The miracles created by Liuyu on the land of Poseidon are well known.

But no one envies him.

The reason is very simple, because they don't even have the qualification to envy.

Let alone create this miracle, the first step is to put your name together with Liuyu! How many people have entered the tower of sin since ancient times? There are more creatures who have entered the 10th floor of the tower of sin and accepted the talent tablet test!

But there is no name of a living creature, qualified to juxtapose beside the plume.

On this side of the wall, from the first four rows, it has been high above!

Because the people drawn in the fourth row are destined to be the strong ones of God sea and become the top ones on the land of God sea.

The characters in the second row are destined to create an era.

History is destined to remember today, at this moment, two people's names are standing in the second row, and these two people are from the human race!

Let's not mention Yunluo's origin. Even for the holy land of purple heart, for the tower of sin, and for many creatures in the land of Poseidon, it's like a mystery that can't be guessed. When her name jumps to the first row, and finally jumps to the first row, many creatures just sigh in their hearts, but they can't talk about jealousy!

After all, Yunluo hasn't been promoted for so many years. It's like she wants to help purple heart holy land, but she can't help it. At most, she just gives away a little light of nature. Although it's a great help to the ten tier generals, it's better than Yunluo's talent

Some races, such as the demons, still hope that she can stay on the 10th floor honestly and keep doing this boring thing.

Because once Yunluo chooses to be promoted, gets a seat and makes a breakthrough in cultivation, the consequences will be unimaginable. With her talent in the first row, her future achievements should be stronger than Liuyu's, and I'm afraid the Terran will rise as a result!

But immediately after the clouds fell, Luo Zheng jumped to the second row.

Luo Zheng and Yun Luo are very different. Although he has a strange origin, he has enough motivation to go up all the way!

In addition to yueshou, a few demon generals saw this scene and thought that no matter how much it cost, they must kill him. The demon can even give up ten seats, or even exchange them with the Terran. It doesn't matter if they give these seats to the Terran!

But Luo Zheng must die!

They don't want to see a second plume.

At this moment, the Terrans, who have been despised, sneered at and despised by them all the time, have made the largest race in the land of Poseidon extremely scared!

Xia Shuang gently covers her mouth and smiles again. Her premonition is really right! Luo Zheng No ordinary genius!

Master Jing's eyes were deep, and his hands naturally hung on both sides, but his hands were already clenched into fists, shaking slightly

Even though Jing Da was surprisingly stable, he couldn't restrain his excitement at the moment. After a long time, he murmured in a low voice: "Luo Zheng, really strive for success!"

As for other people, other races of creatures, the expression on the face of a variety of very rich!

Some races have nothing to do with themselves, and the rise and fall of the human race is of little significance to their race. Anyway, their race has no hatred with the human race, but their relationship with the human race is not good.

However, the people of demon night clan and demon clan are naturally deeply afraid. For them, this is not good news.

The resources on the land of Poseidon are poor, and the rise of one race will inevitably encroach on the space of another race. It is the so-called non race, whose heart must be different, that race and race always follow the law of "zero sum game"!

In other words, either you die or I die.

Yue Shou quietly looks at Luo Zheng's name. At the moment, he is very silent, and the change in his heart is also very fierce.


The elders made the right decision.

After all, their vision is longer than mine. Luo Zheng is really the target that the demons want to kill at all costs!

In yueshou's heart, an ominous premonition rises. Perhaps because of the appearance of Luo Zheng, the long-lasting demon clan will even decline.

Yueshou is very proud and willing to stand upright and defeat luolie, but this does not mean that he is watching a terrible opponent grow up, which will affect the fate of his race!

After all, as a member of the demons, he felt a strong sense of crisis and fear from the perspective of race.

"I still have a chance," Yue Shou said coldly in his heart, "after you go to the competition field, I will try my best to wipe you out, even if I will fight my life!"

However, just as people were dazed by the name of Luo Zheng in the second row, Luo Zheng's name disappeared again

Then "Luo Zheng" appeared in the first row, pushing Yunluo's name behind.

As for the five names of "yunmiaoxin", "guheche", "Ya" on the first row, they were also moved to the backThe word "Luo Zheng" at the front of the first row is particularly dazzling!

"God Luo Zheng's name has come first

"What kind of talent does it take to be number one?"

"A gift like Luo Zheng!"

"Nonsense, what's the level of Luo Zheng's talent? You told me? Divine talents can only be ranked in the fourth row. What is the first row? How do you describe it? "

As for talent, it is true that there is not a quantitative indicator, it can only be compared with each other.

The names of yunmiaoxin, guheche and Ya are unknown to the creatures on the sea god continent. They can only be imagined as immortals.

But in one day, there are two people with these names, Luo Zheng, Yun Luo!

Who dares to laugh at the Terran as a trash race? Is it a cowardly race?

At this moment, all the creatures in the 10th floor are sensational. No matter whether the Terran will rise or not, at least no race will dare to ridicule the weakness of the Terran from now on, because once ridiculed, the two names on the list will immediately give a powerful counterattack!

If you have the ability, your race will give birth to a genius. Why don't you leave your name in the first row?

At this moment, more and more people are watching.

Even the day and night fighting in the arena stopped.

Demon clan, demon night clan, ORC clan, giant clan, night clan There are all kinds of races, all kinds of faces, and many of the living creatures around are talking about it. Most of them think that Luo Zheng will rise, and so will the Terran. But some of them don't think so.

"If Luo Zheng grows up, it is likely to help purple heart holy land grow up and become one of the three major races in the land of Poseidon!"

"Naive, I don't think so. The demons won't let Luo Zheng grow up. Once they can't kill Luo Zheng in the competition arena, those war lords above will try their best to kill Luo Zheng regardless of the rules!"

"In fact, Luo Zheng has such a talent, he should not enter the talent tablet test. If his talent can only be listed in the fifth row, the fourth row is OK, after all, it will not cause the fear of the demons. Now, don't you tell the demons about his talent? How can the demons just sit back and ignore it? "

"I think so, too. Liuyu has brought a lesson of blood to the demons. So far, the demons regret that they didn't do their best to snipe Liuyu. Now that the demons are smart, they will not let him go. Even if they break the rules, they will kill Luo Zheng!"

"What's more, the demon night clan won't sit back and ignore it. The rise of Luo Zheng is not good for the demon night clan."

The voices of the creatures of many races came into Xia Shuang's ears, and the faces of Xia Shuang and Lord Jing were also a little ugly.

They are right. The demons can't be indifferent to this matter. The most possible way is to directly destroy the rules of the evil tower and send Zhan zunqiang to kill Luo Zheng!

In the purple heart holy land, the Terran has the power of Shenhai, but let alone the strong of Shenhai, even the strong of Zhansheng can't enter the tower of sin, and the Terran in the tower of sin has only four seats on the top!

How can the masters of these four seats resist the masters of more than 20 demons?

This doesn't seem to be good news for Terrans!

Outside, the wind and rain are about to come, but Luo Zheng in the room doesn't feel it at all. The last test, Luo Zheng, is finished, and the light around him is gradually dispersing.

In front of Luo Zheng, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared.

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