After entering the war, Luo Zheng faced the strong warlord for the first time, and he was also a second-class warlord.

But mu Qingyang and other demon night people, as well as Xia Shuang and other people are not too worried.

When Luo Zheng was a tenth level fighter, he defeated yueshou, the tenth level general. As we all know, yueshou is the most powerful God level genius in the holy land of double demons. The first level warrior may not be the opponent of yueshou.

The orc warrior seemed to be impatient. As soon as his voice fell, he took down two huge battle axes from his back and rushed to Luo Zheng.

The orcs are short. The orc warrior in front of Luo Zheng's eyes is less than Luo Zheng's chest, but their bodies are solid, and the power of Qi and blood is far stronger than that of other races. It's a fatal wound to other races, but it's nothing to the orcs, and their healing ability is far stronger than that of other races.

Facing the rush of the orc, Luo Zheng, with a calm smile on his face, took out his sword from Xumi's ring!

When they saw the long sword in Luo Zheng's hand, they were stunned.

"The boy changed his weapon again?"

"Wasn't it a long sword of the holy rank before? He now has this sword... "

"The top grade, the top grade sword of the holy rank, this guy's worth, darling..."

The weapons of the holy rank, even for the holy land, are also available and unsolicited.

Liuyu, as a great power of the demon night clan, naturally won't lie to Xun. This sword and the weapons used by Liuyu are the only two top-quality holy weapons of the demon night clan.

In the sea god continent, only the Yan devil holy land and the fear devil holy land each have a top-grade holy instrument. Then there are only two top-grade holy instruments in the Tianyu holy land, like the purple heart holy land of the human race. There are several middle-grade holy instruments, but none of them.


When the orc warrior was sprinting, Gangyuan burst out in his body, blooming with black brilliance. At the same time, he roared like a beast.

Then a battle axe in his hand was thrown out. After circling in the air, it circled an arc, but it was hanged from behind Luo Zheng!

However, the warlord of the orc also held another suit in his hand and stood facing Luo Zheng.

In this way, Luo Zheng would have to face the front and back attack of the orc warlord. With the power of the axe, if he didn't pay attention to it, he might be split into two parts.

However, Luo Zheng was very quiet. Holding the sword, he didn't put out the sword at the moment, but suddenly made a back somersault. As if he had eyes, he accurately crossed the axe that came from behind and kicked out with a heavy kick at the same time!

The speed of the originally circling axe was more than doubled, and it continued to hang towards the orc warlord.

Who knows the orc Zhan Zun grins grimly and catches his axe as soon as he turns his hand over. However, when Luo Zheng does not land, Gangyuan breaks out for the second time and quickly approaches Luo Zheng.

"Savage and savage

The huge Tomahawk waved red and golden light, strangled Luo Zheng's figure into pieces, and at the same time, the orc warrior roared, "break it into pieces for me, Wahaha! It's vulnerable! "

This is true of orcs. Once they fight, they will be very crazy!

At this moment, the orc Zhan Zun splits out dozens of axes, until he stops breathlessly, he finds that Luo Zheng is standing not far away unharmed, staring at himself with a faint smile on his face.

This is the strength of the law of space. No matter how powerful your body method is, you can't directly shuttle through space!

"It seems that Luo ZhengZhan is not empty at all!"

"I'm afraid that the general mid-term warlords may not be able to win Luo Zheng!"

"In this way, the only one who can suppress Luo Zheng in the tower of evil is zengzhan Zun!"

In fact, many creatures look up to Luo Zheng. After all, Luo Zheng is only a first-class general. The main reason is that the second-class warrior himself is an independent warrior, not from the orc holy land.

According to the practice of Zhongyu, the independent warrior is generally stronger than the one from the clan, because the independent warrior climbs up step by step with his own ability, and although the clan warrior has the clan inheritance, his combat experience is far less than that of the independent warrior.

