The whole shenhuang island is a huge cemetery, whose keynote color is black.

On the beach of shenhuangdao, other shenhaijing daemons have been waiting here for a long time. When they saw the four lords with fire, Yuner, Zhou Ning and other young people, their faces looked strange one after another.

"Lord, why did you bring them to the emperor's secret place?" One of the gods of the black iron Kingdom, Haijing Daneng, could not help asking.

This group of shenhaijing daenengs were waiting in place and did not go to yuhuangdao. Therefore, they did not know that Luo Zheng had obtained the black star mining pickaxe and a large number of "soul cores".

Because the soul core is not enough every year, these Shenhai powers are also scrambling to enter the Tianchen secret realm, so every year many Shenhai powers are quarreling for the qualification of "soul core".

Under the condition of insufficient distribution of soul cores, some shenhaijing Da Neng even suggested that we have a fight?

But on second thought, this proposal is too unrealistic. Shenhai is powerful and powerful. If there is such a fight, it will destroy the shenhuang island

This contradiction has not been solved even now, but what do the Lords mean by bringing the princes and princes here? Why is Nala Tianxing here? Do you plan to distribute part of the soul core to these descendants this year?

Zhou Huang is a faint smile, but said: "Zhou Qing, the spare niche are taken out!"

Hearing this, shenhaijing, named zhouqing, was surprised. "Lord, how many soul cores have you got this time? Need to use spare niches? "

The niches are used to stimulate the soul cores. They are also made by craftsmen of the black iron kingdom. This year, we counted the soul cores before we set out. The number is 29, so we need 29 niches to hold the soul cores.

In general, it's good luck to kill all the ore eating insects on the yuhuangdao island and get one soul core. Two soul cores are unprecedented. They haven't been seen in decades.

Did the Lords get three or even four soul cores this time?

Niches are not valuable. Zhou Qing made 200 niches in his hands, but no matter how many niches there are, it's useless without soul core.

Zhou Huang said with a faint smile: "take out all the niches. This time we have more than 100 soul cores."


"More than 100 soul cores! Isn't it possible for everyone to enter the secret realm of heaven

"How can it be! That's only so much in the mine tree, right? It's impossible that all of them have been dug up by the mine eating insects! "

The soul core not only needs to be dug out by the ore eating insects, but also just in these days. Otherwise, it will take too long for these ores to be digested by the ore eating insects.

So they didn't believe that the soul nucleus was taken from the belly of the miner.

But one of the great powers of shenhaijing said, "Lord, did you come up with a way to open the top leaf?"

It's only possible to think about it, but how difficult it is to excavate the leaves on the top floor is also very clear in the minds of these great powers of Shenhai, so the expressions on their faces are both cautious and excited.

Zhou Huang said with a smile, "everyone, I want to thank Tianxing. These soul cores are excavated one by one by Tianxing."

These words once again shocked those shenhaijing powerful people. As for the more than 20 shenhaijing powerful people who came from Yuhuang Island, their faces were all smiling. They were also frightened at the beginning. No one thought that Luo Zheng could take out the black star ore pickaxe.

However, compared with the shock of the black star mine pickaxe and the mine tree, it is far less than the shock brought about by the Luo expedition

Later, Zhou Huang recounted what happened on Yuhuang island with these great powers of the divine sea. When those great powers of the divine sea looked at Luo Zheng again, their eyes changed.

Repair the flight path For them, I'm afraid it's unprecedented good news. Compared with this good news, it seems that it's a piece of cake to explore the secrets of the day.

However, the shenhaijing daceng named zhouqing quickly took out the spare niche.

Luo Zheng saw that the so-called niches were small boxes. The small boxes were exquisitely made with four small feet. The most special thing about the box was its material. Luo Zheng tried to explore it with his perception, but it was suddenly opened.

This niche seems to be able to isolate the perception of the soul

Looking at these shenhaijing daemons busy arranging these, Luo Zheng just stood aside quietly. No matter what, these shenhaijing daemons are afraid that they won't refuse to enter the Tianchen secret place. He just needs to wait.

After arranging these niches, Zhou Huang began to distribute the soul core.

Because this time the number of soul cores is sufficient, not only all shenhaijing can get a soul core, but also huoyuner, huochen, zhouzhihua, Zhouning and other princes of the kingdom of God.

Of course, because Liu Xiu hurt his soul, this time it was not suitable to enter the emperor's secret place.After all the preparatory work was completed, the emperor said, "well, this time I'm afraid it's the largest number of people in recent years to explore the secret place of Tianchen. The corpses occupied by everyone should be as powerful as possible! But it depends on your ability! "

After the announcement of the emperor of Tianfeng war, some of the great powers of Shenhai kingdom were sitting cross legged in the niche, and then took out the soul core in their hands. After the soul core was taken out, it was dribbling and spinning, sending out a strange force from the soul core.

Then, they put the soul core into the niche. When the soul core sank into the niche, a strong attraction came out of the niche.

On the other side of the niche, a light black shadow appeared, visible to the naked eye!

"Soul body?" Luo Zheng's eyes flashed.

Seeing that Luo Zheng was so surprised, the king of Yan on one side said: "this niche with the soul core can help us to remove the soul and enter the cemetery to occupy the corpse."

If the soul is strong, the warrior can take it away, but if you want to control the corpse, you need to rely on the soul core to occupy the corpse temporarily!

At this time, many great powers of Shenhai had already sat beside the niches and put the soul cores into them. All the souls were sucked into the niches. After they were fused with the soul cores, they turned into dark shadows and rushed forward.

King Yan, Huo yun'er and Huo Chen are also like this. They put their soul core into it. In a short time, three dark shadows appeared from the side of the niche. From the shape of the shadow, they can be vaguely identified. For example, Huo yun'er's soul is exquisite, while Huo Chen's soul is very big

Seeing this, Luo Zheng also put his soul core into the niche. After a while, he felt a strong gravitational force coming from the niche!

This gravity is aimed at Luo Zheng's soul. Luo Zheng did not choose to resist, but put his soul into it!

Soon, Luo Zheng felt that his soul had fused this core, and then appeared on the other side of the niche. His soul was able to move freely out of the body.

And just after his soul left, Huo yun'er, Huo Chen, and King Yan all looked over

For example, the souls of King Yan, Zhou Ning and Huo yun'er are all bluish gray, with some signs of instability, while those of the powerful spirits in the Shenhai realm are black, and the souls in the war spirit realm look very stable.

But the soul of Luo Zheng is shining with green oil! In addition, in his soul, also revealed a glimmer of bright light, that is the will of the world!

"Luo Zheng, your soul..." Huo yun'er uses consciousness to communicate with Luo Zheng.

Previously, Luo Zheng's soul was hidden in his mind. No one could see it without entering his mind, but now it can't be hidden.

Luo Zheng light a smile, then say to them: "go, we set out!"

At this moment, a lot of souls, which are fused with the soul core, are marching towards the depths of the emperor's secret place.

The emperor's secret place is a perfectly restored cemetery. After a long distance, these souls stop at the entrance of the cemetery. There is a light hanging beside the gate of the cemetery.

"You, wait for a moment," a god sea can send out the consciousness, immediately will Luo Zheng and others shrouded.

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