In fact, Luo Zheng is just a wisp of consciousness at the moment. Naturally, there is no breath. He is just an instinctive reaction shocked by the scene in front of him.

How could he imagine such a huge beast in the world.

Although in Luo Zheng's mind, there are nine real dragons.

But these nine real dragons always exist in a special form, and Luo Zheng can't really realize their size. However, Luo Zheng speculates that even the nine real dragons can't be as big as the giant beast!

What does such a huge beast do for a living? If it had been moving like this, wouldn't it have destroyed countless worlds? What on earth does it feed on? How did it grow to such a large scale?

There is no answer.

Now Luo Zheng's consciousness is out of body, and he can't ask Qinglong. It seems that he can't ask the answer until his consciousness returns to his body.

However, Luo Zheng still has some worries.

This huge and unimaginable beast is not far from the great world where Luo Zheng is. Although Luo Zheng doesn't know the journey of the beast, if he deflects a little and passes through the great world, I'm afraid he can crush the great world in one step!

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng showed a helpless smile.

He is still too small. For the boundless world, Luo Zheng is not as good as a grain of sand.

Even in the vast world where Luo Zheng lives, he is just one of the trillions of creatures. He is just worrying about nothing.

After Luo Zheng's distance continued to rise, Luo Zheng saw a big gray brown tree growing on the dense "scales"! The rhizome of the big tree runs through dozens of "scales", that is to say, the rhizome alone has penetrated dozens of worlds.

The height of the tree is even more terrible. It is hundreds of times longer than its rhizome

If this big tree falls down, it will cover thousands of worlds in a straight line. Moreover, with the width of the trunk of this big tree, this number will be multiplied by ten times.

Now Luo Zheng not only sighs, but also sighs.

Luo Zheng's Leaping speed of consciousness is still increasing. He keeps away from the dense scales at a faster speed. At the same time, Luo Zheng finds more things on the scales, such as an immeasurable mountain and a circle of Stonehenge

"Hoo Hoo..."

At this time, Luo Zheng felt an abnormal passivity in the void ahead.

When he looked up, he saw a dark thing spinning in front of him.


Luo Zheng can only use this word to describe that group of things.

In fact, there is no color at all in that mass of things. It just keeps inhaling everything, that is, even the light. That's why it takes on such a shape.

Fortunately, Luo Zheng's consciousness is not affected by external forces. Although the black things are terrible, they can't pull Luo Zheng's consciousness into them.

Under the continuous migration and leap of consciousness, Luo Zheng finally approached the first star!

The surface of the star in front of him was ice blue. Looking from afar, it was slowly rotating. When Luo Zheng's consciousness approached the star, he suddenly felt a strong will from the star!

Luo Zheng's consciousness suddenly has a feeling of ice penetrating into the bone, as if in the ice and snow, extremely cold.

"Is this the will of the stars? It Have your own ideas? " Looking at the rotating sphere, Luo Zheng's face also showed the color of awe, "this star seems to refuse me!"

Unable to communicate, Luo Zheng's consciousness continued to rise, only to find the next star again.

According to chi long, the more powerful the stars are, the more powerful the star battle system will be. If the stars can be fully communicated, how powerful is the star battle system? No wonder "Star battle style" can be called the supreme weapon!

Only with such powerful skills can we be able to bear the word "supreme".

After bypassing the ice blue star, Luo Zheng's consciousness continued to roam Taixu, shuttling deeper into the starry sky.

The distance between each star is very far. Fortunately, by using the secret method in the general outline of "Star battle style", it seems that he can make his consciousness travel with infinite speed. After a while, Luo Zheng found the next star.

This is a milky star. There is a huge whirlpool on the surface of the star. The whirlpool seems to be a storm that stretches thousands of miles. It is slowly rotating. It seems that someone poured a cup of milk into the star, which forms such a big whirlpool.

"This star Still refuse me There was a bitter smile on Luo Zheng's face. As soon as he approached the star, Luo Zheng felt its will.


The third star is red, the surface of the star set off this fierce flame, just close to the star, we found that the surface of the star suddenly raised a huge flame, this flame erupted, I'm afraid there are thousands of miles high!"It's roaring at me. This star's will is so fierce, it seems that his temper is not very good." Luo Zheng is also speechless. Although he is also very reluctant to use "temper" to describe the will of these stars, these stars seem to be just like people. They have all kinds of personalities, some are mild, some are irritable, and some are very quiet

After passing more than 40 stars in succession, Luo Zheng also encountered various "refusals".

Finally, Luo Zheng stayed under a lavender star.

When Luo Zheng just approached the lavender star, he felt a soft will coming from the star.

If the stars are also divided into gender, Luo Zheng would rather describe the star as a woman. The star did not refuse herself. On the contrary, Luo Zheng felt a will of acceptance!

"Is it done?"

Luo Zheng's heart beat slightly.

Listen to the meaning of the red dragon, the first time to communicate with the stars, want to arouse the power of the stars extremely difficult!

But I seem to have succeeded?

A vast and invisible will envelops Luo Zheng's consciousness. Although Luo Zheng's consciousness can't feel any temperature, he still feels as if he is warm in the matrix.

Then Luo Zheng established a connection with the lavender star, as if he could perceive the star's thoughts.

Luo Zheng quietly looks at the purple star in front of him. It seems that he is telling himself something. The will of the star is constantly fluctuating. It seems that a woman who is out of the world is talking about her thoughts. Unfortunately, Luo Zheng can't analyze the meaning

After communicating with the first star, Luo Zheng did not choose to take back consciousness, but continued to fly to the next star.

The stars in the sky can hardly be measured by numbers. Luo Zheng leaped hundreds of stars in a row, but all of them were rejected.

"It seems that I am still too greedy..." Luo Zheng thought lightly.

Finally, Luo Zheng gave up looking for a new star. The first time he communicated with a star, he established contact with a star, which was a very good result for Luo Zheng, so he chose to go back home.

It's totally unimaginable for Luo Zheng to roam through the void with consciousness, but with the secret method of the supreme martial arts, Luo Zheng did it in the end.

In the process of going back, Luo Zheng's eyes once again focused on those "scales". Now he is far away from the dense "scales", but Luo Zheng still can't see the end of the "scales", because the end is completely covered in the dark, as if those places can't even reach the light!

"The world is connected with the world Since it is known as the world of millions, what is the end of the world of millions? "

Luo Zheng shook his head faintly. He can't explore now.

It seems that the secret method in Star battle body is to pull his consciousness up with the help of the gravity of the stars in the sky, so that he can keep such a high speed to get close to the stars, and can also contact the gravity between the stars and shuttle between the stars.

However, Luo Zheng can't travel through his own power, so it's impossible to explore the more distant deep space and the edge of the world with Luo Zheng's current strength.

But Luo Zheng didn't know how much he had to grow up to be able to really roam the void with his body and explore the endless deep space?

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