Hearing Ziyu's words, Luo Zheng showed a smile on her face. It seems that she really doesn't agree.

If you meet her on the third and fourth floor, Luo Zheng can also give her a chance to challenge herself.

Standing on the competition field, Luo Zheng waited for a long time, but no one came up to challenge him. Today, Luo Zheng's "empty field" was completed.

One day later, Luo Zheng set foot on the competition field again. After finishing the third empty match, Luo Zheng successfully got the qualification for promotion to the third level, and then he moved to the next level.

From the first level to the fifth level of the tower of evil, fighters are active, but the proportion of generals is gradually increasing. From the fifth level, there are basically no fighters, and they are all generals.

Because the arrival of Luo Zheng caused a sensation from the first level to the fifth level, and the warriors in the third level were not fools. Seeing that Luo Zheng almost gave way obediently, only a very small number of creatures wanted to challenge Luo Zheng.

With the rise of Luo Zheng, many creatures pay more and more attention to Luo Zheng. This is especially true of human warriors. Many top generals come down to watch Luo Zheng's fight. Unfortunately, few of them dare to challenge Luo Zheng. Even if they dare to stand in the fight, they are often killed by Luo Zheng. They can't see exciting scenes or Luo Zheng How strong is it.

In the west of the tenth floor of the evil tower, there is a huge room. This area has been occupied by the demons, and other races can't get close to it.

In the tower of sin, all areas are public, but in fact, the demons control the most and the largest area.

At that time, the demons wanted to monopolize the whole evil tower.

In fact, the demons almost did it. At that time, there was a famous event of "blocking the door".

At that time, the demons once occupied 60 seats in the tower of evil! As the most powerful force in the evil tower, the demons suddenly issued an order to drive all the other races out of the evil tower, and all those who refused to leave the tower were killed in the tower.

At that time, the demons did it. No one of all the races stayed in the tower and were expelled!

In that month, only the demons could use the sin tower.

But the move of the demons made the public angry!

Although the demons are the most prosperous race in the land of Poseidon, and the only race with two holy places, other races are also a force that can not be underestimated! Apart from other things, it is hard for the demons to resist a pure holy land of the demon night clan. Only when the holy land of fear of demons is combined with the holy land of Yan demons, can it resist the demon night clan.

At that time, all the races united and almost attacked the two holy places of the demons.

After all, the holy land of Poseidon is very dependent on the tower of evil. If we lose the tower of evil, which is a machine for hatching the strong, it will be a devastating blow to the holy land of many races.

If we lose the younger generation, we will lose the foundation of our foothold. In the future, the demons will become stronger and will clear up the other races in the whole continent sooner or later. Instead of waiting for that time, we'd better fight with the holy land of the demons now!

Seeing that the Allied forces of many races are about to kill in the holy land of the demons, the demons understand that they seem to have moved something they shouldn't have.

Forced by helplessness, the demons reopened the door of the evil tower and reluctantly gave up some seats.

So the distribution of power in the evil tower is actually a microcosm of the whole sea god continent. The Terrans are easy to bully, so the status of the Terrans in the evil tower is not high, and the demon night clan is hard to deal with, so the talent of the demon night clan can't be underestimated in the evil tower

Although the demons gave up the evil tower, most of the area in the tower was still controlled by the demons.

The decoration in this huge room is very rough. Several demons are sitting or lying down, and they are generally discussing something.

After a while, he approached a demon warrior wearing a cloak from the door. The demon warrior immediately said, "the order from the top level has been given. They want to send the dead to assassinate Luo Zheng."

"What! Assassinate that kid? " Sitting in the corner of the guard Huoran up.

A few demon warlords took a light look at yueshou, and a demon came out beside him in his cloak. He said coldly, "yueshou, there's no place for you to talk here!"

But yueshou was not afraid, "when the boy entered the 10th floor, I would take his life naturally. Why do you want to kill him?"

The cloaked demon warlord stares at yueshou. This is also because yueshou is the most gifted God level genius in Yanmo holy land. If other demon warlords are changed, how dare they interrupt in the conversation?

"I understand your mood, but it's an order from the top of the tower," said Zhan Zun faintly. "This boy is just a fighter's cultivation. He can give Zhan Zun so much pressure. If he is promoted to a general, his strength will be hard to contain. Are you sure you are his opponent?"

"I can beat him!" Yue Shou said.

The demon Zhan Zun sneered: "I believe what you say, but it's useless. Luo Zheng's life will be taken away by the dead of the night clan!"The night race is the sixth race on the land of Poseidon. This race is a race that lives in the dark.

This race is not powerful in frontal combat, but they are good at assassinating by nature, and can take each other's lives without knowing it!

Just because they are not good at fighting head-on, without the protection of other races, the night race can not grow in the sea god continent. This race can rank the sixth largest race in the sea god continent. The reason is because of the protection of the demons!

To some extent, the whole night clan is controlled by the demon clan!

So the night clan will specially cultivate the dead and send them into the tower of evil to assassinate the targets that need to be eradicated.

In fact, the major races know the inside story very well, but the general demons just don't do too much, don't offend the geniuses of the major races, and keep the balance in the tower of evil.

In the past, the demons would not send dead soldiers to the Terran warriors at all.

The cost of training a slain assassin is so high that the Terrans can't afford it.

But this time, it's different, because Luo Zheng is so dazzling. From entering the tower of sin, he is destined to disturb the strong man at the top of the tower of sin!

In the past, there have been instances of other races of genius rapidly climbing in the tower of sin, but those are generals! This time, Luo Zheng began to climb as a fighter. In addition, the tower of sin is also a holy place for cultivation. We all know that the speed of cultivation is improved by the light of creation.

Once Luo Zheng climbed to the top of the tower, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Yueshou looks disappointed. He is looking forward to fighting with Luo Zheng. But Zhan Zun's words make yueshou understand that he may not have this chance. Yueshou is very clear about the strength of the night clan's assassins.

For so many years, none of the targets targeted by night clan assassins can escape the fate of being assassinated!

He clenched his fist, but there was some hope in his heart that the assassination would not be successful

Luo Zheng didn't know that the danger was coming step by step. He passed the third level very smoothly. For three days, no one dared to challenge him. He was empty three times in a row, and he got the free promotion qualification of the fourth level.

Unfortunately, because no one challenges him, he can't get the light of nature

This is indeed a problem. The light of fortune is very important to Luo Zheng. But when I think about it, I'll go to the upper level and rob those generals of the light of fortune.

Ziyu of the second floor is also extremely depressed when she learns that Luo Zheng has been promoted to the fourth floor. At this speed, she is afraid that she can't catch up with Luo Zheng. She has just obtained the qualification of the third floor, but Luo Zheng has already entered the fourth floor. If she enters the fourth floor, Luo Zheng may step into the fifth floor.

She only hopes that someone can jump out and stop Luo Zheng, otherwise she has no chance to challenge Luo Zheng again.

On the first day when Luo Zheng entered the fourth floor, there was no accident, but he was still "empty". After obtaining the "empty", Luo Zheng continued to rent a secret room for cultivation.

What makes Luo Zheng depressed is that because of the continuous vacancy, Luo Zheng does not get the light of nature, and even has no points, so he has to rely on Zhenyuan stone to pay for renting the cultivation room

Just as he entered the cultivation chamber, he felt a strange feeling coming from the chamber.

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