There is no doubt about Qiu Gang's strength. ·

in the past few years, you only need to cross that bottleneck and transform the true Qi into the true yuan, then you can become a congenital creature.

However, he has been stuck in this bottleneck for many years. No matter how hard he works on Xiaoyu peak, it is difficult for him to overcome that bottleneck.

All martial arts practitioners understand one truth.

Only by constantly experiencing the fight between blood and fire can we make the most effective breakthrough.

It will take ten years or even more to overcome this bottleneck if you have been staying on the drizzle peak for a long time.

Therefore, Qiu Gang wants to seize this opportunity, take advantage of this opportunity to cross the bottleneck and step into the congenital secret.

In the face of that strange demon clan, Qiu Gang is also afraid.

That kind of evil spirit erodes into the body, can let him rise a most primitive fear from the bottom of his heart.

It seemed that a voice kept telling him to run away.

But at this time, he summoned up the courage, in full view of the public, toward the demon monster.

Soon, Qiu Gang crossed the first circle drawn by Su Lingyun.

When he came near, the monster looked at him with two ugly eyes on its head.

Although this demon clan has been very weak and has no ability to hurt people, their innate evil spirit has not weakened at all.

"Guga," the mouth full of tusks of the demon clan closed one by one, as if throwing a mocking look at Qiu Gang.

The blood color on Qiu Gang's face suddenly dissipated, revealing the general color of white paper. The instinct of his body drove him to escape.

But after all, he is the fourth expert in the outer door. At the moment, he took two deep breaths of air, lifted up his courage, twisted his feet stiffly, and moved forward with a strange pace.

Second lap

The third lap

When Qiu Gang came to the fourth circle, the demon clan suddenly opened the big mouth of the blood basin and howled at Qiu Gang.

"GA -"

in the face of the howl of the demon clan, Qiu Gang's courage dissipated at this time.

Qiu Gang suddenly turned his head, but his feet didn't coordinate, but he couldn't escape. Instead, he was tripped on the ground by himself. Then he almost used both hands and feet, and crawled out of the third circle in a very embarrassed way.

Seeing Qiu Gang's performance, everyone was very silent.

We are in the imperial capital, far away from the Shura battlefield, and separated by the Baidi City, which is garrisoned by millions of Imperial troops, so we have a very vague understanding of the demon clan.

I only know that these demons are extremely powerful, and the evil spirit they emit can make people very scared.

They think this fear can be overcome.

But now, when they saw the demon clan with their own eyes, they finally realized that it was not an easy thing to overcome this fear.

Qiu Gang's strength is obvious to all at the outer gate of Xiaoyu peak, and it is also obvious to all at ordinary times.

But just like Qiu Gang, he is so scared in front of the demon clan. What about other people?

Anyone who can become a warrior has the tenacity to admit defeat.

Although Qiu Gang's failure made some people think of retreating, some people who didn't believe in evil stepped into the circle.

The one who tried to get close to the monster this time was a disciple of refining marrow.

This outside disciple is not well-known, and his strength is not at the top of Xiaoyu peak.

But in the case that people are not optimistic, this only outside disciple of refining marrow has stepped into the sixth circle in a row.

Every time you step into a circle, you are closer to the demon clan.

In the sixth circle, the distance from the demon clan is only about Zhang Xu.

But after the sixth lap, the outer disciple held his feet and suddenly his legs trembled violently.

Even so, the strength of this disciple is far less than Qiu Gang's performance is also very excellent, he well controlled his fear, turned back to the same speed, not as embarrassed as Qiu Gang.

Seeing this scene, the outside disciples on Xiaoyu peak understood a truth.

Courage has never been linked with strength, just like a mantis blocking a car. Of course, it's beyond one's ability, but who can deny the mantis's courage?

Whenever someone tries to get close to the demon clan, Su Lingyun records the number of circles they have crossed, and finally chooses the five people who have crossed the most circles to participate in the demon cutting trial.

The fact that the outer disciple of the refining medullary realm was able to enter the sixth circle made many people regain their confidence. After all, many people feel that their strength is far stronger than that of the outer disciple of the refining medullary realm.

After a long time, a total of hundreds of external disciples tried. Among them, the worst one was just entering the first circle, and his heart had completely collapsed, while the best one was Hao Shige.

Hao Shige, who ranked first among the disciples, set a good example at this time.Facing the demon clan, he walked slowly, holding a three foot green sword, and walked seven circles at a time. It was not until the eighth circle that his movement slowed down.

After being roared by the demon clan, Hao Shige turned his head and quickly turned back.

Although we all know that Hao Shige has not withstood the huge evil spirit of the demon clan, he has entered the eighth circle after all, and even when he turns back, his face is not very good-looking, at least his walking posture has not changed at all.

