also come from the upper bound. Otherwise, how can the immortal's power be offset?

Seeing Luo Zheng's lazy smile, Ning yudie's eyes are round. He just scolds: "asshole, asshole..."

Just now Ning yudie did give up. In this case, she could hardly do anything. Unless a miracle happened, it was possible to turn the situation around. However, the miracle did not happen after all. Luo Zheng reversed the whole situation by relying on his own card!

This scene, let people silence again.

The eyes of the saint of the kingdom of God are as gloomy as a pool of dark water.

How could she have thought that the ants in Beiyu would be so troublesome these days? I got a chance to kill him, but I couldn't kill him. How can I be reconciled?

And she seems to have been cursed by that woman

The holy woman of the kingdom of God lowered her head and blocked her eyes with a row of bangs. She said faintly, "after going back this time, I will take people to step on the northern part of the sky."

With the rotation of the light beam, many warriors are more and more nervous.

This wheel of Qi luck is completely based on Qi luck. There is not so much reason to say. Even if it is as powerful as Cui Xie, if it is killed, it can't resist. Only Luo Zheng can survive!

However, since Ning yudie can guess it, many people can guess it. Luo Zheng has just resisted the immortal's power. He must have borrowed the means of the upper world.

But what they couldn't figure out was how prosperous Luo Zheng was? Others will be imprisoned for a thousand years if they go up to the Dragon terrace. Why can this boy not only not be imprisoned, but also get a bunch of treasures from the upper world, such as the body protective clothing of the holy step, the sword of the holy step, and the amulet that just burst on Luo Zheng's body is even more terrifying

Many martial arts people don't say anything, but they are very unbalanced in their hearts. They have seen the lucky ones, and they haven't seen the lucky ones to this extent!

The light beam slowly stopped, and finally pointed to Cui Xie. Cui Xie gave a five point dice with her fist.

After Cui Xie took five steps, she stepped on the green disc with the color like emerald, "the light of longevity, reward 500 years old yuan."

"Isn't it true that Cui Xie is so lucky?"

"He has always had good luck! Otherwise, how can we fight against xulingzong as an independent warrior and become the first person today? "

The eyes of many warriors also showed the color of envy.

Just as Qinglong infers, Cui Xie's life is full of adversity in the first half of the period. Even under the pressure of xulingzong, he once had a grudge with each other, but after all, it still soared to the sky. How could his luck be weak?

Looking at Cui Xie, who is shrouded in green light, Luo Zheng's eyes twinkle. Because Cui Xie is so lucky, it's not too difficult to find the next Ziji Yin body.

thinking of this, an extremely urgent feeling rises from the bottom of Luo Zheng's heart, leaving him little time!

Most of the people in the abyss gradually approached the middle of the abyss at a slow speed. Most of them took more than ten to thirty steps. Luo Zheng was the leader, Ning yudie was the second, and then the saint of the kingdom of God.

After a whole circle of reincarnation, it was Luo Zheng's turn to roll dice again.

"The momentum is like a rainbow, rush up in one go!" Luo Zheng said confidently with a smile on his face. He boxed on the dice. The dice kept rolling and still gave "six o'clock". The yellow light appeared on the last disc and said, "cast again!"

When many warriors saw this scene, they were all crying out.

"Luo Zheng's luck is too good to compare with him!"

"I've tossed the dice five times, and I haven't thrown it out at six o'clock, let alone that one more time!"

"It's good that you haven't met any punishment, and those who have been punished are even more unjust!"

Luo Zheng stepped forward, put his foot on the yellow disc, waved his fist again, and rolled the dice around, "it's six o'clock again!"

When Ning yudie looks at Luo Zheng, she sighs. She meets him on the road of trial. At the beginning, Ning yudie was just surprised why Luo Zheng could practice the skills of the demons. At that time, Luo Zheng's only value in her eyes was to break the barrier in the dragon's stomach.

But then the young man showed his talent with amazing speed. His talent, in the martial arts, he can really go further than himself

Thinking of this, Ning yudie sighs to himself. It's a pity that the time given to him is too short. It would be very easy for Luo Zheng to step into the realm of life and death if he hadn't given 30 years to save his sister.However, Ning yudie doesn't know that Luo Zheng's goal is not just life and death.

The martial arts are long and endless. Luo Zheng's ultimate goal is to reach the peak of martial arts and explore the most original mystery of the world!

"It's six o'clock again..."

Luo Zheng has now taken 94 steps. He is in the center of the abyss. Now he can see the big dice when he looks up.

Most of the people's eyes were focused on him. Just now Luo Zheng was coming again. They had nothing to say. They could only say that Luo Zheng's good fortune was far beyond their imagination.

Without much hesitation, Luo Zheng hit the dice again. As the dice rolled for a while, he still gave "six points".

"Did I pass?"

Luo Zheng looked at the last disc, flashing blue light, as if the sky blue projection above.

Before stepping on the disc, Luo Zheng looks back at Ning yudie, nods to her, smiles faintly, and then takes this step.


The blue light from the disc immediately enveloped Luo Zheng. Soon, Luo Zheng's figure disappeared in front of everyone.

Except for Ning yudie and other people in yundian, almost all of them are envious. Although they don't know what kind of reward will be given to the first person who passes the wheel of Qi transportation, they can get some rich rewards only in the wheel of Qi transportation. As the first person who passes the wheel, you can imagine

In order to light up the tomb lamp, people have been waiting for hundreds of years!

Some of these people are strong in the realm of life and death, and some of them are the masters of the major sects, but in the end, they still let a younger generation in the realm of God take the lead

"don't be discouraged. If you don't get the first place, you will certainly be able to get the inheritance of the immortal," someone said faintly.

"That's right, but the first place is sure to be of great benefit..."

After Luo Zheng left, most people said that he was full of jealousy, while a few people sneered, which was probably unbalanced.

Ning yudie's smile hasn't gone away for a long time. Her eyes have turned into crescent moon. It's not because Luo Zheng won the first place, but because Luo Zheng smiles at her when he takes the last step.

When Luo Zheng was wrapped by the blue light, his whole body seemed to be broken down into a little bit, rising and rising again and again.

This mode of transmission is very similar to that on the fifth floor of Shenglong platform. Is this also a long-distance transmission? Transmit to upper bound?

But soon, with the changes of the surrounding scenery, Luo Zheng realized that it should be just a short distance transmission. After all, the last time he transmitted from Shenglong station to Shangjie, although Luo Zheng could not feel the passage of time, it could not be such a little time.

At this moment, Luo Zheng found himself standing in a dark palace, with the wind blowing. Luo Zheng saw a huge coffin in front of him!

"Is this the fairy's coffin? So big? " Luo Zheng's face showed the color of curiosity, which made Luo Zheng suddenly think of the immortal mansion. Everything in it was huge.

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