However, in the mainland of Poseidon, the opposite is true. At the level of holy land, inheritance is more important than combat experience.

Moreover, most of the warriors in the land of Poseidon climb up from the tower of sin step by step on the corpses of various races. Even the warriors in the holy land do not lack combat experience. Therefore, the independent warriors in the land of Poseidon are far less talented than those in the holy land.

Therefore, Luo Zheng's response to the second-class player is relatively easier than that against yueshou!

However, in the face of the Holy Land's warlord, Luo Zheng estimated that the second level warlord, or even the third level warlord, might be the limit of Luo Zheng. Beyond the fourth level, Luo Zheng might only choose to avoid war, or even run away. After all, there is a big gap in cultivation.

That's why Luo Zheng didn't choose to be promoted. When he got to the eleventh floor of the tower of evil, Luo Zheng could earn some points, but it would be very difficult to encounter some difficult Zhan Zun.There may be more light of nature in the eleventh layer, but it is not much more than that in the tenth layer. Therefore, it is wise for Luo Zheng to accumulate the light of nature in the tenth layer.

After hearing those comments, he made it clear that he didn't think he was right. The orcs had a hot temper. How could they tolerate anything?

The orc warrior's eyes were red, and the gang yuan immediately wrapped up his axe. At the same time, two dense red lights appeared in his hands!

"It's crazy. This Orc warrior is completely angered!"

"Once the orcs become crazy, they will never die."

"You know that none of the orcs have brains? If they have some brains, their strength will not be under the demons! "

A lot of the people in the audience were right.

The orcs are the fourth most powerful in the land of Poseidon.

However, ORC's talent is not inferior to that of the Warcraft. They are much smaller than the Warcraft, but they have almost magical healing ability, and their speed is not inferior to that of the Warcraft. I'm afraid Orc is second only to the demon night clan in terms of body speed.

However, this race has a fatal problem. Its brain is not very good. To put it simply, its IQ is very low, and it is very easy to be irritated or used as a gun.

When this race turns on "Mania", its strength will be doubled. However, the disadvantages of "Mania" are also obvious. Once "Mania" is turned on, they can't control themselves unless their goal is dead, or they are dead

Looking at the two regiments of red light, Luo Zheng's face is dignified. Even if the strength of the orc warrior Zun is poor, he is also a warrior Zun after all. The gap of cultivation in a big realm can't be completely ignored!

"Die! Ouch

The warlord of the orc broke out a roar like a wild beast again, like a rolling rock, rushing towards Luo Zheng again.

This time, Luo Zheng didn't choose to give way. His long sword began to shine with light gold, spreading endless sword meaning from the sword body!

"Heaven and earth turn!"

When the orc zhanzun was still one foot away from Luo Zheng, the orc zhanzun suddenly began to spin like a top.

When the two demons' red lights on his arms kept circling, it was like a red wheel of light, with the axe shining with the light of Gangyuan. It looked very gorgeous!

As long as it is twisted into this "top", the only conceivable consequence may be to pieces.

Although I believe that Luo Zheng can defeat the beast warlord in front of me, Xia Shuang didn't expect that Luo Zheng would choose to face the enemy head on!

Xia Shuang is able to stand firm in the 10th floor. Naturally, she has fought with the orcs. She has defeated three orcs' 10th level generals, but it's not that Xia Shuang's strength must be more powerful than the orcs' Generals. The reason mentioned above is that the orcs are generally stupid, although they have infinite strength and amazing recovery ability.

Xia Shuang just needs to keep dodging and slowly kill the orc opponent in the competition field. Even if the opponent turns on "Crazy", there is no way to take Xia Shuang.

If you let her face to face with the orc generals, let alone the tenth level Orc generals, even the eighth level Orc generals, even the seventh level Orc generals, Xia Shuang is not sure to win.

But Luo Zheng didn't dodge. He planned to use his long sword to fight against the orc warlord?

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