Luo Zheng didn't know the history of the sea god continent. He only knew it through Fei Er of the demon night clan.

But the tower of sin is a very important trial place for many races in the sea god continent, which is almost related to the life and death of many races!

This is also why the holy land of double demons wanted to monopolize the tower of evil, but it was attacked by other holy lands!

Because occupying the tower of sin is tantamount to cutting off the back road of other races, then other races can only choose to fight to the death.

In addition to the cultivation of sin tower, the xuanming cave under the tower is also a very important existence.

Therefore, every holy land can't lack the link of the tower of sin in the path planned for the genius of the clan! From this point of view, Haishen continent is totally different from Zhongyu

In order to balance each other, the holy places selected seats from the major races to jointly take charge of the evil tower and become public cultivation holy places.

But now, Luo Zheng has the power of life and death of this evil tower. He can kick out whoever he wants?

So the so-called seat controllers at the top of the tower are just like a joke in front of Luo Zheng!

How can Luo Zheng be unhappy?

"Now that we have passed the final test, it's time to go out," Luo said.

"Yes, I am omnipresent in the tower of sin as an instrument spirit. If you want to exercise your authority, just call me," said the instrument spirit in a flat voice.

Luo Zheng nodded and then walked towards the entrance.

And outside the monument of talent, many eyes are still staring at the wall.

With the passage of time, people are more and more confused. Luo Zheng's test time is far more than the average number of times.

Even Yunluo, like Luo Zheng, also climbed to the first row of the list, but the use time was only one tenth of Luo Zheng's.

"Why hasn't Luo Zheng come out yet?"

"Maybe we don't have to fight with the demons. Luo Zheng won't die in it?"

"This kind of thing has never happened, the test of the tablet of talent is generally not dangerous, because the tablet of talent only tests the limit of talent!"

Xia Shuang's ears are filled with many comments. Xia Shuang is a little upset. Originally, the Terrans are facing a lot of pressure at the moment. If Luo Zheng really died in it, it would be a complete failure!

At the same time that all kinds of conjectures constantly emerge, the wall suddenly vibrates.

"Come out?" Xia Shuang's eyebrows suddenly raised, and her eyes were full of expectation.

And Mr. Jing, Zhao Zhenqin, Zhou Qihe and others also pay close attention to the wall.

In addition to the Terrans, the demons, the demon night clan, and other races, everyone was staring at the wall nervously.

Just under the gaze of the public, the word "Luo Zheng" on the wall, which had been in the first row, suddenly disappeared.

"Disappeared? How could it have disappeared? "

"What the hell? It's not really dead, so the name just disappears? "

"Fart! Once there was a genius on the list. After he came out, he was killed in the competition arena, and his name didn't disappear! "

"How can you explain why Luo Zheng's name disappeared?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Around the disappearance of Luo Zheng's name, people began to argue again.

The names on the list can't disappear at all, they will be squeezed down by the increasing names in front of them.

How rare are the names on the first row? Before yesterday, there were only five names, and none of them were from the land of Poseidon.

Today, there are two more names!

If you want to squeeze the name of the first row down, I'm afraid the talents born in 10000 years, 100000 years or millions of years can't do it, because it's impossible to produce so many talents to jump to the first row!

Xia Shuang's fists are clenched tightly, and the color of worry on her face is more and more intense. But she prays gently in her heart, Luo Zheng It's going to be fine.

With the wall tremor more and more severe, in the first row of the wall above, suddenly appeared a little golden light!

Cracks are constantly formed, and then a little bit of golden light fills them.

Then people saw that the crack formed two big characters "Tianwei", which instantly bloomed thousands of golden lights, dazzling!

"What is this? Heaven? What do you mean

"I don't know. The light is dazzling..."

Just after the discussion, there were cracks in the back of the throne. At last, the word "Luo Zheng" came into being, and the name of Luo Zheng also bloomed endlessly.

"Heaven, Luo Zheng!"

