"Don't go, little girl, listen to the old man!" The old man said in a hurry, this is also his blunder. I didn't expect that there are such strange young people in the world. They just regard martial arts as dirt.

But then again, everyone has his own ambition. He has seen a lot of strange guys from Tianwei clan. Since this girl is interested in Luo Zheng, he can only use Luo Zheng as bait.

Seeing the old man's face, Xi Youqin restrained himself and returned to his seat. He asked coldly, "what's the matter?"

The old man said with a smile, "today, the bride is not you, but I can guarantee that you will stay with Luo Zheng for the longest time in the future."

"How do you say that?" Xi Youqin blinked and asked.

The old man shook his head, then looked at Ning yudie, then said: "the bride's talent is certainly good, in the lower world may be the top existence, but in the upper world is not worth mentioning."

Ning Yu butterfly's talent may be similar to that of Huo yun'er, or it may be similar to that of Liuyu. But at most, it can only put its name in the second row of the talent monument. This level can only be recognized by the Tianwei clan, which is far from amazing in the old man's eyes.

"Does that have anything to do with me?" Xi Youqin said with a dull face. The old man went around, but Xi Youqin didn't know what he wanted to say.

The old man laughed again, "it's a big relationship. What kind of person is this Luo Zheng boy? How can such a character be confined to a small middle region? "

Xi Youqin stares at the old man, "what is limited in a small area? This is a vast area with abundant resources. Where does Luo Zheng need to go? "

In Xi Youqin's eyes, Zhongyu is the whole world. Maybe she knows that there is a divine land not far from Zhongyu. Maybe she also knows that the world is divided into many levels, but what does it have to do with her?

In her opinion, there is nothing wrong with Zhongyu. Luo Zheng's current strength does not pose any threat in Zhongyu. It is a great happiness to be able to live comfortably in this happy land. It can't be said that xiyouqin is shortsighted, but she has no interest in everything else.

For example, after awakening Yipin zijiyin, xiyouqin also vaguely knows that her constitution is very special, but she has never thought of practicing or making herself stronger, which is of little significance to her.

Hearing Xi Youqin's reply, the old man can't help rolling his eyes? For the old man, the whole middle region is just a few steps away. The area is not as big as his courtyard, not as big as his inner world

As far as resources are concerned, they are extremely scarce. If you look at these poor people and see one of their artifact, each of them has his eyes shining blue. It's just like starving ghosts who have been starving for a hundred years. It's too unpromising. The artifact is also a good thing for the warriors in the upper world. However, in the eyes of those little guys in the upper world, it is not so rare.

So the old man didn't have the heart to use "backwater" to summarize the middle region, because here is not qualified to be called backwater!

Of course, xiyouqin has a strange temperament. The old man certainly won't take out these words. He just laughs and continues to say: "the middle region is vast and abundant. It's in your eyes, but with Luo Zheng's talent and the Tianyu pill that I poured into him, the speed of Luo Zheng's cultivation will increase by a thousand miles. When Luo Zheng breaks the divine sea, he will be killed by this great Qian The exclusion of the world is to ascend to the upper boundary.... " As a matter of fact, there is also the problem of repairing the feisheng passageway in the feisheng upper bound, but the old man knows that Xi Youqin is not interested in this, and may not even know the problem of the feisheng passageway at all, so he simply hides it.

Never thought that Xi Youqin's face was angry. Instead, he blamed him and said, "you old man don't do good deeds!"

The old man was speechless and choked. He gave Luo Zheng a Tianyu pill. He even told him not to do good, but to be a bad man? So he stared at Xi Youqin for a long time with very funny eyes, and finally said: "even if I don't give him pills, he will still fly."

"And then?" Xiyouqin then asked.

The old man continued: "the problem is here. With your purple extreme Yin body, the speed of cultivation is not slower than him. In the future, he will gallop in the upper world, and the bride will definitely not be able to fly up for a while. Unless Luo Zheng breaks out and connects her back, it will take her at least one or two hundred years to fly up with her own strength."

"And then?" Xiyouqin asked again.

The old man rolled his eyes again. "Isn't that obvious? You can also fly ahead of time. With your constitution, you can catch up with Luo Zheng and give him great help. Can you accompany him? Alas, as for his bride, I'm afraid she's going to stay alone for a hundred years! "

Hearing the old man's sigh, he suddenly let xiyouqin's eyes brighten up and said, "I see!"

"Yes," the old man said with a smile, "so, I'll find a master for you. You can practice in the purple pole world more often. When you get there one day, you will be able to live and fly with Luo Zheng in the upper world!" Then he deliberately glanced at Ning yudie with disdainful eyes, and continued: "don't look at her now more beautiful than you, who laughs last, who laughs the most brilliant, right?"The fire in Xi Youqin's eyes is completely ignited. She has never had any pursuit of martial arts. When she reaches the divine realm, all kinds of pills are used to accumulate. She does not rely on the purple extreme Yin body. Her strength is inferior to that of many martial arts masters.

But people will change, especially the old man gave her a good vision!

For Luo Zheng's sake, she can endure Ning yudie and keep a smile on top of Luo Zheng's double cultivation ceremony with other women, but she keeps it very hard. Now that she has another way, she certainly won't give up.

"Well, I see," said Xi Youqin with her head tilted. "You said to find me a master, but it can't be you?"

The old man shook his head like a rattle. "It's not me, of course. It's my old lady!"

Ninety nine percent of the martial arts with purple extreme Yin are women, with very few exceptions. Naturally, the old man will not teach Xi Youqin.

"But Where is she? " Xi Youqin asks curiously.

The old man stretched out his withered hand and said to xiyouqin, "take your hand!"

Xiyouqin's face is full of strange color, but he still extends his right hand.

"Spread it out," the old man ordered.

Xi Youqin is obedient, will white palm, spread in front of the old man.

Then, on the old man's finger, there was a blood colored cross. The holy lines in the cross were similar to the locators arranged by the Tianwei clan, but the blood colored cross was countless times smaller.


As soon as the Red Cross appeared, it just disappeared into the palm of Xi Youqin's hand. The Red Cross was very striking in her white and delicate palm.

Xi Youqin raised her hand and looked at the rune, but her face was still worried, "what is this?"

The old man said, "it's just a locator. Next time you enter the purple pole, my old lady will find you!"

"Next time you enter the purple pole But I don't plan to go in any more, "said Xi Youqin truthfully. Unless someone else pursues Xi Youqin, she can't hide in it bored.

The old man's eyes glared, "how much do you hate cultivation? You can't do it. You have to enter it sometime. As long as you enter, the old woman will find you! Little girl, if you think about the future happiness of your life, you still have to strive for it yourself Having said that, he deliberately turned his mouth toward the martial arts arena. At this time, many guests were already in a mess. Luo Zheng and Ning yudie were full of happy smiles.

Xi Youqin took a cold look at Luo Zheng and Ning yudie. Then he nodded his head very seriously, "well, I understand!"

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