From the beginning to the end, Luo Zheng's eyes have been staring at Meng Tian, and Meng Tian's eyes have not moved away from Luo Zheng.

Brown blood walking in the hall, soon absorbed clean, can not see the existence of blood.

If you don't move Munch's body, his body will be absorbed by the tower of sin in one day.

It is because of this characteristic that the evil tower can continuously absorb foreign objects, so as to continuously supplement the energy of the evil tower and make the evil tower continue to operate.

This feature was good for the demons at the beginning. Killing their opponents constantly in the arena can not only absorb the light of each other's nature, but also supplement the energy of the evil tower. The demons can accept the experience of the evil tower, forming a perfect closed loop!

It is from here that the demons rise!

But now, the power in the tower of sin is controlled by Luo Zheng.

Now Meng Tian understands that Luo Zheng has the right to decide the life and death of anyone in the tower of sin!

They are not qualified to negotiate!

After a long silence, Luo Zheng's voice broke the silence, "now, do you accept my terms?"

Meng Tian's face shows the color of a bitter smile. In the past, Meng Tian felt that he was the master of the evil tower. Even if Ling Yan defeated him, he led the top ten battle masters of the demon clan, and the demon clan was not afraid of the demon night clan!

He feels that he runs a good business. Every time he returns to the holy land, he can get the reward of the magic sea!

But now, in the face of Luo Zheng, who is less than 20 years old and whose strength is only a first-class general, he suddenly has a sense of powerlessness, as if the strength of his whole body muscles had been drained in this moment.

It's really unreasonable. It's only a few months since he entered the tower of evil. He's just climbing to the tenth floor. Why should he!

But others have the power of the tower of sin, which is so powerful that it does not allow him to resist!

If the demons are expelled from the evil tower, he knows what he will face! Although the Shenhai realm in the holy land of double demons attaches great importance to itself, once Meng Tian and all the demons are expelled from the evil tower, Meng Tian will directly face the anger of his people!

He is likely to become a sinner through the ages, and be spurned by the holy land of burning demons and the holy land of fearing demons!

But how to fight now?

Meng Tian's strength is certainly stronger than magic, but they are both the top fighters. Even in the 128 seats, there is only a difference of two. The difference in strength is not very big.

How did he resist Luo Zheng?

In the end, it will be torn to pieces just like magic.

Meng Tian was silent for a long time before he said, "sorry, I can't accept your terms."

"Then I will kill all the demons," Luo Zheng said faintly. His calm eyes are like the eyes of demons in the eyes of the demons. Although the tone is flat, the meaning of killing is frightening.

If you don't listen, kill all

The heart of this Terran boy

The top warlords of the demon clan have different thoughts, but the only thing they have in common is their deep taboo to Luo Zheng. They believe that Luo Zheng can say and do it.

The top warlords of the demon night clan also sighed to themselves.

When Luo Zheng was surrounded by the top warlords of many demons on the 10th floor, they still despised the Terrans. If their "King" didn't appear at that time, they would never wade in the muddy water!

Because for the sake of the Terran to offend the demons, this is what a fool would do.

Now think about it, but there is a feeling of great happiness, or that their "King" has brought good luck to the demon night clan!

After all, Luo Zheng did not stand on the opposite side of the demon night clan.

If it wasn't for the appearance of the "King", if the demon night clan also began to taboo Luo Zheng, and began to target Luo Zheng, and angered the little fellow of this Terran, the consequences could almost be imagined, and the fate of the demon night clan might not be much better!

As for the four seat masters of the Terran, they Still in a daze.

The Terrans in the tower of sin have endured for hundreds of years. Who would have thought that the appearance of Luo Zheng was completely reversed!

Luo Zheng has the power of life and death in the tower of sin! It's time for the Terrans to be proud As for how to raise their eyebrows, they haven't thought about it yet. At this time, they just feel very lucky that Luo Zheng is from the human race and he is a human!

"Don't accept, I really will kill you all," Luo Zheng still light said, "I'm not threatening you."

