The tall figure slowly approached, followed by several generals of the demon night clan.

The demon night clan is full of ups and downs, and this perfect race is almost completely dominated by women!

When he saw the figure coming slowly, many male creatures of other races could not help swallowing their saliva, showing greedy eyes.

However, when they were swept by the women of the demon night clan, they immediately felt a burning feeling in their eyes, as if they were burned by an open fire!

"Ah! My eyes

"It hurts. I can't see!"

"You're not blind, are you?"

Many creatures covered their eyes and screamed.

"You are blind! Blind do not say, there are evil ideas in the heart, naturally will be backfired, that is the seat controller of the demon night clan, white fantasy! It's said that she's just a ten level warrior, and her soul has entered the realm of war spirit! "

"War spirit? God, some war saints don't have the soul of war spirit, do they

"You underestimate the spirit of war too much. It is said that the soul of the spirit of war is very powerful, and ordinary soul attacks can't damage her soul at all!"

Bai Huan's pace is very light, as if she is as smart as a cat. When she goes to the monument of talent and looks at the name on the wall, her eyes show a look of surprise. Even though she has received the news that a tenth level fighter from the Terran has climbed to the first row, she is still shocked and incredible to see it with her own eyes.

Terran Why is such a genius born? More powerful than the plumes of their demon night clan?

Then Bai Huan takes a look at Zhao Zhenqin and Zhou Qihe.

Zhao Zhenqin immediately said: "white magic, the rules jointly formulated by our 14 races, can we just let the demons say it's useless? If you have the ability to kill Luo Zheng in the competition arena, naturally we don't even talk about it. But if you kill Luo Zheng in a safe area, it's too much! "

Zhao Fen Qin is very clear that the Terran is too weak to negotiate with the demons. He can only place his hope on the demons.

The demon night clan has 16 seats at the top of the tower, the number of seats is second only to the demon clan, and the individual of the demon night clan is stronger than the demon clan! Even if the seats are less than the demons, they are not afraid of the demons at all.

Meng Chong also stares at Bai Huan's beautiful face. What the demons don't want most is that the demons will step in. Once the demons step in, it will become very troublesome.

White magic light smile, that smile seems to be able to touch the soul of the general, then light said: "we demon night clan, will not interfere in this matter."

In fact, in this matter, the interests of the demon night clan and the demon clan are the same, and they also do not want the rise of the Terran.

The resources on the sea god continent are limited, and the rise of one race is bound to devour the resources of other races. Of course, the demon night clan has become the most powerful race on the sea god continent, and now with the help of its plume, it has faintly surpassed the demon clan.

However, the reproduction speed of the demon night race is far behind that of other races, and the details are not as rich as the demon race.

They don't like the demons, but they don't want the rise of the Terrans

So, standing in the position of white magic, she is certainly happy to kill Luo Zheng! And she's just watching.

Hearing Bai Huan's words, the faces of Zhao Zhenqin, Zhou zhuohe, master Jing, Xia Shuang and other Terrans all sank. It seems that their worries are correct, and Luo Zheng is too dazzling.

Meng Chong's face showed a grim smile. It seems that it's not difficult to deal with today. Just wait for Luo Zheng to get out of the talent Monument and kill him immediately. It's no trouble at all

In fact, Meng Chong still has some regrets. When Luo Zheng reaches the tenth floor, he should have done it. At that time, he underestimated Luo Zheng's strength, and the assassin of the night clan was too weak!

"However, the rules of the tower of evil are jointly formulated by our fourteen tribes. If the demons want to break the rules at will, I think they should give a proper explanation?" White unreal suddenly the words front a turn, but say so again.

Hearing this, Meng Chong's face sank again. "What do you mean, Bai Huan?"

"To break the rules is to pay a price. You demons break the rules and kill the talents of the Terran. At least you should give the Terran a considerable compensation! Otherwise, how do you explain to other races? " White unreal said slowly.

The demon night clan is a race that pays attention to order. The rules are made by the strong, but even the strong can't destroy them wantonly. Otherwise, we all regard the rules as nothing. Can we all mess about in the future?

Then the tower of sin will fall into chaos again. Just like the original tower of sin, the geniuses of all races will not want to cultivate themselves well. Entering the tower of sin, they will face all kinds of assassins and murders Anyway, there are no rules, every race is a mess!

It's not what the night demons want to see.So in Bai Huan's opinion, it's not impossible for you demons to break the rules, but you have to pay the corresponding price to break the rules, otherwise what else do you want to do? What are the rules for?

Hearing Bai Huan's words, Meng Chong sneered: "compensation? It's not that we can't. how about we give you ten pieces of inferior holy utensils together? As long as Luo Zheng dies, I will fulfill this promise on behalf of the demons! "

When Zhou Qihe heard this, he suddenly became angry, "ten inferior holy utensils? Send the beggars

Although sacred vessels are precious, they are not particularly rare for the holy land. There are at least 20 inferior sacred vessels in the purple heart holy land.

