Everyone was used to Luo Zheng's weakened appearance. Seeing that Luo Zheng had occupied such a big body, they were not used to it for a while.

King Yan, Huo yun'er and Huo Chen look at Luo Zheng and even grin.

Luo Zheng showed a faint smile on his face and walked a few steps at will. In a short time, he was able to control the body freely.

However, at this time, he suddenly felt a wave of pressure blessing on himself!

That empty mind, suddenly spread out a blood red ripple, the brain around all become blood red, this kind of pressure does not come from the outside world, seems to come from the corpse instinct!

Through the soul core, Luo Zheng had already obtained the control of the corpse, but at this time he found that he could not control the corpse. In the uncontrolled state, the corpse swayed toward the stone pillar.

"Here it is Luo Zheng became cautious at this moment.

Before that, the emperor of Tianfeng war and the Lord of Tianyun had demonstrated for Luo Zheng. They couldn't resist the order of the girl in the pillar and couldn't help walking to the stone pillar.

The key is not that, but that I can't answer the name of the corpse.

"Seal and chop..." Luo Zheng said quietly in his heart.

Soon, he felt that the corpse was hobbling all the way, and suddenly knelt down in front of the stone pillar. At the same time, Luo Zheng also felt that the blood red ripple in his mind was becoming stronger and stronger. That's how the blood red ripple completely isolated Luo Zheng's soul!

At this moment, Luo Zheng felt that everything was so far away from him!

Someone nearby seemed to be talking to Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng couldn't hear a word clearly. The voice seemed to come from the horizon, tiny and harsh.

At the same time, Luo Zheng's thinking has become a mess!

"Answer me Your name, "soon, the voice of the girl in the column began to ring.

"My name, my name..." In the chaos, Luo Zheng could not remember the name of the corpse

"It's strange. I can't remember the name of the corpse at all. I just remember it clearly!" Luo Zheng is also full of depressed color, no matter how hard he tried to recall, there is still no memory about the corpse.

"Tell me your name, or I'll..." The girl's voice was very clear, and Luo Zheng could hear it very clearly.

If he can't think of the name again, he will be kicked out of his mind. Luo Zheng has seen the lesson of the past twice, but the more anxious he is, the more he can't think of it, as if the name has been completely erased from his memory.


When Luo Zheng was hesitating, his eyes crossed red waves and finally fell on the stone pillar!

Name, forever eight words!

Luo Zheng disassembled the name of the corpse one by one and put it on the stone pillar. As long as he restored it a little bit in order, he could get the name.

Horizontal, horizontal, vertical Horizontal

Although Luo Zheng's thinking has fallen into chaos, what the girl in this column affects is only a part of Luo Zheng's thinking, not all of it.

According to the symbol Luo Zheng left on the stone pillar in advance, it is not particularly difficult to spell out such a name!

"First word, seal!"

"Na, Heng Erect Hook... "

"The second word, chop!"

The name is indeed spelled out, but at this moment, Luo Zheng has a very strange feeling to these two words!

"Fengzhan" is a common word, but suddenly, he found that he could not recognize it! These two words, which should be very familiar, became very strange in Luo Zheng's eyes.

This very strange feeling bothers Luo Zheng.

Mingming got the word "Fengzhan" through the eight methods of Yongzi, but he couldn't recognize it strangely. Luo Zheng immediately felt helpless.

At this time, the red ripple suddenly spread wildly in his mind. Soon, his soul was forced out

Later, the body of "fengzha" staggered back to the coffin and lay down slowly.

Seeing this scene, people also showed their helplessness. Obviously, Luo Zheng didn't fight against the girl's will.

"How do you feel?" Zhou Huang said with a faint smile that he had already expected the result.

Luo Zheng "hey hey" a smile, but said: "I have spelled out these two words, know this corpse's owner once called seal chop."

"Oh?" Hearing Luo Zheng's words, the eyes of Zhou Huang, Dayu Zhandi and others suddenly lit up. It seems that this method is really effective?

But then Luo Zheng shrugged, "it's useless to spell it out. The girl's will in the column should be unable to resist. I guess there's only one way to read her name smoothly."

"What can I do?" Asked the emperor."Instinct is the only way to call out the name of the corpse. It's impossible for the occupiers like us to pronounce the name!" Luo Zheng said.

From birth to death, only one's name remains unchanged. Unless one becomes an idiot, no one will forget one's name. It has almost become instinct to say one's name. So before, someone not only failed to name the corpse in front of the girl in the pillar, but also said one's name.

Only by relying on one's own instinct can one get rid of the confused thinking. The problem is how difficult it is to achieve this without obstacles?

Maybe it's impossible for normal people to do this

Unless they are schizophrenic, part of them daydream that they are another person's identity. If this goes on, a person is almost no different from being crazy.

After hearing Luo Zheng's analysis, Zhou Huang and others felt that it was very reasonable. As for Tianfeng zhanhuang, who had a fluke last time, it was only luck.

"Alas, it seems that this time is still unsuccessful," said Zhou Huang with a gloomy look on his face.

The difficulty of Tianchen secret place is far more than the other three secret places. Without the most powerful corpse, they can't take out the ZuLong egg. This time, they still can't occupy the corpse on the 13th floor. It's impossible for them to capture something in Tianchen secret place.

But at this time, Luo Zheng said with a smile, "since the corpse in the coffin can't be occupied, I can change my target."

"Another goal? Do you mean the corpse in the twelfth floor? " Tianfeng zhanhuang asked.

Luo Zheng smiles, but his eyes fall on the girl in the stone pillar. The girl doesn't know what cultivation is, but from the "aftereffect" she exudes, she is definitely much stronger than the other super powers in the 13th floor!

Several shenhaijing could see Luo Zheng's eyes and were slightly surprised, but one of them said: "this girl He is the most powerful of God! She is more powerful than Duke Du. How can she occupy her body? And, and She doesn't know whether she's dead or alive! "

The divine realm

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly.

In the upper world, the realm of life and death is just the starting point, while the realm of Shenhai is the entry point. This realm of Shenji is the backbone of the warriors in the upper world!

Duke Du refers to the white browed Taoist, who should also be the cultivation of the extreme state of God. As for Tianmiao Taoist, it is estimated that he is also the strong one in the extreme state of God, but what about Yunluo? Although Yunluo's cultivation of separation is not high, she has millions of separation. I'm afraid her strength is far beyond the divine realm

More powerful existence is not what Luo Zheng can touch now. Even the extreme state of God is enough to make Luo Zheng look up to it.

Therefore, Luo Zheng was more interested in the girl in the column when he heard the words of the divine sea realm.

"Let's not say whether the girl in the pillar is alive or dead. First of all, the iron chain can't be untied, including the crystal coffin. It's impossible to control her body," Zhou Huang said.

However, at this time, Luo Zheng has a strange smile, slowly back to the coffin next to the seal cut, hand is to take a small Xumi ring in hand.

When a lot of shenhaijing can see this scene, their faces are suddenly enlightened, and their eyes are bursting with surprise!

Including Huo Yuner, King Yan and others also want to understand, even the most dull huochen also said: "by the way, with the black star pick, you can open the crystal coffin!"

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