Although situ Haotian had long expected that Luo Zheng would choose to leave, his face inevitably showed disappointment.

If Luo Zheng can stay, his future achievements will be bigger than those of Tianyu holy land!

More than 200 years ago, Tianyu holy land was far less powerful than it is now. At that time, the holy land of double demons was at its peak, and no race dared to plunder its edge!

At the beginning, there was a relatively large race on the mainland of Poseidon, the shadow clan. The strength of the shadow clan with six holy places ranked fourth among many races, but it was because of the dispute with the demon clan that the shadow clan was finally destroyed by the two magic holy places

Until Liuyu was born, leading the demon night clan to a peak, now Tianyu holy land is no less than the existence of double magic holy land.

Liuyu is only in the second row of the talent tablet, but Luo Zheng can't even hold his name in the first row, so he won the title of the throne of heaven. Besides, he is still the master of the tower of evil!

In situ Haotian's opinion, Luo Zheng's future achievements are immeasurable. Unfortunately, these talents do not come from the purple heart holy land, and situ Haotian can not force Luo Zheng to stay.

"Xuanming cave? Do you mean to enter xuanming cave this year? " Situ Haotian asked.

"Yes," Luo Zheng nodded.

"Is it too fast? In fact, although each race has seats and places, generally those who enter xuanming cave are Zhan Zun. Although they occasionally bring some generals into the cave to increase their experience, these generals are only on the periphery of xuanming cave, because once xuanming cave goes deep, it is very likely that it will fall down! " Said situ Haotian.

None of the geniuses who grew up in the tower of sin had never entered the xuanming cave. Although situ Haotian was also a god level talent at that time, his name only remained in the seventh row on the talent tablet. This talent is relatively not outstanding.

What really changed situ Haotian was the chance in xuanming cave. When he entered xuanming cave, he risked his life to get a set of limitless sword array. Even now that he is a great power in Shenhai, this set of limitless sword array is still his most reliable mace!

However, although there are many opportunities in the xuanming cave, it is also a dangerous place. Although because of the existence of the cursed place, many great powers of the divine sea have no chance to enter the xuanming cave, but situ Haotian understands that the core area of the xuanming cave, even if he goes there now, has a considerable probability of falling.

"There's no time," Luo Zheng said.

Time is not enough for Luo Zheng. He doesn't know the news of Zhongyu after he has been away for so long. In fact, he worries about it all the time!

Looking at Luo Zheng's expression, situ Haotian also understood that he could not persuade Luo Zheng. Finally, he only sighed deeply and said, "do you know the origin of xuanming cave?"

Luo Zheng shakes his head. He knows very little about xuanming cave. Apart from giving himself a keepsake, Tianmiao Taoist doesn't reveal any information under the tower of sin. As for some limited information, Luo Zheng himself has heard.

"Although we don't know why the xuanming cave came into being, including the origin of the tower of evil, we don't know the people on the sea god continent, but through our exploration of the xuanming cave over the years, it's actually an ancient battlefield," situ Haotian said slowly.

"Battlefield?" Luo Zheng's face is full of doubts. Ancient battlefields are not rare. There are many ancient battlefields in Central China, but there is no chance to find them except some decadent treasures and bones.

Situ Haotian nodded, "yes, but xuanming cave is not an ordinary ancient battlefield. According to the current speculation, it should be the battlefield where hundreds of the most powerful people in the upper world fight!"

"The strongest in the upper world?" Luo Zheng's eyes twinkled.

This speculation is not unreasonable.

The power of the cursed land is far beyond Luo Zheng's imagination. Even if the war saint and the strong of the God sea enter the cursed land, they will die.

At that time, Tianmiao immortal returned from the upper world. Although he entered into the situation of five declines of heaven and man because of the end of his life, he should still retain his strong strength.

But the celestial immortal did not enter the tower of sin in person.

Although Tianmiao didn't explain anything to Luo Zheng, he said that he couldn't go to that place by himself. It seems that most of them are afraid of the power of the curse.

The land of curse has existed in the land of Poseidon for many years. So far, there is no sign that the power of curse has dissipated. It can be imagined that it is impossible for ordinary creatures in the upper world to do so.

Although Luo Zheng could not see the strength of those people in the real dragon world at that time, the general soldiers and the leader of Longyuan palace must be very different!

However, it is not for situ Haotian to figure out the specific accomplishments of the most powerful and the situation of their strength.

Looking back, Luo Zheng can ask Qinglong or Xun.

This time, Luo Zheng was in the mind of asking for advice. Since situ Haotian once went deep into xuanming cave, he naturally had to listen attentively.

"This ancient battlefield has its own cave in the underground, and the top of the tower of evil extends to the bottom of the cave. Over the years, there are a large number of top warlords entering the xuanming cave, but most of them are wandering outside, and few dare to enter the inside..."Since Luo Zheng asked, situ Haotian didn't treat him as an outsider. This unknown human youth has made such a great contribution to purple heart holy land. Situ Haotian can't help him more.

Under the narration of situ Haotian, Luo Zhengcai realized that the whole xuanming cave is actually divided into three layers, namely, the outer, inner and core!

After entering the xuanming cave, most of the top warlords will take the talents of the clan to the periphery. Even the periphery is full of all kinds of unimaginable dangers. Even if the top warlords don't pay attention, they will fall!

And the inner circle is the real dead place! It's a near death for many top warriors to enter.

At the beginning, situ Haotian was also fighting to death. He was also a man with ambition and great perseverance. He was unwilling to become a mediocre warrior and wasted his life. It was because situ Haotian entered the inner circle and fought with death that he got the mysterious sword array!

As the saying goes, if it wasn't for the sword array and the relics of the most powerful one, situ Haotian would not have become the leader of purple heart Holy Land!

"What about the core? Has anyone been in? " Luo Zheng asked.

"Yes!" Situ Haotian gave a faint smile.

"How's it going?" Luo Zheng asked.

"None of them came back," said situ Haotian with a smile. "It can also be said that they were all dead."

The core area of xuanming cave is hidden in thick fog. Standing on the edge of xuanming cave, you can see the layers of fog, and in the fog, there is a mass of blood light.

So far, no one knows what's in it!

"Core area?" Luo Zheng had a bitter smile on his face.

Immortal Tianmiao doesn't do it properly. Luo Zheng doesn't know what taboos Tianmiao has, but he refuses to explain everything clearly. He just gives himself a jade butterfly. In addition, he refuses to reveal anything about the inheritance

So Luo Zheng goes into the xuanming cave and looks for it in the outer layer? Or into the inner layer? Or the core area where there is no return?

"Is young Xia Luo Zheng planning to enter the core area?" Situ Haotian looked at Luo Zheng's smile, and a serious expression appeared on his face. "If you really have this plan, I would advise you to give up this idea!"

"I definitely want to go to xuanming cave. As for the core area I'm not sure, "Luo Zheng shook his head.

Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't intend to give up, situ Haotian immediately warned: "I remember that one year, all the races in the tower of evil united together and gathered 76 top warlords to enter the core area together. The purpose was to uncover the veil of the core area, but all the top warlords in that year still never came back!"

"Seventy six top warriors?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Yes, almost the best of all races," said situ Haotian. "Although I know that you are the one who has the atmosphere, the core area can't be broken into by the atmosphere. It's a place where there is no return. Don't say that you, even me, have no return!"

Hearing what situ Haotian said, Luo Zheng suddenly felt some pain in his mouth.

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