Everyone was staring at Luo Zheng. Although many of them were greedy, many corpses in the pit could be seen clearly.

Rob Luo Zheng of what he has? That's not desperation, that's pure death!

So we can only keep a certain distance from Luo Zheng, so far away.

This black star pick is very short, so it looks like a small hammer. Luo Zheng can't see the way out of it.

"Does this mining pick need to be activated by Zhenyuan?"

Think of here, Luo Zheng's hand is to appear a wisp of true yuan, pour toward this mine pick and go.

Generally speaking, Zhenyuan can easily invade weapons and weapons, but he faintly feels that the pickaxe seems to be very repellent to Zhenyuan, and Zhenyuan can't infuse it at all


Next, Luo Zheng used his soul's perception, but just came into contact with the black star mining pick, which was also isolated by an invisible force.

"Do you need blood to recognize the Lord?"

Luo Zheng blinked his eyes for a moment. With a little finger picking, a wisp of fresh blood shot out, but before the blood was splashed on the black star pick, it slid down to both sides.


Looking at the black star pickaxe without oil and salt, Luo Zheng suddenly felt like he was coming back to Baoshan empty handed. He had nothing to do with it.

Luo Zheng blinked helplessly and looked at those divine geniuses in the distance. At this time, no one dares to get close to them, and he can't expect to get a method from them.

When Luo Zheng was at a loss, a faint voice in his mind rang again

"Black star mine pickaxe, hehe, the supreme artifact I know it's buried in the tree of the earth. I didn't expect that you really took it out... " The sound of the green dragon drifts over.

"You wake up!" Luo Zheng's face showed surprise. He thought Qinglong would sleep for a long time.

Qinglong's faint voice floated over, and there was a trace of fatigue in the voice. "I feel this supreme artifact."

Luo Zheng is also in a hurry now. Listening to Qinglong's tone, he seems to know this mine tree and the black star mine pickaxe very well. His face immediately shows a happy look. "It seems that I can't use this mine pickaxe."

Qinglong said with a smile, "it's strange that you can use the supreme artifact if you get it!"

"What should I do?" Luo Zheng asked.

The Dragon lineage is a branch of the real dragon lineage. It has half dragon and half human lineage. Qinglong is a super beast in the real dragon kingdom. It's a real dragon lineage. If Qinglong doesn't know how to use the black star pick, it's even more impossible for other people to know.

"I'll teach you to recognize the Lord," Qinglong said easily.

"Is it easy?" Luo Zheng asked.

"It's not too difficult to do it my way," Qinglong said.

Luo Zheng was relieved when he heard the flowers of the green dragon. He is now in the territory of the four great gods. He also heard what the king of Yan said that those gods in the sea would come to the Yuhuang's secret place to catch the miner, hoping to take the "soul core" from the miner's belly. If he could not recognize the master of the black star miner, it would be taken away by the emperor of war.

"Do you see the three holy lines on the pick of this mine?" Qinglong continued, "you only need to activate the three ten star divine patterns to recognize the Lord."

LUO Zheng nodded. The three ten star divine patterns on the black star mining pick have nothing to do with the real dragon and the human race.

Before that, Luo Zheng also thought about whether it is necessary to activate the three ten star divine lines to recognize the Lord? That's why he tried to pour Zhenyuan into the black star pick. But after he poured Zhenyuan into the black star pick, the black star pick didn't react at all. Luo Zheng was helpless or helpless

"All you have to do is draw the other three reverse patterns according to the three ten star patterns to activate it," Qinglong said with a smile.

"The other three contraries?" Luo Zheng's face showed the color of amazement, "isn't it also ten star divine lines?"

With the power of his soul, he can only draw five stars. As for the six star and seven star patterns, he can't draw them at all. As for the ten star pattern, he can't even think about it.

Green Dragon said faintly: "Hey, if it's Ten Star divine pattern, there are few people in the whole world who can recognize the black star miner as the Lord Imagine for yourself, and you'll get it by turning these patterns around. "

"The other way round?" As soon as Luo Zheng's eyebrows are picked, the three ten star divine lines are reflected in Luo Zheng's eyes.

He was building the opposite lines in his mind, and then Luo Zheng's face showed the color of amazement, "this is actually three one star divine lines, and it's the meditation divine lines that I practiced when I practiced divine lines!"

The ten star pattern, drawn in reverse, turns out to be a star pattern

Luo Zheng doesn't know whether it's a coincidence, or whether it's the design of divine patterns."Yes! But too few people know the secret Even if the pickaxe of the black star mine is taken away, if you don't know the mystery, you can't recognize it as the owner, "Qinglong said.

Luo Zheng nodded, then said: "I understand, then I come to recognize the Lord now!"

At this stage, Luo Zheng was impatient, but he took a glance at the pickaxe and looked at everyone's eyes. With a cold smile, Luo Zheng suddenly waved the pickaxe and hit it hard on the ground!

Although he didn't recognize the master, the hardness of the black star pickaxe was extraordinary. With Luo Zheng's wave, he immediately dug out a deep pit on the ground. Then Luo Zheng jumped into the pit and released the real yuan to cover the surrounding area.

After all, only three and one star divine patterns are needed to solve the Ten Star divine patterns on the pickaxe of the black star mine. Among the four great divine kingdoms, there are also divine patterns inheritance and divine patterns master. He doesn't want to reveal this secret.

At the bottom of the pit, Luo Zheng took out some materials and made the rune ink skillfully with his hands.

It's not very difficult for Luo Zheng to make the one star meditation divine pattern. At the beginning, there were still some materials left, and he had already finished the preparation. Then he spread out a piece of divine pattern paper, and a wisp of soul came out of his eyebrow. After connecting it with the rune pen, he began to wave it on the paper.

It's just a matter of an instant to make one star divine tattoo. After dozens of breaths, three meditative divine tattoos are ready.

He took these three meditative patterns and compared them with the ten star patterns on the black star pick.

Indeed, if you draw this star pattern in the opposite direction, it's almost the line of the ten star pattern

Originally, Luo Zheng thought that the composition of the Ten Star divine pattern would be very complicated. Now it seems that it is far from what he imagined. In this way, it really means that different roads lead to the same destination.

"And now?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Activate the star pattern with Zhenyuan, and then print it on it," Qinglong added.

According to Qinglong's instructions, Luo Zheng rubs a divine pattern on it. Just as Luo Zheng rubs it, a divine pattern on the black star pick suddenly gives off light.

Luo Zheng didn't ask Qinglong any more. He continued to print the second divine pattern, and then the third


At this time, the black star pickaxe is finally activated!

A magnificent color appeared on the surface of the pick, which was like a layer of oil splashed in the water, blooming in the light.

"How beautiful Luo Zheng exclaimed.

"It's a reminder that the master of the dragon is not the one who recognizes it," he said.

"Well! Understand Luo Zheng nodded.

Busy for so long, even if he really can not recognize the Lord, Luo Zheng also recognized, after all, he has done his best!

After nodding, Luo Zheng's finger flicked and a drop of blood shot at the black star pick again

Although Luo Zheng knew that if he really could not recognize the LORD with blood, it would be his own life. He was not able to control this step, but his face was still a little nervous, staring at the little drop of blood

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