"Chess pieces?"

Luo Zhengna asked.

"Yes, the world of Yanji has been opened! Many talents are born in the world, and you are carrying the fate of the great world. As long as you don't fall, you are destined to be the protagonist of the great world! " Xun zhengse said.

Luo Zheng has always been confused about the struggle for life in this big world.

Both Qinglong and Tianmiao kept a secret about this. They kept silent every time they talked about the key points, and Luo Zheng could not understand all the truth.

"The world opens? What's the point? " Luo Zheng asked again.

Xun said faintly: "don't you realize that there are many talents in this era? Even in this vast world, there are countless talents who pop up all of a sudden. Besides, there are many upper bounds in millions of vast worlds. "

Smoked so a say, Luo Zheng immediately deep think however, what she said is really this truth!

Luo Zheng has come all the way since Qingyun school, and he is also a genius of all kinds.

Qingyun sect is just a small second class sect. In the past Quanfeng Dabi, even the swordsman with Dacheng sword spirit was very rare. There was no swordsman with perfect sword spirit. But last time, there were two people in Quanfeng Dabi of Qingyun sect, one was Luo Zheng himself, the other was Hua Tianming.

It's not only Qingyun sect, but also all kinds of God level talents were born in the martial arts conference held by Shenglong platform later!

According to the talent division of Zhongyu, as long as the divine genius does not fall, it is destined to enter the divine sea. However, Zhongyu has not given birth to a strong one in the divine sea for so many years!

So not only Luo Zheng was surprised, but also the major branches of Zhongyu were wondering what happened to the world.

Now, after listening to Xun's explanation, Luo Zheng understood that the great world that he had done was coming

"I need you to help me," Xun said, staring at Luo Zheng. Her face was full of persistence. She bit her lips and said, "please!"

Who can imagine that the king of the demon night clan, who is in charge of the killing, will ask others?

Looking at Xun's slightly sad but persistent look, Luo Zheng's heart beats slightly. He knows that it's not wise to agree to Xun's request. After all, Xun is only a little distracted now. In the lower world, her identity may be good, but back in the upper world, Luo Zheng may need to face the whole demon night clan!

This race may be even more powerful than human race, Luo Zheng's face is still hesitant.

Seeing Luo Zheng's look, Xun was slightly disappointed. She pursed her lips and said sadly, "yes, I'm just your sword spirit. I'm not your sister or the one you care about. Moreover, for you, I'm still an alien..."

Xun, as the sword spirit of Luo Zheng, has been lurking in Luo Zheng's body. He naturally knows what happened along the way.

Of course, she knows that if Luo Zheng's sister Luo Yan, or Ning yudie, the Lord of cloud hall, or even Su Lingyun, the princess of the burning Empire, Luo Zheng will do his best to help, even if he will spare his life. He is not a person who doesn't care about feelings!

But Xun just existed as the soul of Luo Zheng's sword before, and had no feelings with Luo Zheng

At this time, from Luo Zheng's mind suddenly floated an old voice, "little girl, Luo Zheng can help you."

Luo Zheng is a little stunned. In fact, he wants to help Xun, but he is really hesitant. The way of martial arts is very hard. He kills everywhere. Even if he is strong, he may be doomed if he makes a mistake. No matter how strong he is, he will die if he wants to die!

Just like those God level geniuses who claim to be able to step into the sea of God, how many of them really step into the sea of God? I'm afraid there's no one left!

If you want to be a god of the sea, there is a premise!

Can Luo Zheng become the protagonist of this era? The premise is still "no fall".

In the face of a race even more powerful than the Terrans, where would Luo Zheng agree easily?

As a result, when Luo Zheng hesitates, the green dragon in his mind suddenly helps him answer. Naturally, Luo Zheng is a little puzzled.

Qinglong has always been wise and well-known for his extensive knowledge. Since he has agreed to Xun's request instead of Luo Zheng, he naturally has deep meaning

Xun was not surprised by the sound coming out of Luo Zheng's mind. Although Xun was Luo Zheng's sword spirit, he couldn't enter Luo Zheng's mind. Before, Luo Zheng used the soul of Qinglong to help him draw divine lines.

In order to smoke the horizon, of course, can see the belonging of the soul.

Hearing that voice, Xun stares at Luo Zheng and asks, "it's no use if you promise. It's only useful if Luo Zheng agrees!"

"Luo Zheng, promise her, the demon night clan will be of great help to you. If you can really help her return to the throne, it will be of endless benefit to you in the future," Qinglong said faintly.

"I don't care about any good," Luo Zheng said at the moment. "Besides, as my sword spirit, you have saved my life several times! I can't give you too much commitment, but if I have this ability in the future, I can help you! "Luo Zheng's voice fell, and Xun's dim face lit up instantly, as if a ray of light was shining on her face. She gazed at Luo Zheng, and finally bowed her head and said: "thank you..."

