At the same time, a faint halo of these specific divine patterns erupted, surrounding the whole yuanci holy mountain.

Then the whole yuan magnetic God was a tremor, rising slowly from the sea.

The shape of yuanci mountain is almost the same as that of other mountains. It is about a thousand feet high, and its overall weight is much heavier than that of other mountains. Ordinary mountains are made of rocks, while yuancishenshan is made of yuancishenshi.

However, the yuan cishen stone is strong, but it is not particularly heavy. The main reason is that it contains a complex five elements force, that is, no law can invade it, so it shows the characteristics of the sword. For example, some other mountains are rich in iron ore, which may weigh a lot more than yuanci mountain. But it's useless to use those mountains, so Luo Zheng can't refine them.

Finally, with the rise of the sea, the whole mountain gradually rises.

Some of the creatures that accumulated on yuanci mountain left their nests and jumped into the sea

At this time, Luo Zheng's fingers flicked, and dozens of drops of blood water came out of the body.

"The art of blood refining!"

It's not only necessary to arrange these six star patterns to take away the yuanci holy mountain, but also the key is the skill of blood refining recorded in the wonder of Vientiane.

When the blood leaped out of Luo Zheng's body, it was dribbling and slowly rotating in the air. According to the operation of the blood refining technique, the blood was fused with each other and soon formed a blood refining Rune of palm size.

The blood refining rune is still spinning, at the same time, it covers the huge mountain.

In general, it's very difficult to collect the five elements complex things like yuancishenshan, because no matter what kind of law is used, it can't completely react with yuancishenshan, but the skill of blood refining is very effective in refining yuancishenshan.

Because of this, Luo Zheng is more and more admiring of his master. He just doesn't know whether all the secrets in the wonder of Vientiane were created by his master, or whether he collected them while he was traveling?

With Luo Zheng's blood refining Rune striking on the mountain of yuanci holy mountain, the speed of rotation of the whole yuanci holy mountain is also accelerated, which is the same as that of the previous blood drops and blood refining rune.

"Hoo Hoo..."

However, under the rotation of such a huge mountain, its power is different. When the mountain rotates, it also brings out a lot of wind, and there are some light blue wind blades around it from time to time, breaking out a lot of dull noises.

When the blood refining Rune was planted, it established a certain connection with Luo Zheng. However, this connection came from the connection between Luo Zheng and the blood refining rune. After all, the blood refining Rune was composed of the blood in Luo Zheng's body. Because of this, this connection was very weak, and Luo Zheng could not control the yuanci holy mountain.

At this time, thirty-three divine lines around the mountain burst out a bright light at the same time!

The power of each of the 33 divine patterns is different. Luo Zheng also took a lot of trouble in making these six star divine patterns, and sometimes had to discuss with Qinglong to ask Qinglong to help. Qinglong is the analysis. The purpose of these 33 divine lines is to suppress the five elements in the yuan cishen mountain temporarily. Only in this way can the blood refining Rune be completely immersed in it.

Now, just as Qinglong said, there were several colors flowing slowly in the mountain, but with the thirty-three divine lines coming into play, the force of the five elements in the mountain suddenly stopped flowing!

The original color of a complex mountain, in this moment completely transformed into a pale yellow mountain!

"The power of the five elements has disappeared?" As soon as Luo Zheng's face changed, he felt that the other four forces of the five elements had disappeared completely. Only the force of the earth system law remained in the whole mountain. That is to say, at this moment, the yuanci mountain became an ordinary earth mountain

"Poop, poop..."

A few light green wind blades hit on yuanci holy mountain, and immediately made a deep dent on this "earth mountain". Before that, this kind of wind blade, which only contains two levels of wind system, could not cause any substantial damage to yuanci Shenshan. Even the power of the black wind blade only left a trace on it.

However, the change of yuanci Shenshan is only temporary. If you don't suppress its five elements in this way, it's wishful thinking to accept yuanci Shenshan.

"The person who can come up with such a way to subdue yuanci mountain must be a prodigy," murmured Qinglong, who saw the scene in Luo Zheng's mind.

"While the five elements of yuanci mountain are suppressed, refine it!" At this moment, Luo Zheng suddenly made some mysterious fingerprints in his hands. At this moment, the blood refining rune, which was originally printed on the mountain body of yuanci Shenshan, sank towards the inside of the mountain body.

"Draw the world of six sides with the boundary of Xumi, and close it up!"

At this time, among the thirty-three six star divine patterns, there were six divine patterns that burst out the power of the space law.Those forces of space law spread out in an instant, forming a six sided world, including yuanci Shenshan, which is actually a Xumi space, and yuanci Shenshan is included in Xumi space.

With the gradual stabilization of Xumi space, the hexagonal world began to shrink rapidly, and the whole yuanci holy mountain became smaller and smaller in equal proportion. At the same time, the speed of rotation became faster and faster. A thousand Zhang mountain turned into a palm sized Mini hill in front of Luo Zheng. It was still spinning continuously, and the surface was still yellow .

After suppressing the power of the five elements, it will take some time to recover. Luo Zheng doesn't care about it. Only when the energy in the six star divine tattoo is exhausted, yuanci divine mountain will naturally return to its original appearance.

Holding the rolling Mini hill in his hand, Luo Zheng's face also shows a satisfied smile. Under the situation that the force of the five elements is suppressed, the yuanci mountain is really useless. I'm afraid that a strong man in the realm of life and death can smash the whole mountain with one blow.

It's just a way to suppress the power of the five elements that most people can't think of. It's also recorded in the wonder of Vientiane. Just as Qinglong sighs, he thinks that it's amazing to use thirty-three six star divine patterns to disintegrate the power of the five elements and transform it into pure earth rules

As far as Qinglong knows, there are so many holy places in the upper world, that is to use the power of the five elements to build the great array of protecting the sect. It is precisely because the power of the five elements has no absolute weakness! So these 33 holy lines can not only be used to break down the five elements of yuanci holy mountain, but those powerful huzong array will become as brittle as eggshell if they encounter this method.

How strong is yuanci mountain, which has restored the power of the five elements? Of course, there is nothing we can do with the mountain. Even if we meet the mountain, we can only sigh. If we want to smash yuanci mountain with violence, we need five or even six or seven levels of power, and there are not many powerful people with such power in the upper world. Therefore, yuanci mountain is bound to become Luo Zheng's big help.

After he got yuanci Shenshan, Luo Zheng's goal had been achieved. However, when he just took yuanci Shenshan, his heart suddenly jumped, and he suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

"Is someone spying on themselves?" Luo Zheng's brow wrinkled, his eyes swept, and his perception also spread out.

There is nothing between the heaven and the earth when the wind blows and the waves roll. As for those living beings in the violent sea of stars, they have already tasted Luo Zheng's sufferings, and this time they have been hiding.

He didn't find any creature peeping at himself, but he was even more vigilant!

At this moment, the space not far behind Luo Zheng suddenly split, and the space was cut. In that space, it was dark, which was the back of the world that the sun could not reach. At the same time, a long dark hook shot out of the space and came straight to Luo Zheng.

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