In the air, Liu cunshi is like a God. His whole body is shining with gold. His momentum is like a big mountain.

A small number of weak disciples on Xiaoyu peak sat on the ground under the pressure.

Liu cunshi's golden light finally turned into a huge golden ring, and he covered the whole challenge arena and surrounded it.

Then Liu cunshi stepped on the edge of the golden ring, stretched out his hands, made a few gestures, and recited words.

"The ring of destruction! Broken

If you can step into the secret of nature and transcend the limit of human longevity, you must have great wisdom, and naturally you also have some Assassin's Maces.

And Mie Shi Huan is Liu's mace.

This world destroying ring is extremely expensive.

Although Liu cunshi still has 50% of the real yuan in his body, the real yuan in his body is also emptied at the moment of using the ring of extermination. Standing on the edge of extermination, his face is pale at the moment, and he can't even stand steadily.

From the heart, he is very reluctant to use the mace in such a place.

He is more willing to keep the extermination exchange in the time of zongmen Dabi. If he reveals his mace early now, others will be on guard against him in the future.

But he has no better way now.

He can't think of any moves that can change the situation except using the ring.

What makes Liu cunshi even more unwilling is that he was forced out of the assassin's mace by a boy of refining marrow.

Refining marrow

In Liu cunshi's mind, he was forced to such a degree by the goods that he could crush with his fist

For a moment, Liu cunshi couldn't accept the result.

"Since you want to die so much, I'll help you!"

Liu cunshi, who didn't kill his heart, wanted Luo Zheng to die soon.

Of course, he is quite confident in the ring. Even if a congenital creature is put into the ring, he will be seriously injured if he does not die. Liu cunshi does not believe that Luo Zheng can survive this disaster!

The whole extermination ring began to emit magnificent colors, and the energy waves formed by Zhenyuan began to gather on the challenge arena.

This move, with the word "destroy the world", really has the power of destroying heaven and earth.

After all, Liu cunshi is a congenital one. When the ring is released, it can only delimit a relatively small area, and then eliminate all living forces in the ring.

If Liu cunshi's strength goes to a higher level, breaks through the innate, and reaches a higher level, a ring of destruction may be able to destroy all the creatures on a mountain.

When the energy in the circle of annihilation reached its limit, a magnificent golden flash suddenly flashed out and rushed away, making a huge explosion.

This ring is very strange. It can concentrate all its power in the ring. Even if you stand close to the ring, you won't be affected at all.

Because of this, the energy inside the ring is more concentrated and powerful.

The outer disciples of Xiaoyu peak turned pale when they saw the power of extermination ring.

That extermination ring is Shura hell. Under this kind of attack, I'm afraid Luo Zheng's body will be directly strangled into powder by energy.

Most people understand that Luo Zheng will not be able to survive this time.

As the golden light continued to twinkle, people could not see the situation in the ring. At the moment, they could do nothing but pray that Luo Zheng would survive.

After a few breaths, the power of mieshi ring gradually dissipated, and the golden light gathered on the challenge arena also slowly faded.

The edge of the challenge arena was the first to be exposed.

The whole arena was washed away by the energy fluctuation in the ring of annihilation. The arena made of refined iron is pitted and shapeless.

As for Luo Zheng, I can't find him. I'm afraid he has already been hanged

It's too bad.

However, just after the golden light on the challenge arena completely dissipated, a figure suddenly rushed out.

The man had nothing on his body, and his body was scarred, but his body was extremely swift. He rushed to the edge of the challenge arena and hit Liu cunshi, who had run out of light and oil.

Liu cunshi's whole body was exhausted. At this time, he even stood a little vain. Facing this blow, he could not avoid it. He was directly smashed out of the challenge arena, lying on the ground and fainted.

The naked man is Luo Zheng.

With the body of aura, he carried down all the attacks of mieshihuan.

Liu cunshi's attack made Luo Zheng a little afraid.

Although he was very clear about the horror of the congenital creatures, he killed the black and white double evils by one person in Longbao, but he was not so embarrassed at that time.

If you think about it carefully, Luo Zheng took advantage of the broken throwing knife to kill the black-and-white twin evils unexpectedly. At that time, the black-and-white twin evils had not had time to play their real strength, and even the weapons in their hands had not been used, so they were already in different places.If not, Luo Zheng is not sure of winning the black and white twin evils.

Vulture peak outside the door first, Liu cunshi, defeated.

So far, Luo Zheng with a human battle four vulture peak, will Xiaoyu peak whole decadent trend forced to reverse the past.

At this moment, many of the disciples are not aware of what happened. They are just immersed in the fact that Luo Zheng is still alive.

