The demons have been driven away from the evil tower, and now it's time to shuffle.

Previously, the demons occupied 26 seats, so how to allocate these 26 seats?

The seat holders of each race have their own abacus in mind.

At the same time, they are also very clear that these 26 seats will be allocated as Luo Zheng wants!

Judging by the situation, Luo Zheng's only taboo is the demon night clan. After all, the purple heart holy land is actually under the protection of Tianyu holy land. If the demon night clan doesn't show up, the double demon holy land has the same strength as the purple heart holy land.

Although the tower of sin is important, it will take decades, hundreds, even thousands of years for a holy land to rise!

So the seat controllers of other races estimate that one step of the 26 seats should be allocated to the demon night clan, and part of them to the Terran.

As for other races As long as Luo can't move their seats, it's thank God.

Many of the top warlords slowly gathered in the rotunda. They all looked at Luo Zheng with complicated eyes, and their thoughts were different.

Who could have thought that the person who made the new rules should be the general of a race?

At the beginning, in order to fight for a seat, all races tried their best, even paid for their lives! However, a Terran general, out of thin air, drove out the demons and seized 26 seats in one breath.

This gap is too big, and many ethnic groups have to accept it.

And with his current ability, he can even drive out all races, including the demon night clan.

Of course, Luo Zheng will not do so.

It's not good for Luo Zheng to drive out other races. Besides, the tower of evil is important, but the development of the holy land is even more important? The tower of evil is the holy land for the development of our own race.

If Luo Zheng will be the worst of all races, and join hands with double magic holy land, purple heart holy land will be destroyed.

As for the rules of the tower of sin, Luo Zheng has also considered them carefully.

In fact, the set of rules that have evolved over the years is really good. As long as the creatures who enter the tower of sin, they must constantly walk on the edge of life and death. Only the real elites can climb up step by step.

The powerful warrior can get more resources, more light of nature and more points, while the weak warrior can be eliminated directly, and even become the nourishment of the evil tower.

The evil tower is just a miniature of the world of martial arts.

"How should the rules be changed?" Asked one of the top warriors of the giants.

Luo Zheng said with a faint smile, "now the rules from the first floor to the fourteenth floor of the evil tower remain unchanged."

"And then?" Another top warlord of orcs said.

The rules of the first and fourteenth floors don't involve these seat controllers, and the top warlords don't care about this.

The most important thing is the 15th floor. How to allocate seats? What does Luo Zheng want to do? After canceling the seat, one company will monopolize it? Or keep the current rules? That's what they care about most.

"All the seats in the 15th floor are reserved. I drove the demons away, and I will distribute the 26 seats freely," Luo Zheng said faintly.

This sentence, immediately let a lot of peak battle Zun a sigh of relief, it seems that this Luo Zheng did not have the hegemony they imagined.

Although these top warlords have a lot of information about Luo Zheng, they are afraid that Luo Zheng will be even more domineering than the demons. At least Luo Zheng's current tone will not deprive many top warlords of their seats, but Luo Zheng doesn't finish, but he doesn't know what else he wants.

Luo Zhengdun, and then said: "another point, Terran and demon night race seats will become permanent seats, will not rotate with other races!"

"Permanent seat?"

"So the Terran and the demon night clan are not always occupying the seats?"

"This is too..."

The 128 seats on the top of the tower are not fixed. After a period of time, the seat controllers also have to compete with each other. From this corner, the ranking of the seats will be expelled. The weak seat controllers will lose their seats, and the newly promoted top warlords will take their place.

Demon clan and demon night clan are the most powerful, so they control the most seats.

In fact, this rule was made in favor of powerful races from the beginning. After all, only the demons and demon night clans can produce so many talents and grab more seats.

In this way, the strong are stronger and the weak are weaker.

So after so many years of Terran development, there are only four seats in charge, and these four seats are not firmly controlled. Maybe the Terran seats will be handed over in the next contest.

When the Terrans were at their worst, they often had only one seat, or even none. So Luo Zheng now sees that Luo Zheng has four seats, which is a relatively strong time.If the permanent seats are set, the Terran and the demon night clan will not have to compete, and the seats will not be reduced every year!

This consideration is also well thought out by Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng knows very well that even though he has temporarily changed the situation of the Terran and purple heart holy land, this is not a lasting strategy after all. Luo Zheng does not have so much time to lurk in the tower of evil. After he gets the inheritance, Luo Zheng will choose to return to the central region.

There are Luo Zheng's most important people waiting for him.

This time may be months, maybe a year, at most not more than three years.

Once you leave, purple heart holy land can't rise in such a short time. Maybe the demon night clan can take care of the Terran because of Xun, but it's wishful thinking to make the Terran rise to the level of demon night clan.

That's why Luo Zheng wants to make permanent seats, which at least ensures that the seats of the Terran will not be reduced.

More importantly, not only the Terran has permanent seats, but also the demon night clan. This is equivalent to tying the Terran and demon night clan together. If other races refuse to accept the permanent seats, they must first ask the demon night clan who will be the first to consolidate their permanent seats without looking at their face.

This is Luo Zheng's plan.

"Yes, the seats of the Terran and the demon night clan will be reserved forever without competition. There are good and bad points in doing so. The disadvantage is that you can't compete for the permanent accomplishments of the Terran and the demon night clan. The advantage is that the Terran and the demon night clan will not expand their seats." Luo Zheng said lightly.

Now Luo Zheng still has 26 seats for the demons to allocate. If all the seats are given to the Terrans, then the Terrans will have 30 seats, which is enough.

"Is there any objection?" Luo Zheng asked.

Many of the top warlords didn't make a sound. They also knew that it was useless to make a sound. Moreover, Luo Zheng had some truth. The total number of demon night clan and Terran was close to 50 seats, so the remaining 70 seats were allocated by the remaining races.

The situation is similar to that of the demons.

What's more, other races were worried about the expanding power of the demons and the demons at that time. If they developed according to the previous rules, the demons and the demons would have more and more seats, and the seats of other races would be less and less. The final result was that all the seats would fall into the hands of the demons and the demons.

Now Luo Zheng's rules block the expansion of the demon night clan, which means that the seats of the demon night clan and the Terran will always be locked in this number That's not a bad thing.

"No comment..."

"I don't mind either."

Luo Zheng is not asking for their consent at all.

Among the 26 seats of the demon clan, Luo Zheng only allocated eight of them to the demon night clan. In this way, the demon night clan has 24 seats, while the Terran clan has 22 seats, which makes it the second largest force in the evil tower.

As for how Ling Yan and Zhao Fen Qin plan to allocate these seats, Luo Zheng does not need to intervene.

Lingyan is still OK, eight more seats is a good thing for the demon night clan, but it doesn't make Lingyan so excited.

But the four seat controllers of the Terran are different. Zhao Fen Qin and Zhou Chu he seem to be flying in the clouds, and they have 18 more seats all at once. How can we divide them?

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