It is the most difficult to cultivate one's soul in both the Middle Kingdom and the chaotic continent.

Although this demon warrior is extremely powerful, and there are secret ways to cultivate his soul, his soul still hasn't entered the war spirit realm.

With the help of secret treasures such as soul protection, the demon warlord doesn't think that Luo Zheng can wipe out his soul, but it's very easy to damage his soul, so at the moment, he also taboo Luo Zheng's soul attack.

Because of this, the distance between Luo Zheng and Zhan Zun once again.

But what's more troublesome is that the other two demons also follow up

Luo Zheng clenched his teeth and once again urged Gangyuan, who had gradually dried up, to turn his body into a thin line and shoot towards the front.

This time, Luo Zheng encountered a lot more trouble than before.

Although he was full of danger in the middle region, under the protection of cloud palace, he could always defeat his opponents. Although those opponents were a whole level higher than Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng was not much different from them in terms of real strength!

But now the situation is different.

According to the classification of the chaotic continent, Luo Zheng is a seven level fighter. Above the fighter, there are generals, and above the generals, there are zhanzun!

It's two levels higher than Luo Zheng! What's more, there are three demon warriors behind

If they were ordinary fighters, they would have been killed by the second. However, Luo Zheng escaped more than 1000 miles with the simultaneous outbreak of Zhenyuan and Gangyuan.

But this is not the way to go on!

Three demons fight Zun to rush up, Luo Zheng has no strength to resist at all, is still dead.

"What to do?" In a hurry, Luo Zheng asks Qinglong in his mind.

"If I can't, I can use my soul to kill them," Qinglong said faintly, "but I'm afraid my soul will fall into deep sleep again."

Qinglong's soul recovered a lot after swallowing the evil spirits of owls. Part of the soul of the evil spirits of owls was used to wake up the red dragon, part was used to make life seeds for Luo Zheng, and part was swallowed by Qinglong. Although the soul of the evil spirits of owls was very powerful, it was far from enough for the real dragon.

So at this stage, Qinglong can only launch a soul attack.

And the so-called deep sleep is once again turned into the dead statue on the mysterious melting pot.

"No way," Qinglong said. The plan was rejected by Luo Zheng in a flash.

Luo Zheng is able to go all the way to the present, which has a great relationship with Qinglong's guidance. Let alone Qinglong's teaching of his own divine lines, Luo Zheng relies on Qinglong's guidance in many key things, and Luo Zheng can't let it fall asleep!

"At this stage, there seems to be no good way to deal with those demons," Qinglong shook his head lightly.

Whether it's Tianmo Shenquan or wansha wheel of life and death, it's not enough to fight against the strong of zhanzun level. The only ones that can threaten them are the broken Throwing Knife and Luo Zheng's soul.

The problem is that these two kinds of attacks can't really kill the demon warlord

"Black fire!"

The black fire in the mysterious melting pot may be Luo Zheng's only hope. The power of that kind of fire seems to be able to burn all things in the world, and may become Luo Zheng's last killing move.

But Luo Zheng can't control the black fire freely, or that the black fire itself has its own spirituality, Luo Zheng can only summon it out, and can't command the black fire to attack each other, and it seems unwise to place his destiny on the black fire.

Just when Luo Zheng was at his wits end, a sound was suddenly heard in his ear.

"In the front left, 40 li away, there are three teleportation arrays. Entering the middle teleportation array can help you escape!"

It was a very ethereal voice, Luo Zheng suddenly rang, the voice was the one who warned himself not to move forward!

Luo Zheng also doesn't trust the people of the demon night clan, but her voice is not offensive. The key is that even if it falls into the hands of the demon night clan, it should be better than the hands of the demon clan.

Not too much time for Luo Zheng to consider, he almost did not hesitate to change the direction!

At this moment, Luo Zheng's eyes were wide open, scanning the ground in front of him.