Luo Zheng said with a smile, "but now you are still the body of sword spirit. You can't be my sword spirit all the time, attached to my body?"

"I will try to reshape my body, but I can't do it now," Xun said after thinking about it.

The body of sword spirit is really troublesome for Xun, and its advantages are obvious. As a body of sword spirit, she can't be killed. Even if she is cut into pieces, she can easily recover. As long as Luo Zheng doesn't die, she is immortal.

However, it can only lurk in Luo Zheng's body. Even after it appears, it should keep a certain distance from Luo Zheng.

However, it is not a simple matter to reshape the body. We can only see if we can have this opportunity in the future.

At this time, Xun suddenly said: "your biggest goal now is not to save your sister? I can order Liuyu to take the demon night clan to Zhongyu to help you kill Cui Xie. "

"Help me kill Cui Xie?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows suddenly jump!

Xun's proposal is really feasible!

Cui Xie's cultivation is the realm of life and death, and he only lived through the triple calamities of life and death.

Probably just equivalent to the strength of the third level war saint!

There are at least millions of third-order war saints in Tianyu holy land. Even though Cui Xie's strength is far stronger than that of ordinary war saints, there is still Liuyu in Tianyu holy land.

In terms of their strength, killing Cui Xie is not too difficult.

If Luo Zheng returns to central region with these people from the holy land of demon night clan, he may be able to sweep all the sects in central region.

The gap between the Holy Land and the wupinzong sect is so big, not to mention the Tianyu holy land is the qipinzong Holy Land!

But Luo Zheng shook his head, and his eyes were full of firmness. "Cui Xie has become an obstacle in the heart of my martial arts, this obstacle I have to clean it myself

Although the heart of martial arts and Taoism can not increase the combat effectiveness of martial arts, it is an extremely important existence for martial arts. If the heart of martial arts and Taoism is not unblocked, Luo Zheng will be difficult to cross this knot, which will gradually become Luo Zheng's heart demon and become the biggest obstacle in his life!

This kind of hindrance makes Luo Zheng's cultivation unable to advance in an inch, or makes Luo Zheng go crazy and die at a critical time.

When Cui Xie turned into a huge face and appeared in the sky of Qingyun sect, Luo Zheng had secretly vowed that he would take Cui Xie's life in his lifetime!

"Kill Cui Xie, I won't borrow other people's hand," Luo Zheng shook his head and said.

With Xun's knowledge, she certainly knew the meaning of Luo Zheng's words. Now that she had got a promise from Luo Zheng, Xun's goal had been achieved to some extent.

As the king in charge of the killing, she was destroyed by others in the carelessness, and she had already lost everything.

Because her distraction did not dissipate, although her statue was dark, it did not go out. According to the rules of the demon night clan, unless the light in her king statue completely disappeared, the next king in charge of the killing would be selected!

As long as her distraction is not killed, there will be a glimmer of hope for her to turn over, and all of Xun's hope can only be placed on this Terran teenager

So from now on, Xun will cooperate with Luo Zheng!

Then Xun went to the gate of the palace and let the demon night people waiting outside come in.

When Liuyu and others saw the broken statue and a huge black sword inserted beside it, their faces suddenly changed.

The statue of the king is sacred to the demon night clan!

It's not that the material of the statue is precious, but these statues are their beliefs. If anyone accidentally meets the statue of the king, they will be punished the most severely. Now they are broken. How can they not turn pale?


This huge black sword is a weapon of Xun.

In the tower of sin, many demon night people have seen it. It seems that the statue was broken by their king himself.


Is there any dispute between the two kings?

Liuyu and several shenhaijing are guessing in their hearts, but they dare not ask Xun what happened.

Looking at Liuyu's look, Luo Zheng laughs. If you just saw that the two kings of your demon night clan are like shrews, I don't know what your expression will be

"Clean up, this statue, don't stand up in the future," said Xun faintly. She restored her high expression and sent out a breath of king.

"No more?" Liu Yu's face was full of amazement.

The three statues of the king are indispensable. This is the rule of all the holy places of the demon night clan. Now if you don't stand, you won't stand?

If other people say this, I'm afraid they will be killed by the demon night clan immediatelyThe problem is that their "King" speaks in person.

Xun thought about it and sighed, "forget it, I'd better carve another one. Remember, the carving is uglier!"

When he heard Xun's words, Luo Zheng almost burst out laughing. This woman is really terrible. Once she has hatred with someone, it's really an endless rhythm!

And Liuyu and others are in a state of panic. They are all at a loss.

Xun calmly walked in front, Luo Zheng followed, and the high-level members of the demon night clan followed closely.

This demon night clan's king is an appearance in front of Luo Zheng, and another appearance in front of others.

This huge sacred tree is hollowed out in the middle. Among the trunks of the sacred tree is a palace hundreds of stories high.

Next, at Xun's request, Liuyu leads Luo Zheng to the treasure house of the demon night clan holy land to select weapons.

