Luo Zheng quickly passed through the narrow gate and fell straight down.

At the same time of falling, the focus of Luo Zheng's eyes has been firmly locked on the leaf. He can see that the insect is bending over and swallowing the ore in the leaf!

Hundred, fifty, ten

Luo Zheng's double fists have begun to accumulate strength!


Luo Zheng is too eager for the life stone. Even if there is only one life stone in the insect, Luo Zheng will kill it!

His strike, with the impact of falling, opened the power of 500 dragon scales at the same time!

The fist went straight to the back of the big bug, but just as Luo Zheng approached, the big bug seemed to have some special premonition. The two hind legs suddenly pushed, but they rolled down one by one, but avoided the fist!


The huge power of Luo Zheng's boxing directly beat on the leaves, which connected with the nearby roots and constantly vibrated.

"Creak, creak!"

The big bug kept a distance of two feet from Luo Zheng, still waving his sharp forefoot, and even continued to provoke Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng looked at the leaves at his feet. The blow just made the leaves crack, but he still didn't find the original stone of life.

The hardness of his body has been comparable to that of the holy instrument, and it is mixed with the power of fear. Even if he does not borrow the pick, it is enough to hammer 30 layers of leaves open. Of course, it will be more labor-saving to use the pick.

"Challenge me?"

Luo Zheng's eyes flickered and his legs bent slightly.

Although this big bug is very flexible, Luo Zheng is sure to catch it!

Just when the big bug was still waving its front feet and squeaking, Luo Zheng's figure suddenly shook, but he went straight through the space and stretched out his hands to catch the big bug!

It has to be said that the big bug is even more flexible than the general strong one in the realm of life and death. Its perception of danger seems to come from instinct. Even if Luo Zheng uses the means of crossing space, he is still sensed by the big bug with his incredible sense of smell. At the same time, he spreads his wings one step ahead of time and is about to leave the leaves!

"I can't go!"

At the moment of crossing the space, Luo Zheng also burst the Gangyuan in his body, and the whole person suddenly shot two feet in front of him!

Two feet later, Luo Zheng's body had already left the leaf, and the invisible force began to pull Luo Zheng's body, but just as Luo Zheng was pulled down by the huge force, his hand had caught the back foot of the big insect!

"Creak, creak!"

The big bug keeps kicking its legs! But how powerful is Luo Zheng? As long as he grabbed, this big bug can't get away!

The big insect itself is not affected by the huge gravity, and can fly freely among these leaves, but now Luo Zheng is dragging its legs, that is to say, half of Luo Zheng's falling gravity is also shared by the big insect!

Although the big bug desperately waved its wings to avoid falling down with Luo Zheng, it was still pulled down by Luo Zheng under the irresistible gravity.


Even so, out of instinct, the big bug still flies desperately, but with Luo Zheng, it keeps spinning around and falling.

Here, the king of Yan is still on the 27th floor of the leaf. He is painstakingly excavating the ore, and there is a Yunhao stone buried under the leaf. The value of this kind of ore is very high, so the king of Yan will not let it go. The moment he waves the pick, he suddenly sees a figure passing by, and even goes around him. He is stunned.

There are very strict rules in this space, that is, even Shenhai can't fly, and can't resist the falling force, but just now he saw a figure.

So the king of Yan hurried to the edge of the leaf. When he looked at it, the king of Yan was full of amazement, "heaven, brother Tianxing..."

He saw Luo Zheng dragging a big green worm, like a headless fly, circling around the tree!

"This, this is how to return a responsibility," Yan Wang feels his head a little dizzy.

The king of Yan is not the only warrior who witnessed this scene. Now at least two-thirds of the warriors are working hard to mine on the leaves of this big tree. Most God level geniuses have seen this strange scene.

"It's like that Luo Tianxing! How can he pull one, a miner

"This How could he not catch the miner

"It seems that only shenhaijing can catch the mine eating insects."

In everyone's eyes, Luo Zheng's body quickly fell, and finally fell to the bottom of the tree and disappeared in the aperture.

At the moment of disappearance, Luo Zheng dragged the big insect and appeared on one side of the pyramid.Yue Ying is laughing and bargaining with a warrior in front of her. According to Yue Ying's judgment, the warrior may have at least ten life stones in his hand. She knows that Luo Zheng values life stones most, so even if he loses some, he should search all his life stones!

But at this time, she suddenly heard a violent noise, and then came a sharp and rapid sound of insects!

Yue Ying turned her head and saw that her eyes suddenly trembled, "God, brother Tianxing That, that's a miner

The warriors who trade ore outside the pyramid are immediately attracted by this scene.

After crossing the space, Luo Zheng himself is no longer affected by the strong gravity. This big insect spreads its wings and flies high, and directly drags Luo Zheng to fly to the sky!

How does Luo Zheng make this big bug succeed?

After taking a deep breath, he twisted his waist, but his legs swung up suddenly, and the whole person turned over and climbed on the back of the big bug.


This big insect's reaction is also extremely agile, which can be said to be far beyond the general life and death situation. The two front feet are twisting back and stabbing toward Luo Zheng on the back!


Luo Zheng's figure dodged the two sharp stabs, and then he turned his hand into a knife, which was heavy on the insect's back.


A crisp sound came. The beetle's back shell was cut off by Luo Zheng's hand knife, and then the flapping wings were broken, and the whole insect fell straight down!


At the moment of falling, Luo Zheng leaned slightly, bent his left leg and pressed his knee directly on the insect's head. So when the insect fell to the ground, Luo Zheng crushed its head. The insect's vitality was also very strong. Even without his head, he kept waving his six feet. After struggling for a long time, the joints of the six feet slowly became stiff In recent years, life is gradually cut off.

Luo Zheng pats the dust on her body, and then jumps down from the body of the big insect. At this time, Yueying rushes in front of Luo Zheng. Because she is in a hurry, she doesn't even have time to put the pile of ore on the ground into Xumi ring. Instead, she directly uses her clothes to cover the pile of ore on it. She pulls the hem of her clothes with her hands, but her eyes widens and asks:“ Brother Tianxing, how and how did you catch a miner

"Oh, this big bug was originally called a mine eater?" Luo Zheng nodded faintly.

At this time, the king of Yan also appeared from the aperture and rushed over. He had just left the aperture, but he saw that Luo Zheng had subdued the miner, and his face was full of surprise and joy.

Not only the king of Yan, but all the warriors in the "mine tree" left the aperture one after another and quickly surrounded Luo Zheng!

When the king of Yan heard Luo Zheng's words, he laughed and said, "yes, brother Tianxing, this big insect is called the mine eating insect. It lives by swallowing the ore in the mine tree!"

After hearing what the king of Yan said, Luo Zheng looked at the God level geniuses who were constantly coming, and his face showed a strange color. Even if he devoured the ore for a living, the ore eater should not be of great value, right? It's just more minerals in my stomach!

Before he asked his doubts, someone nearby said, "Luo Zheng, I advise you not to move this miner, or you will die."

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