After Luo Zheng got yanghunmu, he quickly returned to the square. Although he tried his best to keep his inner peace, he also had some uncontrollable excitement on his face.

In his eyes, Luo Zheng was sure that he wanted to save his life with the spirit tree. As for who he was saving, they couldn't know.

As for the battle emperor of Dayu and the saint Bai Yuerong, their faces were not very good-looking. They didn't expect to send out the little monsters, which not only failed to kill Luo Zheng, but also brought him great benefits. How could they bear this?

Although Qinglong said that Xun's soul could last for a day or two, it was only a rough estimate. It could be a day or two, an hour or two, or it could collapse immediately!

Luo Zheng is anxious to ask Qinglong, "how should this wood be used?"

But at this time, the sharp voice sounded again, "the duel is over, now hold the sacrifice! Open the holy sea of Tianyu

At the moment when the voice sounded, all the God level geniuses looked at the platform. The previous contest was just a review. The real important thing was to explore Tianyu holy sea!

At this time, Luo Zheng didn't pay attention to the sacrifice of Tianyu holy sea. He had to put Xun in yanghun wood first.

If Xun's soul hadn't fallen into deep sleep, she would have been able to enter yanghun wood by herself. Qinglong told Luo Zheng that now she had to carry her soul to yanghun wood

Luo Zheng looked around and found a relatively secluded corner in the spacious square, that is, he sat down on his knees, closed his eyes and immersed himself in his mind.

In my mind, Xun's soul is still lying there quietly, and many cracks appear on the surface of his body.

Luo Zheng galloped over, hugged her and dragged her out of his mind

At this time, he did not forget to look back at the mysterious furnace. The light of the green dragon and the red dragon on the furnace was dim.

Luo Zheng also paid a considerable price in the battle against the little monster, but the harvest was relatively large. First of all, after integrating the will of the world, Luo Zheng's soul rose to a higher level. More importantly, he was able to connect himself with the whole world.

If you are attacked, you will be able to transfer to the world!

In addition, there is a huge amount of information for Luo Zheng to explore


According to Professor Qinglong's method, Luo Zheng placed a section of yanghunmu in his eyebrow!

Just at the moment when Luo Zheng "carries" Xun's soul out of her mind, her soul naturally gets into the wood of raising soul!

After a few breaths, Xun's soul disappeared completely, and that piece of yanghun wood sent out a faint red halo. Luo Zheng felt the palm of yanghun wood, and even sent out a trace of warmth.

"What a magic spirit tree After Luo Zheng said that, he felt a long sigh of relief.

Although Xun's soul is seriously injured, it should not be a big problem to have the warm cultivation of the spirit wood. The name of the spirit wood has the word "raise soul", which means that it can warm the soul. After a period of time, maybe it can make Xun's injury recover.

Even if Xun can't heal, Luo Zheng has enough time to help her find a panacea to repair her soul injury.

Xun didn't spend a long time with her, but since she woke up, she helped herself through several disasters.

Although she did ask for herself, she did stand in her own position and help herself to consider everything. Luo Zheng will never forget this friendship!

Just after Luo Zheng had finished his work here, the sacrifice on the high platform had already started!


On that high platform, a huge round light column suddenly appeared. After that light column appeared, it rose up into the sky and went straight up to the sky!

"Is this sacrifice? I don't know what the function of this sacrifice is? "

Luo Zheng didn't know much about the mainland of the kingdom of God. He just thought of it. He suddenly patted his head, but he forgot that he now has the ability to know everything!

An idea flashed in my mind, and Luo Zheng already knew the answer in his heart.

Tianyu holy sea was originally occupied by the dragon clan. Before the dragon clan died, it was a blood sacrifice for all the creatures in the clan!

At that time, the dragon family was also at its peak. The holy land of the dragon family was the later period of the eighth grade, even comparable to the ninth grade, far more powerful than the Seven Kingdoms!

Even before it was destroyed, the number of Longmai people was terrible.

Blood sacrifice is actually a curse!

When a living creature is killed, a curse will be born, which is also the source of the evil spirit on the warrior.

It's just that the dragon family skillfully uses this curse. After they sacrifice all the creatures in the family, they will cast this curse. Any creature who steps into the holy sea of Tianyu will be affected by this curse.

The specific performance is the golden light on the surface of the ocean!Now what the four great gods want to do is to dispel part of the golden light for the time being. Only at this time can the warriors enter the holy sea of Tianyu smoothly.

As the pillar of light rises, all the divine sea powers under the steps rise slowly around the pillar of light at the same time. The four lords occupy the top position, while dozens of divine sea powers below release their true elements one after another.

Only the sharp voice was heard again. "Colleagues, join hands to dispel the curse of yushenghai that day!"

This sharp voice will ring from time to time, but the identity is very mysterious. From the beginning to the end, he didn't show his face. It is under his command that the huge column of light rising from the sky began to tilt slowly towards the holy sea of Tianyu.

"Hoo Hoo..."

The wind is surging and the clouds are turning.

Every god level genius also looks at this scene carefully.

When the light column tilts in the holy sea of Tianyu, it blends with the golden light in the holy sea of Tianyu!

A magical scene happened. The light contained in the light column seemed to be the killer of the golden light on the surface of Tianyu holy sea. When the light column entered the sea, the golden light was constantly eroded by the light column.

The original peaceful Tianyu holy sea is like a struggling beast. The Golden Sea sets off huge waves and sweeps around one by one!

At the same time, those golden lights are constantly melting and shrinking at a visible speed

Luo Zheng's eyes were slightly frozen. Although he knew the process of sacrifice through the memory in his mind, he was still shocked when he saw the scene with his own eyes.

This method can not be thought out by the four great gods. It must have been helped by the upper people.

After a long time of incense, Tianyu holy sea slowly calmed down, and the light column began to become dim.

The sea surface of Tianyu holy sea is already covered with light golden light, but compared with before, the color of the golden light is also lighter.

Just after the light column disappeared, there was a man standing in the light column. The man was wearing a blue gray Taoist robe with white eyebrows. He was a white browed Taoist.

"All right! After the sacrifice, people can get dragon blood and enter Tianyu holy sea! "

This white browed Taoist is the master of that sharp voice!

When Luo Zheng looked at the white browed Taoist, the man seemed to notice Luo Zheng. His eyes just looked at Luo Zheng carelessly, and then it was shenhaijing Dafeng, who commanded the four kingdoms, and began to release dragon blood!

"I can't see through the strength of this man!" Luo Zheng's heart suddenly began to jump wildly.

Even if he was powerful in the sea, he could not hide his accomplishments in front of Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng could not see through his accomplishments.

There's only one possibility! This white eyebrow Taoist's strength is definitely more than Shenhai!

"In the lower world, isn't it only allowed to exist in the divine sea?" Luo Zheng doubts, is to ask Qinglong.

In theory, even the power of the divine sea is intolerable in the great world. When the warrior of life and death is born in the great world, the way of heaven will bring down punishment and form a life and death disaster, which is also called a small disaster.

After entering the sea of God, the way of heaven will bring down the great disaster!

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