No matter from which point, it has proved Hao Shige's courage.

After Hao Shige jumped out of all the circles Su Lingyun had drawn, he was lucky when he raised his hands, and then his face returned to normal, with a light smile.

However, his eyes, but as if nothing from Luo Zheng's face swept.

Many outside disciples have noticed this detail.

In the mountain challenge not long ago, Hao Shige, as the first outside disciple, should have been fighting, but he was closing the door at that time, but he missed the chance to meet the people of vulture peak.

Since Hao Shige came out of the closed door, he heard that there was a person talking about in the outside door of Xiaoyu peak.

That man is Luo Zheng.

Hao Shige had heard about Luo Zheng for a long time.

Today, Luo Zheng just became a disciple of xiaoyufeng. He met Xu lie, who ranked No. 30 in xiaoyufeng, and his performance was extremely dazzling.

At that time, however, Hao Shige didn't pay much attention to this issue. As the first of xiaoyufeng, he was very clear that there were too many amazing people in the world. At that time, Hao Shige was also born. He challenged several people in a row and finally became a disciple.

However, in the mountain challenge, Luo Zheng, with his own strength, defeated several people in vulture peak, and defeated Liu cunshi, who ranked first in vulture peak.

This was unexpected to Hao Shige.

After the closure, Hao Shige finally broke through the half step congenital bottleneck and stepped into the congenital secret.

After next year, he will be promoted to the inner gate of xiaoyufeng.

However, after closing the door, all people think that Luo Zheng is the first outside of Xiaoyu peak. Even if Hao Shige has stepped into the congenital secret, he is not Luo Zheng's opponent.

This kind of rumor is very harsh to hear in Hao Shige's ears.

So he wanted to find a chance to let Luo Zheng understand who is the outside disciple.

Many disciples noticed Hao Shige's provocative eyes, and Luo Zheng, as a party, naturally knew it.

Luo Zheng also knows what Hao Shige is thinking, and he has no interest in the title of "No. 1 outside door". Naturally, he has no sense of Hao Shige's provocation.

However, he must take part in the task of killing demons.

The pressure on Luo Zheng's shoulders is much greater than that of many people.

All people want to improve their strength in the fastest time, but in contrast, Luo Zheng is more urgent than them!

In front of Luo Yan, he promised that he would take her out of purgatory mountain. If he wanted to rescue Luo Yan, he would face many obstacles. Only if he has absolute strength, he will have that qualification again, otherwise all promises will be empty words!

"Anyone else want to try?" Su Lingyun's beautiful voice is floating in the square.

On the one hand, most of the disciples don't dare to try. On the one hand, they don't have enough confidence. On the other hand, they don't dare to try.

Su Lingyun is a little disappointed and finally looks at Luo Zheng.

Su Lingyun is very clear that Luo Zheng will never let go of this opportunity to temper himself. Before that, he had shown considerable enthusiasm for the tasks issued by Qingyun Zong.

But I don't know what this kid is up to? Still not willing to come out? Su Lingyun's eyes show a trace of doubt, so she just asked, in fact, is to remind Luo Zheng: it's your turn to play.

Luo Zheng smiles, walks out of the crowd and slowly comes to the center of the square.

The eyes of the disciples outside Xiaoyu peak fall on Luo Zheng.

After the last challenge of vulture peak, Luo Zheng has become a legend in the eyes of his disciples.

So everyone is looking forward to Luo Zheng's performance.

"Brother Luo Zheng, come on!" Mo can, standing in the crowd, suddenly shouts.

"Come on Zhou Xian also followed.

Luo Zheng nodded to them, looked at the demon clan not far away, and then walked slowly.

Strictly speaking, the evil spirit of the demon clan can also be classified as a kind of "meaning", but the meaning of the demon clan is different from other "meanings".

Most of the "meaning" can be used as a means to attack people, but the evil spirit sent out by the demon clan can invade people's souls and constantly imply their horror.

If we say that a demon clan and a monster are equally powerful and terrifying, but with the help of their evil spirit, the demon clan can magnify their terrifying power ten times and one hundred times! This is the innate talent of the demon clan.Luo Zheng's soul is very strong, and the general level of "intention" can not cause any trauma to his soul.

But this demon clan didn't mean to hurt Luo Zheng. The message conveyed by that evil spirit constantly suggested that Luo Zheng was a very terrible race!

When Luo Zheng entered the first circle, the evil spirit came to his face. Luo Zheng's heart was almost reflexive, and a sense of fear rose.

The degree of this fear is not high. Luo Zheng smiles a little. After relaxing the whole person, he moves forward and steps into the second circle.

So far, Luo Zheng is the only one who can smile at the demons.

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