Here is a mountainous area, where there are mountains everywhere, and various plants grow luxuriantly.

After a few breaths, Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a strange mountain not far ahead. The mountain seemed to have been cut off with a sword. The top half of the mountain was on one side, while the bottom half was cut off to a bare flat place.

And on the flat ground, there are some circular patterns.

When Luo Zheng's eyes were fixed, there was a green light on his pupils. After washing his eyes with the sap of the Holy tree, Luo Zheng's eyes clearing pupil could not only see through the dreamland, but also greatly improve his eyesight!

"Three teleports!"

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, and his speed speeded up.

The three transmission arrays are built together, and they must be transmitted to different areas. According to the girl of the demon night clan, Luo Zheng wants to enter the middle transmission array.But what if the teleportation array is within the scope of the demon night clan? Luo Zheng is just like giving up!

Too urgent, Luo Zheng's mind is also a mess.

He suddenly raised his head, then took a deep breath and told himself to calm down. In this case, he could only gamble.

Then Luo Zheng dived down without slowing down. He hit the ground directly and rolled to the middle transmission array. As soon as he stood firm, a dozen feijipin Zhenyuan stones popped out of Xumi ring on his chest.

With a wave of Luo Zheng's hand, those top-quality Zhenyuan stones were immediately inlaid on the transmission array.

"Buzz, buzz!"

The white light began to flow rapidly.

"Come on, come on

Although Luo Zheng has just exhausted the last trace of gang yuan in his body, he still hasn't distanced himself from the three demon warlords. Those demon warlords will arrive almost in an instant!

Just as the three demon warlords had just arrived at the sky above the huge mountain, the white light wrapped Luo Zheng, and his figure suddenly disappeared in the transmission array.

"Damn human boy!" The demon Zhan Zun, the leader, roared.

"Continue to chase," another demon Zhan Zun, with no expression on his face, kicks off the best Zhenyuan stone placed by Luo Zheng, and puts several Zhenyuan stones on his own. Every time he sends them, the Zhenyuan of Zhenyuan stone will be exhausted and need to be placed again.

The three demon warlords also entered the transmission array.

When the three demon warlords entered the transmitter, the demon night girl named fei'er also landed on the platform and walked slowly to the transmission array. Then she pulled out the best Zhenyuan stone in turn and put her own Zhenyuan stone on it.

Then she breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just now, she was chasing after her all the way, and she was also very anxious.

Fei Er doesn't know why there is a "King" around Luo Zheng. Just because of this, this is the secret she must find out.

"But the young man didn't trust me. Just run to our demon night clan. When master Mei comes, all the demons will die Fortunately, although this boy is just a human fighter, he really can run, at least now he is safe. "With Fei Er stepping into the transmission array with a light body, the demon night clan maintains its elegant side in any case.

This is just a small transmission array. It can transmit about ten thousand li. It doesn't take much time. Luo Zheng has already passed this transmission channel!

When the white light gradually dissipated, Luo Zheng saw a very desolate world in front of him!

There is a gray plain everywhere. There is almost no color on the plain. Everything is lifeless, as if there is no life here. What is this place?

Luo Zheng gave a wry smile. He once again crushed a piece of the best Zhenyuan stone to supplement Zhenyuan. At the same time, he was ready to fly!


When Luo Zheng just wanted to fly, a very powerful force came from the air and directly pressed Luo Zheng on the ground!

That force is so powerful that Luo Zheng can't resist at all!

"What a powerful air ban!" Luo Zheng is awe inspiring. He is more and more puzzled. Generally speaking, the forbidden system is in the clan. Why is there such a powerful forbidden system in such a desolate place? What the hell is this place?

At this moment, the white light behind Luo Zheng flashed, and three huge figures suddenly appeared in it. It was the three demon warlords who had killed more than 1000 li of themselves!

Luo Zheng's face suddenly became gloomy. It seemed that he could only fight to death.

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