"Isn't that ridiculous? Luo Zheng's name has jumped to the top of the list

"Do you want to exaggerate like this? That word is ten times bigger than the following words..."

"I can only say that Luo Zheng is too evil and arrogant!"Seeing this, people were completely shocked.

"Tianwei, Tianwei..." Meng Chong's face was shocked, but his mouth was constantly talking.

Zhao Fen Qin and Zhou Chu he looked at each other, and their eyes were also incredible, "Fen Qin, isn't there a Book of heaven on the top of the tower?"

"Yes, according to the records of the book of the throne of heaven, this tower of sin seems to belong to a race called the throne of heaven, but the records in the book of the throne of heaven are also vague..." Zhou Zhuhe shook his head and said, "I don't know what happened to this boy in the monument of talent!"

"Hey, no matter what happened to him, he could carve his name on top of many talents This, "Zhao said with a sigh," I don't know what to say. "

Xia Shuang is also very excited when she sees the word "Luo Zheng". The double peaks are constantly stirring, and her eyes are full of tears. From the perspective of the Terran, every Terran will feel very proud at the moment!

Xia Hui is not only jealous of Luo xingshuang, but also excited about Luo xingshuang!

The Terrans are bullied in the tower of sin. Most of the time, they want to be human. But at this moment, they are proud of Luo Zheng and of being a member of the Terran!

"The genius of our human race is beyond your other races!" This sentence, many people want to roar out on the spot.

The bright golden light on the wall is reflected in the white magic pupil of the demon night clan. Their eyes are extremely complex. The demon night clan is not a bloodthirsty race. Besides being strong, there is also a kind of arrogance and reserve in their bones!

Seeing the rise of a genius, though not from the demon night clan, Bai Huan is very happy from the bottom of her heart. She would like to see how far this Terran teenager who has never met can go.

However, the reproduction ability of the human race is far stronger than that of the demon night clan. Once the whole race prospers, in the vast number of cases, the probability of the birth of genius is far more than that of the demon night clan and the demon clan.

From this point of view, she also hopes that the demons will wipe out Luo Zheng. After all, the rise of the human race is not good for the demon night clan, the demons and even other races!

"Let it be..." Bai Huan thought faintly that a person with such talent would also be a person with great fortune. It's not easy for the demons to kill Luo Zheng, but now Luo Zheng is facing a dead end. How can he solve it?

Summer frost can think of things, white magic can't think of.

Even if Luo Zheng defeats the demon's genius named yueshou, the demon may not want to abide by the rules and fight with the strength of Mengchong's ten rank war master. Luo Zheng definitely has no chance to escape.

Even if Zhao Fen Qin and Zhou Chu he can protect Luo Zheng, there is more than one person in charge of the seats of the demons

Once a conflict breaks out between the seat controllers, the Terran's four seat controllers, facing the demon's more than 20 seat controllers, are completely beating the stone with their eggs.

No matter how powerful Luo Zheng's luck is, this death is the death after all. He There is no possibility of breaking the game, and the conclusion has been made in Bai Huan's heart.

Just as everyone was staring at Luo Zheng's huge name in a daze, the door finally opened.

When Luo Zheng went in, there were a lot of people outside. However, as soon as the door was opened, he saw a group of black and white creatures of all races, among which there were some extremely powerful ones. Luo Zheng was shocked.

"Why so many..." Luo Zheng sweeps around, and his eyes finally fall on Xia Shuang. Then he goes to Xia Shuang.

"You finally come out," Xia Shuang's voice trembled, and her eyes were even slightly red.

"What's the matter?" Luo Zheng looked at Xia Shuang's expression and asked strangely.

Xia Shuang smiles and points to the wall behind Luo Zheng, "see for yourself!"

When Luo Zheng looked back and saw the huge words on the wall, he was stunned. Now Luo Zheng is clear that the name on the wall is actually made by Qi Ling, but is it necessary to enlarge his name so many times and engrave it on the wall? Isn't that arrogant?

Luo Zheng is also speechless. If he had known that this would happen, he would have stopped Qi Ling from doing so

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