From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 127: : Ye Han is not dead

Xiao Wu, Bibi Dong.

Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong.

Po Saixi, Bibi Dong.


At this moment, Ye Han felt a little overwhelmed.

Because Bibi Dong inadvertently absorbed a lot of the power of time and space, his memory reintegrated in an instant, remembering everything.

Ever since he regained his memory, he knew why Xiao Wu was so abnormal a few days ago.

The enemy who killed his mother was right in front of him, and there were a few people who could keep their composure.

Xiao Wu didn't immediately shout and kill, it was already a sign of maturity in her heart.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong has a bit of a conscience, remembering her past kindness, she left behind Xiao Wu's mother's spiritual origin, otherwise, she would be playing with her own rhythm!

As for Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, they were mother and daughter, Ye Han didn't even bother to care about that.

The mother and daughter know each other clearly, but they have always treated themselves as monkeys.

Thinking about it now, Ye Han felt a little ashamed.

After all, he was also a transmigrator, but he was played around by the two natives.

The one who gave Ye Han the most headache was Bo Saixi. His spear probably hurt her not only slightly, but it was not only physical damage, but more of a psychological trauma.

The woman's heartbroken eyes, how could he forget, the lonely back, the dejected breath, the body like a walking corpse...

At the same time, he also thought of Qingqian, Qingxuan, and Qingwu.

Now he has no doubts about the blood relationship between the three and himself. He really regrets it. Why was he so stupid that day and rejected the relationship between them.

Snapped! ~

He slapped himself fiercely, and Ye Han was made to cry foolishly by himself.

Can you blame him for all this?

Finally, there is Tang Yuehua...

Ye Han looked up at the sky, wanting to cry without tears.

"Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong, you have made me suffer so much, although I am sorry for you in the capital of killing, I am not a human, but you are a real dog, you better pray that it will not fall into my hands, otherwise, hehe ."

What is impotent rage?

This is.

As he walked forward, while his heart was tired, he also felt weak in his legs. Although his physique was unprecedented in Douluo Continent, he was also tormented by Bibi Dong. thinking about recovery.

Now, whether it is Bo Saixi, Qian Renxue, or Tang Yuehua, they all have to put it back.

Now he just wants to go back to the Frozen Forest, just to see Binger and Xueer.

Although it was only half a year apart, to Ye Han, it seemed as long as a lifetime.

Having lived in Douluo Continent for so many years, having been to so many places and meeting so many people, the only thing that makes him feel at ease and comfortable is the inaccessible world of ice and snow.

For him, there is a pure land, there is no intrigue, no intrigue, only his lover and those who love him.

No matter how many women he has now, the two figures in the frozen forest will always be the purest and most special existence in his heart, and they will never be replaced by others.

Ye Han was on his way while recovering.


Wuhun City, the Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong had pale pink long hair and a shawl. She had a graceful body and a long elegant dress. She moved her slender and straight legs. In the study, she saw a girl who was reading documents.

She has dazzling blond hair, tall and slender body, and wearing a long golden palace dress, she looks so noble and holy.

Although she is already the mother of a three- or four-year-old child, her face still looks like she is only seventeen or eighteen years old. However, compared to before, she is now plumper and has softer facial features. Compared with Bibi Dong, she has six or seven points. resemblance.

This woman is Bibi Dong's daughter Qian Renxue.

"Siniang, you're back."

As soon as Bibi Dong entered the door, a small figure made a happy voice and rushed over quickly.

However, at the age of three or four, his speed and strength were astonishing. At a distance of four or five meters, he jumped up like a dexterous monkey and threw himself directly into Bibi Dong's arms.

"Well! Come back, has Chen'er been obedient these days?"

Bibi Dong hugged the little guy's body with one hand and pinched his face with the other, with a bright smile on her face, said.

"Mmmm! Chen'er is very good. If you don't believe me, ask your mother. I've finished all the studies you assigned." Ye Chen said.

Then, he looked at his mother.

Blinking his big eyes, he looked at his mother and said anxiously, "Mom, talk to me! Isn't Chen'er very good?"

"Uh! Well, she's very good, but she didn't write well in her studies, and she didn't work hard enough." The blonde girl Qian Renxue came back to her senses, looked at her son, nodded, and said.

When the little guy heard his mother's words, his face instantly collapsed.

Then she looked at Bibi Dong pitifully and said, "Siniang, Chen'er is wrong, you shouldn't lie."

"Since you know it's wrong, you should know what to do next, right?" Bibi Dong said.

If it was normal, her face at this time should be cold, but now, although the smile on her face has subsided, her expression is still soft and she looks so comfortable.

Qian Renxue watched from the side with surprise in her eyes.

She found that her mother had changed. She used to be ruthless and ruthless. Although she was obviously different from ordinary people towards herself and Chen'er, to be honest, Qian Renxue was still a little afraid of her.

Bibi Dong's character is hard to fathom, no one knows what she's thinking, when Bao Qi is slapped and slapped, she doesn't know how she died.

But today's Bibi Dong has changed.

She is so soft, she feels so kind, so warm, people can't help but want to get close.

"Well, then I'm going to write, Siniang, mother, goodbye!"

Ye Chen went down to the ground and waved away.

"Mom, you..."

After Ye Chen left, Qian Renxue looked at Bibi Dong with a confused expression, but she didn't know how to speak for a while.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on Bibi Dong's lower abdomen, and she couldn't help but ask, "Why, how did you gain weight?"

Bibi Dong bent down and looked, her face stiffened slightly.

Because I just hugged Ye At this moment, the white long skirt was tightly attached to the lower abdomen. If it was a normal change, it would not be a big deal, but now, the slightly bulging abdomen is so dazzling.

However, Bibi Dong is not an ordinary person either, she adjusted her mentality in an instant, and said without thinking, "I, I eat a bit more, just digest it."

"Mom, you, you shouldn't be, you shouldn't be, put it on for him..."

Qian Renxue wasn't an idiot, so how could she believe Bibi Dong's nonsense, her face turned ugly in an instant, her lips trembling, she guessed.

However, before she could finish speaking, Bibi Dong grabbed her ear.

"Ah! It hurts, it's gone, and my ear is about to fall out." Qian Renxue screamed.

"Xiaoxue, you've grown so big, I don't think I've beaten you before. Today, I'll make up for one of the biggest regrets in your life." Bibi Dong sneered.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp crackling sound in the study...

"Give me a drop of your blood."

Just as Qian Renxue was about to leave the study, holding her buttocks, which were obviously larger, in both hands, Bibi Dong's voice suddenly sounded.

A hint of doubt flashed in her watery eyes, but when she saw Bibi Dong's raised arm again, Qian Renxue's body trembled, and she quickly threw out a drop of blood essence and handed it to Bibi Dong.

Just when Qian Renxue wanted to quickly escape from the sad place that left her for the first time, Bibi Dong's voice sounded again.

"Ye Han is not dead, he should have returned to the Frozen Forest."

Looking at those excited eyes full of disbelief, Bibi Dong turned around and said inexplicably, "If you want to find him, just go!"

PS: Old rules, ask for tickets

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