Compared with a Luo Zheng, not to mention ten sacred implements, even if it is 100 sacred implements, the Terran will not compromise. After all, this kind of super genius can not be found, and the sacred implements can only play their power in the hands of the strong!

"Ten sacred vessels, that's all. I'm not going to discuss with you. Do you understand?" Meng Chong sneers.

Zhao Zhenqin shook his head. "After all, you still don't take the rules in the tower of evil seriously. This compensation will make us humans sacrifice a super genius. As long as we have brains, we all know what's going on!"

During the argument, Yue Shou suddenly interjected: "Mr. Meng Chong, don't argue with them. I have a solution."

Meng Chong said calmly, "do you have a solution? You said

"Since the Terrans keep saying the rules, we can do things within the rules, and we don't need to give them ten sacred implements to compensate. When Luo Zheng gets out of the talent reputation, I will directly challenge him and kill him in the competition field!" The month defends full face self-confident to say.

As Yue Shou said, Meng Chong, huoqin and Zhuhe showed their own color of emotion.

Zhao and Zhou know that the Terrans really have no bargaining chips with the demons. If Luo Zheng can survive in the fight, he can further understand the importance of the rules. At least he can help the Terrans win the support of other races.

What Meng Chong thinks is totally different from them. In Meng Chong's opinion, yueshou is the most outstanding genius in his double magic holy land. Moreover, yueshou is a whole higher level of cultivation than Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng is only a tenth level fighter, and yueshou is a tenth level general. The gap between the two is not a bit.

If yueshou can kill Luozheng in the competition arena, all the troubles will be solved. The demons don't need to break the rules, and they don't need to give the Terrans any bullshit compensation. They can directly eliminate the hidden danger of Luozheng. That's killing two birds with one stone!

Even if yueshou fails, you can still ignore the rules and kill Luozheng. Isn't that good?

Thinking of this, Meng Chong said with a smile, "good, good, I agree with the proposal of yueshou! But I don't know what you people think? "

Zhao Fen Qin and Zhou Chu he had nothing else to say. The demons agreed to speak in the competition arena, which was already a concession. Moreover, Luo Zheng had to go to the competition arena. Although they were full of worries, they finally nodded.

Xia Shuang skims her mouth, looks at Luo Zheng's two big words, and sighs. Everyone is not a fool. How can Xia Shuang not see the abacus in the hearts of the demons?

Even if Luo Zheng defeats Yue Shou, don't expect the demons to abide by the rules. There is always hatred between races. There is no reason to say

"Luo Zheng should not enter the evil tower. He should enter the purple heart holy land and grow up slowly. At least he should have enough strength to fight against these demon warlords before entering the evil tower That's the perfect plan. Besides, I'm afraid Yiluo Zheng's talent doesn't need the help of the evil tower. As long as he devotes himself to practice, he will eventually be able to break through in time! "

At this moment, Xia Shuang has some resentment in her heart.

Of course, she didn't know that Luo Zheng didn't have so much time to practice slowly! He needs to break through as soon as possible and be strong as soon as possible, because his sister is still in the hands of others. Every day when time passes, Luo Zheng's worry increases by one point!

That's why Luo Zheng chose the tower of sin and quickly improved his cultivation. For Luo Zheng, it was also a forced choice!

What's more, any genius grows up in the experience of life and death. The genius who grows up slowly in the greenhouse has never experienced wind and rain, and often has a whole body of cultivation, but the strength is terrible!

Now that the leaders of all races have agreed on a solution, they are silent and waiting for Luo Zheng to come out of the monument of talent.

Although this plan is not so perfect, it has solved the dispute just now.

However, Luo Zheng has been delayed for a long time. Unconsciously, two hours have passed. How can he accept such a long test? What happened to him in the monument of talent?

Of course, Luo Zheng didn't know. There was such a big dispute around him. At the moment, he was facing one mark of the dead in the rune after another.

The accomplishments of the masters of these marks of the dead are extremely powerful. Although they all suppress their accomplishments to the tenth level fighters, Luo Zheng is still very hard to deal with!"Ninth..."

Just now, Luo Zheng once again cut the mark of the dead of a strong man to pieces.

In order to kill the strong man's mark of the dead, Luo Zheng used almost all the means, and finally relied on the soul of the war spirit to disturb the other party's mind before he managed to kill him.

"How many tests are there?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Ten ways, you only need to defeat the undead mark of ten strong men, even if you pass the final test," the faint voice of Qi Ling rang.

"Ten? Then it's the last one in front of you... " Luo Zheng also noticed that the dense patterns began to disappear one by one, leaving only the pattern in front of him.

Without any pause, the pattern collided with Luo Zheng again.

After a powerful light flickered, a "man" appeared in front of Luo Zheng.