The great blood devil's sword is powerful, but its rank is not too high. Besides, when he was fighting with Mu Qingyang in the tower of evil, Mu Qingyang grabbed it and made several deep grooves. Although he could make do with it, it might break at any time. Xun now needs to choose a weapon.

The inside information of Qipin holy land goes far beyond yundian and xulingzong.

In the Middle Kingdom, the weapons of the inferior items of the holy rank are very rare, but they are not rare in the land of Poseidon. Therefore, in the tower of sin, the demons exchange ten holy weapons for Luo Zheng's life, and Zhao Fen Qin refuses them in a moment.

After shuttling from the top to a huge root of the Holy tree, Luo Zheng finally came to the treasure house of the demon night clan.

When Luo Zheng entered the treasure house of the seven sacred places, he couldn't help sighing.

In the center of this treasure house, there is a huge night pearl, blooming with soft brilliance. Around the night pearl, there are more than ten swords!

All of them are holy vessels!

"My king, the best weapon in our Tianyu holy land is a top grade weapon on the holy steps," Liu Yu said.

"Look," Xun said faintly.

Liuyu nodded, took Luo Zheng and Xun to the back of the night pearl, then stretched out and gently pulled out a long box from the ground. After putting it up, Liuyu lifted it and drew out a long sword.

It was a long pale gold sword with a simple light on its body.

"I got this sword from xuanming cave, but I'm not good at using it, so I sealed it here," Liuyu said.

"What a sword Luo Zheng's eyes suddenly flashed.

The weapon of the holy rank is actually from xuanming cave. What kind of chance does it have?

Xun looked at the pale gold sword, his eyes were indifferent, and he gently stretched out his slender fingers.

Liuyu holds the sword in both hands, respectfully hands it to Xun, and then retreats to one side.

Xun gently waved the pale gold sword around, but finally shook his head. "I can't use this sword. Give it to Luo Zheng."

After hearing Xun's words, Liuyu's face showed a trace of depression. He gave a sword of the highest grade to this Terran general?

Although Liuyu knows that Wang Xianzai and Luo Zheng are almost inseparable, she tried her best to get the sword in xuanming cave. She almost lost her life there, so she got the sword. Now she gives it to an alien

Naturally, there was something wrong with her.

"No?" Smoked to detect the facial expression of flowing feather, light say.

Liuyu immediately bowed his head and said, "it's your own decision who my king is willing to give it to."

"Well," Xun nodded, then handed it to Luo Zheng.

This is true of the demon night clan. The whole race is based on the three kings, because Xun and the other two kings are the beliefs of thousands of demon night clan, and they don't have the slightest idea of disobedience and resistance.

Don't say that Xun is just a sword to take away Liuyu. Even if Xun orders Liuyu to commit suicide now, Liuyu will not disobey!

From this point of view, the framework of the demon night clan is completely different from that of the Terran.

There is no absolute obedience between the human race and the human race. As long as the interests of betrayal are big enough, let alone the same race, even the same father and son may betray.

So from this point of view, the demon night clan is far more united than the Terran! It's impossible to have a situation like Zhongyu, in which the major branches attack each other

In this way, Luo Zheng's heart was beating.

Although he has an inferior holy weapon in his hand to use, the weapon has no end for the warrior. There is no best, only better!

"I don't need a sword now..." Xun shook his head and said, "I want to use my original weapon back. I want a gun!"

Xun did use sword when she was young, but when she was chosen as the king of the demon night clan and began to take charge of the killing, she switched to gun. She used gun for a long time than sword. Of course, she would also use it easily.At that time, Luo Zheng simply thought that Xun was just her sword spirit, and naturally he would give Xun a sword. However, only with a gun can he maximize Xun's strength!

Liuyu nodded and stretched out his hand. An invisible force swept out. From a box in the distance, there was a silver spear circling.

"This gun is the best one in Tianyu holy land. Please have a look at it," Liuyu handed the gun to Xun.

Although the rank of this gun is not as good as the sword in Luo Zheng's hand, the rank of this gun is not low either. It's a long gun of the holy rank.

Xun reaches out his hand and holds the silver spear in his hand. He looks at the front with light eyes. Finally, he sticks out his spear and stabs it into the void!

A very special energy wave suddenly runs through!

That wave of energy not only made Luo Zheng's heart beat, but also made Liu Yu, a strong man in Shenhai, beat.

You must know that Xun is the body of the sword spirit now, and the strength of the sword spirit grows with the master's strength!

Although the sword spirit can't divide the accomplishments, generally speaking, the accomplishments should be equal to Luo Zheng's, or even slightly weaker than Luo Zheng's.

Xun's shot can't hurt Liuyu's great power in the divine sea, but the potential contained in it is far beyond Liuyu's comprehension.

After all, Xun's original cultivation is far more than that. What she understands is far from the level of Liuyu.

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