From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 103: : Goddess of War

The first round of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, the eleventh round officially started.

Let us welcome the players from both sides with the warmest applause.

The first to appear on my right is the seed team of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, God! What am I seeing?

They actually sent only one official team member. Whether this is self-confidence or disdain for the opponent, let us wait and see! ~

Next, appearing on my left is the Elephant Armor Team, which is famous for its defense.

Look at this strong muscle, look at this huge man, look at this domineering school uniform, I seem to have seen an iron wall, an indestructible defensive barrier.

The impassioned voices of the event commentator kept on, causing ordinary people watching the event to shout, and the atmosphere at the scene was ignited again.

"Okay! Let's not talk much. Whether the Royal Academy of the Heaven Dou Empire can overcome all obstacles, or whether the Xiangjia Academy can defend its glory and go further, let our contestants use their strength to tell us."

Let me reiterate the rules of the game. During the game, malicious serious injuries, maiming of opponents, and even death are not allowed.

Now, both sides of the game, open martial arts.

"Brothers, open up your martial arts and crush them."

There was a roar from the Xiangjia Academy, and a wave of air appeared out of thin air, sweeping all directions.

Immediately afterwards, a sound like a roar spread quickly with the elephant armor team as the center.

The burly and tall people of the Elephant Armor Academy suddenly swelled in size, and the phantoms of mammoths appeared behind them.

The pair of eyes showed a fierce light that chose people and devoured them, and bursts of evil spirits spread out.

The Elephant Armor Academy had a high fighting spirit and an aura like a rainbow. On the other hand, the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was very unbearable.

Before they started to fight, the two players were shocked by each other's momentum, their faces were pale, their legs and feet were weak, their standing was unstable, and they almost fell.

The audience booed a lot, and the commentator was not too serious to watch the fun, so all kinds of sarcasm and sarcasm echoed throughout the arena.

Fortunately, the Soul Fighting Arena is protected by a protective cover, which not only ensures that the soul skills inside cannot injure the outside audience, but also isolates the outside sound, so as not to affect the emotions of the players on both sides. The state is about to explode before it hits.

Tang Yuehua glanced at the teammates beside her, frowned slightly, holding a Zijin sledgehammer, and said, "Those who are afraid hide behind me."

"Who, who is afraid."

Someone is tough.

"That's right! We are also Soul Sect, what's there to be afraid of." Someone said stubbornly.

Not to mention, his shouting really boosted the morale of a group of people.

"Yeah! Everyone is about the same age, and the realm is almost the same. What's there to be afraid of."

A group of people clenched their fists and secretly said in their hearts.

"Game start!"

The referee shouted loudly, then jumped into the air, and jumped out of the battle platform in an instant.

"The whole army attacked and crushed them."

A group of people in the Xiangjia Academy screamed strangely. There were only seven people, but it gave the impression that they were facing an army of thousands of horses.

Boom! ~

As they moved, the entire Soul Arena seemed to be shaking.

When the students of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy team who had just raised a little morale saw this, their confidence was defeated again, their faces were pale, and their bodies were trembling slightly.

One side is like a rainbow, with high fighting spirit, like an invincible and ever-winning division, while the other side is trembling, like a concubine taking an exam.

Tang Yuehua, dressed in silver and white, stood at the front of the six people, with a pair of beautiful peach eyes full of unyielding and stubbornness. She couldn't control others, but she knew that she had to persevere.

Only by persevering, can we wait for Ye Han to arrive, to give Ye Han a chance to become famous, and to make it easier for him to find his family.

At this time, the slender figure was in the independent wind, with long silver-white hair flying, heroic and valiant, giving people a feeling of loneliness.

All she can rely on now is herself and the hammer in her hand.


A soft screech was like a clash of gold and iron, shocking people's hearts.

Immediately afterwards, the purple-gold sledgehammer was lifted directly from the bottom to the top.

hold head high! ~

The high-pitched dragon roar resounded through the sky.

A golden dragon head jumped up with a dazzling tail flame, and slammed into the battle formation of the Elephant Armor team.

hold head high!

The mammoth roared in the sky.

A group of people staggered, and the two people in the front took off directly, with a dull look, and flew backwards.

Huhu! ~

The two players on the left and right were the farthest away and were the least affected. After quickly stabilizing themselves, they jumped into the air one after another, catching their captain and vice-captain immediately.

Tang Yuehua stared blankly at her Heavenly Emperor's Hammer. She didn't even think that she would beat the Elephant Armor Academy with her own strength.

Originally, what she thought was to rely on the assistance of her teammates, coupled with the toughness of the Heavenly Emperor Hammer, she should have a certain chance of winning. Who would have thought that she would be so strong.

"Who are you? Sign up for your name. If you can leapfrog to absorb spirit rings that exceed your age, you shouldn't be a nameless person." The captain of the Xiangjia Academy shook his head, looked at Tang Yuehua, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. road.

"I, Tang Tang from the Tiandou Royal Academy." Tang Yuehua took a deep breath and calmed down his excitement, said.

Tang Yuehua has a beautiful face and long silver-white hair hanging down from her waist.

She was dressed in a silver-white outfit, with a slender figure, concave and convex, beautiful curves, gentle and quiet temperament, noble and elegant.

However, who would have thought that such a beautiful and peerless beauty would be able to make such a fierce and domineering attack.

"Tang Tang, I remember you. Now, our game has officially started."

The captain of the Elephant Armor Academy had a deep look and glanced at Tang Yuehua, his voice was somber, and he suddenly shouted, "The battle formation is integrated."

Excited! ~

The seven mammoths hissed up to the sky and turned into a giant elephant that stood upright in the sky.

A powerful aura enveloped the entire Douhuntai, and that terrifying coercion approached the Soul Emperor.


Tang Yuehua still has only one The hammer just now not only established her confidence, but also gave her a complete enlightenment and a rebirth of nirvana.

It turned out that before she knew it, she was already a strong person.

The strong are fearless and move forward bravely, and the road she has to walk is only one word, war.

This is the way of power.

She will use the warhammer in her hand to strike a clear road.

The fourth spirit ring shone, and its power increased ninefold.

This is the spirit ring obtained from a mutant golden ant with a cultivation base of more than 50,000 years. The powerful amplification effect made Tang Hao who helped her obtain the spirit ring lost his mind for a long time, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Compared with his younger sister, Tang Hao felt like a piece of shit.

Given time, Tang Yuehua will definitely be able to hang and beat him.

He was somewhat envious of his younger sister. If he had such talent back then, how could the mere Pope of Wuhun Temple dare to deceive him!

"Wrath of the Earth!"

With a soft snort, Tang Yuehua's body glowed with profound golden light, and his whole body was lifted up, like a giant over ten feet tall, waving the purple-gold sledgehammer in his hand, still a simple uplift.


The whole earth seems to be lifted up!

Then, the war ended.

The terrifying mammoth that merged into one was smashed into the air by a hammer, slammed into the shield of the Dou Soul Platform, and then tore apart, while the seven members of the Elephant Armor Academy vomited blood and lay directly on the ground, losing the fight to continue. Ability.

At this moment, the name of the goddess of war resounded throughout the battlefield.

PS: Thanks to my big brother Blue Sky, White Clouds and Wings Dingding for the reward! I may not be able to see the rewards or monthly tickets of the big brothers at some starting points, so I apologize first here!

At the same time, thank you for your support!

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