At this point, xiyouqin is stupid in other aspects, but he has a very thorough understanding of emotion.

In her heart, she is acutely aware that she can't monopolize Luo Zheng. Although Xi Youqin is also extremely repellent to other women, she knows that Luo Zheng is like a dragon in the abyss. In the future, he will soar to the sky. At such an age, he has become the first person in Zhongyu, and his future stage will not be limited to small Zhongyu.

Being able to marry such a husband is already very satisfied with Xi Youqin. How can she try to control Luo Zheng?

As for Ning yudie's petty behavior, it's Ning yudie's business. Xiyouqin is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She doesn't sympathize with Ning yudie, but she knows better about Ning yudie's position in Luo Zheng's heart. Now she talks like this, but she doesn't want to see Luo Zheng sad.

"Why not? How to persuade? " Luo Zheng had no choice but to smile.

Xi Youqin smiles and says to Luo Zheng gently, "don't women always use to coax? Although she is the Lord of the temple, she is very childish in this respect. If you can coax her with words, it's ok... "

She whispered, breathed out like orchid, and whispered in Luo Zheng's ear.

Luo Zheng is a little smile, in front of her forehead gently kiss, "as if you are very sophisticated general."

Xiyouqin's face is slightly red, and her eyes are flowing. Then she gives Luo Zheng a look, "where is it! Don't I give you some advice? "

However, Xi Youqin's words calmed Luo Zheng a little. Although he thought it was very difficult, he finally understood that some things had to be faced by himself.

After placing xiyouqin, he is ready to enter the cloud hall. Just at this time, the ZuLong in the spirit beast bag behind Luo Zheng suddenly pokes out a small head and barks at xiyouqin. The ZuLong's face shows some intimacy.

"This little guy..."

In Tianyu holy land, the demon night clan gave Luo Zheng a small spirit beast bag.

The general Xumi space can't hold living things, but the space in the spirit beast bag is specially arranged. Although the space is small, it is enough for the present ZuLong to live in it.

After holding it in the spirit beast bag for a long time, the little guy wanted to come out and breathe. This time, he saw xiyouqin and began to shout at her. Then he broke away from the spirit beast bag and rushed to xiyouqin

In addition to being close to himself, this ZuLong likes xiyouqin very much. Luo Zheng is also very puzzling. Is it because of xiyouqin's purple body? Or is there a secret he doesn't know? At the moment, Luo Zheng will not think about this problem. In this case, Luo Zheng will leave ZuLong beside xiyouqin for the time being, and he will turn into a light and fly up to the cloud hall.

Although the great battle of protecting the emperor in the cloud hall is still unfolding, this time Luo Zheng did not choose to take a shortcut, but directly approached from the main gate of the cloud hall.

Several guards are waiting at the main entrance of the cloud hall. When they see Luo Zheng, they respectfully release part of the border and let Luo Zheng in.

After the battle between tianxie Zong and Tianqi City, Luo Zheng returned to yundian after a year. However, he was very familiar with the surrounding environment. After passing through the main hall, Luo Zheng flew all the way to Binggong.

Just at the gate of the ice palace, Luo Zheng felt a cold air escaping from the ice palace.

Looking at the Milky breath, he was immersed in the cold.

Just a few days later, the sound of breaking the ice was just in the air.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

There are three blue ice cones shooting towards Luo Zheng.

Looking at these ice cones, Luo Zheng smiles a little on his face, and his body is easy to avoid. However, he has just avoided, but there are three more ice cones!

This time, Luo Zheng did not evade, but picked up the ice cone and threw it on the floor to make a clear sound.

There are ice cones constantly shooting in the white fog, and Luo Zheng is facing these ice cones all the way forward, so in the ice palace, he is afraid to catch hundreds of ice cones all the way.

And the speed of the ice cone is faster and faster, and the strength is also bigger and bigger!

"This..." Luo Zheng also showed a bitter smile on his face. It seems that Ning yudie is really aggrieved. It seems that he has moved the truth. I'm afraid that the ordinary strong people in the realm of life and death can't catch such a sharp ice cone.

However, for Luo Zheng, such a degree of attack is nothing. In this world, except that the Shenhai realm can threaten Luo Zheng, even if the realm of life and death is strong, it is impossible to kill him, unless it is destroyed together with the whole world.


Luo Zheng quickens his pace and rushes to the depth of the ice palace. Ning yudie sits on the ground barefoot, and thousands of ice cones are suspended beside her!

Seeing the appearance of Luo Zheng, Ning yudie's anger is even worse, and she even has a lot of grievances. She just waves her little hand and shoots all the ice cones towards Luo Zheng!Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng stood still and closed his eyes!

But because of Luo Zheng's action, Ning yudie is scared. The ice cones she releases in anger are powerful enough to shoot the strong people in general! Although Ning yudie also knows that Luo Zheng's body is very different from ordinary people, even though his body is strong and strong, he can't resist such an attack!

Originally rather rain butterfly think Luo Zheng can leisurely Dodge, where think he suddenly stand in situ not to hide? Ning yudie, however, was only a short distance away from Luo Zheng when these ice cones were blasted. She could only scream at Luo Zheng: "stay away! You can't stop it

"Kuang Kuang dang..."

At the same time, thousands of ice cones pierced toward Luo Zheng and hit Luo Zheng. Suddenly, they turned into a piece of blue ice crystals, clanging and ringing.

Those broken ice dregs directly buried Luo Zheng

This scares Ning yudie. Although she resents Luo Zheng, she still loves Luo Zheng. She runs towards this pile of ice dregs barefoot. In her panic, she even forgets that she can remove these ice dregs. After all, these ice cones are resolved by her Zhenyuan. As long as a mind comes over, she can break them into Zhenyuan.

She directly with both hands in this pile of ice quickly digging, while digging, but also shouting his name, "Luo Zheng? Luo Zheng His face was also full of panic.

However, when Ning yudie was halfway through the ice, he suddenly stretched out a hand from the pile of ice, but he grabbed Ning yudie's waist and put her on the pile of ice. As for Luo Zheng's body, he slowly crawled out of the ice.

Seeing Luo Zheng safe and sound, Ning yudie is also surprised and happy, but then anger and grievance appear on her face again!

She was really worried just now. After all, her strength has more than doubled since she entered the realm of life and death. But this time, it's too heavy, but I didn't expect Luo Zheng to be unharmed?

Although Ning yudie knows that Luo Zheng has entered the realm of life and death, his strength must have been greatly improved, but it is not as good as that, is it?

"You Let go Ning Yu butterfly is shy and angry. Her delicate and soft body is constantly struggling in Luo Zheng's arms.

Where is Luo Zheng willing to let go? The hand holding Ning yudie's slender waist is just like an iron hoop, holding her firmly around him. With Luo Zheng's strength, how can Ning yudie make money?

After struggling for a long time, Ning yudie gradually exhausted and relaxed his stiff body, but his face didn't relax at all. He still stared at Luo Zheng with hatred.

I don't know what I think of. From her body burst out a lot of real yuan, condensing a large number of ice crystals, that is, directly wrapping Luo Zheng, condensing into a big ice coffin. The accumulation of those ice crystals layer by layer, the ice coffin is getting bigger and bigger, freezing both of them firmly in it.

The cold is biting, but looking at Ning yudie's fierce face, it arouses Luo Zheng's desire to conquer!

Admittedly, Luo Zheng may not coax Ning yudie with good words, but he can prove it with action!

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