Meng Tianze said with a bitter smile: "I know, but we have a fight in the holy land of double demons. If you drive us out of the tower of evil, I think the holy land of purple heart will be leveled by the holy land of double demons. With the strength of your holy land of purple heart, you only need either the holy land of Yan demons or the holy land of fear demons to be leveled. Do you think about it?"

Meng Tian's words made the four top warriors of the Terran nervous.

Luo Zheng doesn't come from the purple heart holy land. They have speculated that he has never stepped into the purple heart Holy Land in his life, and he has no sense of belonging to the purple heart holy land. Even if the purple heart holy land is leveled by the demons, he won't have any feeling.But Luo Zheng doesn't care about the purple heart holy land, but Zhao Fen Qin and Zhou Chu he care about it. It's the only heritage place of the human race in the sea god continent!

Although Meng Tian said these words with a wry smile, the threat is clear. You Luo Zheng can drive us out of the demon family, and the tower of evil is yours. We can't help you Luo Zheng, but we can step down the purple heart holy land. You should weigh it up!

Zhao Fen Qin tried to dissuade Luo Zheng, but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them back.

What right do they have to control Luo Zheng?

Luo Zheng is indeed a human being. The question is, besides the same race, is there any other relationship between Luo Zheng and them?

What did purple heart Holy Land help Luo Zheng? Nothing there? On the contrary, Luo Zheng is benefitting the Terran!

"Think about it?" Luo Zheng curled his mouth and put up a finger, "don't think about it. I'll give you a month's buffer. A month later, I found any demon people in the tower of sin. There is no amnesty for killing them!"

As soon as Luo Zheng said this, the look of Zhao Zhenqin, Zhou zhuhedun and the other two seat controllers suddenly changed!

Purple heart holy land is miserable

The gods of the Terran are not the opponents of the demons at all. Not to mention fighting against the holy land of double demons at the same time. Even the holy land of fear of demons and the holy land of Yan demons are enough to conquer the holy land of purple heart.

"Luo Zheng, this..." Zhao Fen Qin could not help but speak, even with a hint of supplication in his tone.

Luo Zheng didn't even look at Zhan Zun, the peak of the human race. His eyes were cold, and he didn't seem to care about purple heart holy land at all.

Meng Tian's face was completely gloomy, "you don't care about the existence of purple heart holy land? The life and death of your people? " This is Meng Tian's last straw to save his life. Now Meng Tian can only use this threat to levy.

Luo Zheng said with a faint smile, "you must have done an investigation. I'm not from the land of Poseidon, so what does the survival of purple heart holy land have to do with me? Besides... "

"Besides what?" Meng Tian asked.

"Do you think you two demons holy land can really fight against my purple heart holy land?" Luo Zheng continued to ask with a smile.

"Why not?" Meng Tian's eyes flashed, he suddenly found that he seemed to ignore something.

A little red light flickered, and Xun's figure appeared beside Luo Zheng again. When Xun appeared, the top battle Zun of the demon night clan immediately knelt down.

Ling Yan knelt down in front of Xun and said, "see my king!"

Luo Zheng toward smoked light smile, immediately said to Meng Tian: "you forget Tianyu holy land."

There are fourteen races in the land of Poseidon, all of which have their own holy land.

However, the holy land is strong and weak, like the purple heart holy land of the Terran. Because of the existence of several gods, the sea is just a holy land that has just passed the five grades and been promoted to the six grades. Two thousand years ago, the Terran had no holy land of its own, and there was only one purple heart sect at that time!

Among the 14 holy places, it can only be regarded as the weakest level.

And the burning devil holy land and the fear devil holy land belong to the top of the six holy places! These two holy places together can be promoted to seven holy places!

However, there is only one seven grade holy land on the mainland of Poseidon, which is Tianyu Holy Land! And Tianyu holy land can be promoted to seven grades because of the existence of Liuyu!

And Liuyu also promised that she would do her best to help Luo Zheng.

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