"Who is this?" Looking at that "person", Luo Zheng's face showed a look of surprise.

Although this person has nose and eyes, it gives Luo Zheng a very strange feeling, which is similar to the feeling that Luo Zheng encountered the sword spirit demon night for the first time!

When Luo Zheng first saw the sword spirit demon night, he was shocked by the perfection of the demon night.

Whether it's the proportion of legs or the proportion between looks, the demon night is in a perfect state. Purely from the perspective of aesthetics, the demon night is a perfect race. Seeing the appearance of the sword spirit demon night, Luo Zheng can only sigh about the magic of the Creator!

After Luo Zheng arrived at the sea god land, he found that he had too little knowledge. The demon night clan was originally a perfect race. Every woman in the race had nearly perfect appearance and figure, and even men were also very handsome.

However, the demon night clan is not human after all, their sharp ears can be significantly distinguished from the Terran.

Now the man in front of Luo Zheng seems to be a real man.

Ears, eyebrows, eyes, body

In any way, it's definitely human.

But when Luo Zheng noticed this man, he was more and more impressed. He didn't expect that there was such a perfect human between heaven and earth!

Luo Zheng can't find any defect in him. He is an absolutely perfect human being. Because he is too perfect, Luo Zheng is not sure that he is really a human being.

"Is this really human?" Luo Zheng's face showed hesitation.

Qi Ling said lightly: "as you suspect, he really can't be regarded as human."

"What race is he?" Luo Zheng asked.

"He is the master of this tower of evil, belonging to the family of heaven Qi Ling replied.

"Tianwei clan, what race is it? Why do they look so similar to humans? " Luo Zheng asked, after all, compared with the demon night clan, the man in front of us has more in common with human beings.

"This question, I can't answer you..." Spirit skips this problem.

"Since his mark of the dead appears here, the owner of the tower of sin is dead?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"Yes, this is the last test. You just need to beat him to pass the final test," Qi Ling added.

"I see!"

There is no doubt on Luo Zheng's face. No matter what the Tianwei clan is, the final test has come to the last step. Luo Zhengshi must rush through with all his might!

This time, Luo Zheng was not the first to attack.

After the discovery of Luo Zheng, the human beings rushed to Luo Zheng on their own initiative!

"There is no fluctuation between Gangyuan and Zhenyuan? Suppress your accomplishments to the tenth level, and the warrior will fight me with pure flesh? " Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, and a smile suddenly came out of his face. "In that case, let's see how much power is contained in such a perfect body!"

Luo Zheng put the sword away, and also ran into it with his body!

In terms of self-confidence in the physical body, don't mention the land of Poseidon. Even in this vast world, Luo Zheng has few rivals! After all, the body of the top grade immortal ware has already laid the foundation for Luo Zheng's powerful body!


Both of them did their best to bump into each other in the most savage manner.

Under the collision, the huge recoil force makes them retreat separately, and Luo Zheng's face reveals something unexpected!

The impact of Luo Zheng's body didn't use the power of dragon scale just now. Even so, it's a tenth level fighter. Even if a tenth level fighter is hit by Luo Zheng, he will be smashed! Even those who are new to zhanzun will be seriously injured by this collision!

But the other side just stepped back a distance! Even less distance than Luo Zheng's retreat!

"Sure enough, my strong body is no weaker than my immortal body!"

The face also showed the color of doubt. Although he was just a mark of the dead, he still inherited the feelings of his former master. Perhaps in his view, it was also incredible that Luo Zheng's body was so powerful."Come again!" Luo Zheng laughs, and the power of dragon scales in his body runs quickly. This time, Luo Zheng opens a hundred dragon scales!


It was another violent impact. This time Luo Zheng retreated about ten feet, but the man retreated fifteen feet!

"Come again!"


As Luo Zheng opened the power of dragon scale little by little, and the power increased again and again, the distance of Luo Zheng's retreat became shorter and shorter. On the contrary, the distance of that man's retreat became longer and longer! Gradually, from the corner of his mouth began to escape out of a blood.

"Golden blood?" After seeing the blood, Luo Zheng believed that this man must not be human, otherwise how could he have golden blood?

The man reached out to wipe off the golden blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Luo Zheng faintly. It seemed that he finally understood that the pure physical contest could not be Luo Zheng's opponent. If he hit it again, his physical body would collapse.

But the man put on a pose and put out one hand to make a fist.

Then there was a faint light around his fist, forming a whirlpool!

"That's Gangyuan. Although he is a member of Tianwei clan, he still chose the principle of physical training." Luo Zheng felt that the light came from the dissipated energy of Gangyuan. "In that case, I'll compete with you in physical training!"

At this moment, winning is no longer Luo Zheng's goal. What he hopes more is to break through in this experience and make himself feel more!

"Star battle body!"

After Luo Zheng had trained the star fighting body, he had never used it in actual combat. She also wanted to see how powerful this supreme martial art was.

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