"Luo Zheng won, we xiaoyufeng won!"

Mo can was the first to shout this sentence.

The first sound sounded, and then countless voices followed.

Finally, the whole xiaoyufeng's disciples began to surge.

"Luo Zheng! Luo Zheng

"Luo Zheng! Luo Zheng

They hissed and tried their best to roar, with a posture of never giving up without breaking their throats.

Luo Zheng stands in the pitted arena, looking at the roaring disciples, suddenly has some embarrassed feeling. His clothes are twisted into powder by the energy of the world destroying ring. At the moment, he is naked. Although all the disciples on Xiaoyu peak are male, it is not elegant to face the crowd naked.

Zhou Xian took the lead in finding Luo Zheng's embarrassed look and quickly threw his robe down to Luo Zheng in the challenge arena.

Naluo Zheng wrapped his body in a white robe and jumped down from the challenge arena. Accompanied by Mo can and Zhou Xian, he came to Zhangwu County.

Although Zhang Wuxian was injured, he did not leave. Instead, he leaned against the corner to watch Luo Zheng's battle.

"Brother Wuxian, do you feel that it's ok now?" Luo Zheng asked.

On Zhang Wu County's fat face, two small eyes were shining.

Not long after he became acquainted with Luo Zheng, he saw clearly that Luo Zheng's future strength was limitless, which was one of the reasons why he took the initiative to make friends with Luo Zheng. Their Zhang family had a very keen sense of smell in this respect.

But Zhang Wuxian did not expect that Luo Zheng could rise so quickly and be so overbearing!

Refining marrow realm, this talent directly turned over Liu cunshi!

And it's still hard to eat Liu's mace.

If Zhang Wuxian guesses correctly, Luo Zheng also has a trump card not used. Because of this, the image of Luo Zheng becomes more and more unfathomable in Zhang Wuxian's mind.

"What's the matter? Ha ha, even if I'm seriously injured, it's worth seeing brother Luo Zheng's performance! " Zhang Wuxian said with a bold smile. However, when he started to laugh, he was involved in two broken ribs. Suddenly, there was a burst of pain, covering his chest and unable to speak.

At the moment, the outside disciples around the challenge arena gathered together, and everyone's face was full of joy.

In fact, in the eyes of these disciples, it's not important to win vulture peak and get double reward. The important thing is that Xiaoyu peak has a Luo Zheng!

Not far from the attic.

Mu Qingyang's face at the moment is already very blue.

Silver teeth clench, hate said: "well, don't blindfold, that boy has put on clothes."

Su Lingyun slowly removed her hand from her face, and said with a sly smile: "sister mu, I'm sorry for this!"

"I'm sorry. What's the use? Our vulture peak has been defeated. We lost the pill for a month. It's a small matter. Liu cunshi is the most proud disciple of our vulture peak. Now we lost to a younger generation in refining marrow. I think we must have suffered a great blow, and our mind and nature must be affected, "Mu Qingyang said gloomily.

In fact, in the eyes of Muyang's disciples, the key is not to cultivate her.

I'm afraid that Liu cunshi's heart of cultivating martial arts is also damaged by Luo Zheng's defeat. In the future, the speed of entering the country will be greatly slowed down, which is the most fatal.

But Su Lingyun said with a straight face: "when you are in the martial arts, you are bound to encounter a strong enemy. If his martial arts heart is so easily damaged, it shows that he is too proud. People are really strong only when they are properly attacked and can get up in the process of being attacked, aren't they? "

Hearing Su Lingyun's words, Mu Qingyang is noncommittal.

Mu Qingyang admits that her words are reasonable. The most important part of cultivating martial arts is the mind. If you have a good journey, it will be difficult to get up once you are frustrated and your mind is hit too hard.

On the contrary, those who constantly suffer from failure, but still struggle hard, are qualified to laugh to the end.

But Su Lingyun throws out these words at the moment, which is suspected of being cheap and good.

Seeing that Mu Qingyang's face was still unhappy, Su Lingyun comforted him with a smile: "well, sister mu, if you have a chance in the future, I will make it up to you!"

Mu Qingyang shrunken mouth, think of Su Lingyun's identity, let her owe herself a personal feeling is actually good, this matter has so far, there is really no remedy.

This night, xiaoyufeng's disciples are very excited.

Everyone likes to talk about Luo Zheng's performance in the challenge arena.However, Luo Zheng, the client, was not so excited. In contrast, another thing made him more concerned.

When he returns to his residence, Luo Zheng takes out the crystal nuclei in Xumi's ring. Tomorrow, he will find tutor Su to exchange these crystal nuclei for points, and then go to purgatory mountain.

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